Winter vomiting bug hits hospitals in July

9th July 2018

A virus normally seen during the winter months has led to temporary ward closures at Hull Royal Infirmary in recent days. Wards 11 and 110 have been closed to new admissions due to the winter vomiting bug, Norovirus, and further bays have been closed on ward 31 at the Queen’s Centre, Castle Hill Hospital, due to an outbreak of diarrhoea and vomiting. Both hospitals are continually busy, and the unwelcome news comes as Hull Royal … Read More

A&E staff seeing record numbers of patients with minor complaints

4th July 2018

Stories of A&E departments under pressure have become commonplace during the winter months but staff at Hull Royal Infirmary have seen record numbers of patients in the first week of July. Over 500 people attended Hull Royal Infirmary’s A&E on Monday 2nd July, many with illnesses and conditions that should have been seen and treated at their local urgent care centre, GP, pharmacy or minor injuries unit. Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust which manages … Read More

Calling all school-leavers: Come and see what the NHS can offer you

29th June 2018

Leaving school this summer? If you think working in the NHS is only for nurses and doctors, it’s time to reconsider your options. Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is helping young people aged 16 to 24 find out more about the 322 different careers on offer in the health service. The trust running Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital has set up three projects to give young people from different backgrounds an insight … Read More

Hull choir chosen to sing at prestigious NHS 70th anniversary celebrations

28th June 2018

Hospital staff have been chosen to sing at a prestigious national celebration to mark the 70th anniversary of the NHS next week. Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust NHS Choir will open the ceremony at York Minster, attended by Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt, on Thursday with their rendition of Adele’s Make You Feel My Love. Trust web developer Bonnie Gray, one of the choir’s founding members, said: “It is a massive honour for the choir … Read More

Midwifery Assistants Pat and Janet, both in 70s and still pulling night shifts

28th June 2018

They were little girls when the NHS was created, offering universal health care to everyone whether they could afford it or not. Today, Pat Watts, now 77, and Janet Harley, 76, pull on their striped uniforms two nights a week to work as midwifery assistants at Hull Women and Children’s Hospital. Pat, a mum of two from Beverley with four grandchildren and one great grandchild and another on the way, said:  “I can’t imagine not … Read More