‘It might sound stupid but it’s like going back to a family’

23rd August 2018

He is a familiar friendly face always there to greet you with a smile, a cup of tea and, if you’re lucky, a biscuit. For the past 10 years, Harry Allon gives up his time to volunteer at the Queen’s Centre in the oncology day unit and outpatients department. “It might sound stupid but, especially now I’m on my own, when I go to the Queen’s Centre and I see the same faces you get … Read More

‘You feel like you are the only one they are caring for’: A patient’s experience of the Queen’s Centre

23rd August 2018

Dad of two Gareth Rounding is first to say he’s a bit of a cynic. But ask him how he feels about the Queen’s Centre and the staff who looked after him and he cannot praise them enough. Diagnosed with leukaemia in 2011, Mr Rounding, managing director at steel components manufacturer BW Industries in Carnaby, Bridlington, was admitted to the centre and it was to become his second home for the next year. Even today, … Read More

‘We strive to do our best for patients every day’ – Queen’s Centre haematologist Dr James Bailey

23rd August 2018

He was the haematology doctor on call when the mammoth tasking of shifting oncology and haematology services – and patients – across Hull from Princess Royal Hospital and Hull Royal Infirmary to the brand-new Queen’s Centre. Then a Research Registrar in haematology, Dr James Bailey has clear memories of the logistical nightmare of Moving Day, when the new centre offering the best cancer treatment in Europe accepted its first patients. Dr Bailey said: “I was … Read More

‘We do our best to help our patients’ – 10 years of the Queen’s Centre

23rd August 2018

He sees patients at the hardest times in their lives, not long after they’ve discovered they have cancer. But Therapy Radiographer Rob Brown also witnesses to their hope for the future experienced by those same patients at the end of their treatment. Based at the Queen’s Centre, the radiotherapy team see up to 200 patients a day with five of the six special linear accelerator (Linac) machines built into the slopes of the surrounding countryside … Read More

‘Our patients are a very special group of people’ – 10 years of the Queen’s Centre

23rd August 2018

She was one of the last four nurses to walk out of Princess Royal Hospital in 2008 after spending almost a quarter of a century caring for patients there. Clare Norris felt mixed emotions as she travelled across Hull to the new £67.2m Queen’s Centre for Oncology and Haematology at Castle Hill Hospital in Cottingham. Ten years on from that day, Clare will take a few minutes out of her busy day to think of … Read More