Children’s ward to receive a new four legged visitor…

13th August 2018

Staff on Acorn Ward at Hull Women and Children’s Hospital are preparing to welcome a new teammate of the four-legged variety. Hull-based charity, Nice2bNice has teamed up with staff on the children’s surgical ward to provide young patients with weekly visits from Lewis, the therapy dog. Lewis, a black Labrador, has undergone months of training and visited more than 3,000 children in schools, colleges and activity groups across the area in readiness for his role. … Read More

Cook frozen sweetcorn before adding to salads, advises head of midwifery

13th August 2018

Pregnant women are being urged to stop adding uncooked frozen sweetcorn to their salads after an international outbreak of food poisoning. Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is supporting Public Health England by advising people to stop adding frozen sweetcorn to salads or other ready-to-eat foods unless it has been cooked or heated properly. Pregnant women, older people and adults with weakened immune system are at particular risk of listeriosis, with 11 confirmed cases and … Read More

Small token, huge comfort

10th August 2018

What started out as a small gesture by a local charity is now providing huge comfort to patients with a brain injury. PAUL for Brain Recovery has arranged for comfort bags, known as recovery care packages, to be made available to any patient receiving care on neurosurgical wards 4 and 40 at Hull Royal Infirmary. The bags contain essential toiletry and personal care items for people who may have been brought into hospital unexpectedly or … Read More

Sisters buying a VR headset to help Hull’s poorly children

9th August 2018

Two sisters are devoting their summer holidays to helping sick children about to undergo medical procedures at Hull Women and Children’s Hospital. Amiee Hilton, 11, and her sister Millie, 10, are selling sweets at Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital to raise £500 for Acorn Ward. The sisters will use the money to buy a virtual reality headset to distract youngsters on the children’s ward who are about to undergo medical procedures as part … Read More

A&E porter thanks security officer and staff for saving his life

8th August 2018

A hospital porter told how a security officer helped to save his life after he suffered a cardiac arrest near the main entrance to Hull Royal Infirmary. Shaun Marshall, 49, went outside for a breath of fresh air when he began to feel unwell during his morning shift at Hull Royal’s emergency department. However, security officer Josh Woolhouse rushed to help with two nurses after they spotted Shaun falling to the floor just inside the … Read More