Thief steals bike from hospital volunteer in broad daylight at Castle Hill

13th September 2018

A volunteer helping patients coming for NHS appointments is facing a £300 bill after a thief stole his bike chained up outside Castle Hill Hospital. David Walker, 66, has given up his Friday afternoons to greet patients arriving at the hospital’s main reception for almost five years. However, he walked out of the hospital at the end of his shift to discover his bike had been stolen from the cycle shelter outside the main reception. … Read More

Trust commissioned by NHS England to provide Yorkshire’s latest TAVI centre

12th September 2018

Heart patients needing aortic valve replacements will be able to undergo the treatment at Castle Hill Hospital from the start of next year. Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has been commissioned by NHS England to set up Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) following a review of services for patients living in Yorkshire and the Humber. The TAVI service means people in Hull, the East Riding, North Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire will be able to … Read More

‘I can see how it’s helping patients get better and back home soon’

11th September 2018

She appears on the ward mid-afternoon, bunting draped over a trolley loaded with brightly coloured plates and trays. Sandwiches, cut into delicate triangles, a rainbow of fresh fruit, milkshakes, chocolate mousse and cheesecake create a mouth-watering feast. There’s even a cheese board, with the option of hard or soft cheese to enjoy with your crackers. Afternoon tea at 2pm is ward nutritionist Michelle Priestley’s pride and joy. Since her appointment in January, Ward 70 has seen … Read More

Hull emergency nurses introduce dementia-friendly A&E

10th September 2018

Two frontline nurses are spearheading a drive to make Hull’s A&E department a friendlier place for patients with dementia and their families. Carers are now able to stay with relatives when they are rushed to the Emergency Department at Hull Royal Infirmary after staff nurses Lisa Branston and Beca Trewhitt made it their mission to improve the experience for patients and their families. Families are also asked to list their relative’s likes and dislikes, what … Read More

Midwives to hold dads-only antenatal classes at Hull Women and Children’s Hospital

6th September 2018

Antenatal classes just for dads are being set up to ensure men are ready for the arrival of their new babies. The HEY Baby team at Hull Women and Children’s Hospital is launching the special dads-only antenatal class at its Carousel event this month. Midwife Melanie Lee, who is part of the HEY Baby team, said: “We want to show dads they have a crucial role to play right the way through their partners’ pregnancy, … Read More