NHS Humber Health Partnership
We are now part of a Group – NHS Humber Health Partnership – as we work more closely with our colleagues at Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust.
The Group manages five main hospitals sites: Hull Royal Infirmary, Grimsby Diana Princess of Wales Hospital, Scunthorpe General Hospital, Castle Hill Hospital and Goole Hospital. It provides a wide range of community services across North and North East Lincolnshire, including district nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, psychology, podiatry and specialist dental services.
NHS Humber Health Partnership employs over 17,000 staff, sees more than 1,000,000 patients each year and has a budget of £1.4bn.
Hull Royal Infirmary

Our vision is Great Staff, Great Care, Great Future, as we believe that by developing an innovative, skilled and caring workforce, we can deliver great care to our patients and a great future for our employees, our Trust and our community.
Castle Hill Hospital

We operate from two main hospital sites: Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital but we also have a number of additional services based across Hull.
We employ around 11,000 staff and welcome around one million patients through our doors every year.
- Publication Scheme
- Our Senior Team
- Senior Team Business Expenses
- Senior Team External Business Interests
- Trust Board Meetings
- Trust Strategy
- Vision and Values
- Corporate Documents
- Eliminating Mixed Sex Accommodation (EMSA)
- Charitable Donations
- Care Quality Commission: Fundamental Standards
- Privacy and Data Protection
- Freedom of Information
- Trust Expenditure over £25k
- Safer Staffing Reports
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
- Trust Board Statement: Countering fraud and bribery in the NHS
- NHS Constitution