Hull’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit undergoes major transformation

19th April 2018

A neonatal unit caring for the region’s sickest babies has undergone a £45,000 transformation to protect vulnerable infants. Work has just been completed to increase the floor space in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Hull Women and Children’s Hospital caring for sick babies. The unit is a regional specialist centre caring for premature infants and desperately ill newborn babies from Hull, Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire. NICU manager Kate Lamming said the work, paid … Read More

Hospital consultant invites public to learn about the threat of drug-resistant bugs

18th April 2018

The public have a key role to play in preventing the spread of life-threatening infections, a hospital consultant says. Consultant physician Dr Gavin Barlow will give a free public lecture on the need for people to protect antibiotics after seeing the problem worsen since joining Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust in 2004. Dr Barlow, who leads the trust’s work on antimicrobial stewardship, said: “I will explain to people what antibiotics are, what they are … Read More

Overseas staff to cook up a treat to celebrate diversity in the NHS

11th April 2018

Hospital staff will be cooking dishes from around the world next month at a special event to welcome overseas nurses, doctors and healthcare workers to the NHS. Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust will host the food event on Nurses Day on May 9 to celebrate the diverse cultures now working at Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital. In the past few years, the trust has welcomed staff from countries including Spain, Bulgaria, Hungary, … Read More

Students to help hospital team after they achieve record year for organ donations

10th April 2018

A hospital team is marking its most successful year after a record number of families agreed to save lives. Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has revealed 35 families agreed their loved one’s organs could be used to save a life last year compared to 13 in 2016/17. This mean 54 life-saving transplants could be carried out. Trust staff also referred more patients to the organ donation team than other hospitals in the country, achieving … Read More

First baby born at Hull’s Fatima Allam Birth Centre turns 1!

9th April 2018

She was the first baby to open her eyes in the plush surroundings of the Fatima Allam Birth Centre and now one-year-old Connie Houghton is back to celebrate. Arriving at 4.49pm on April 10, 2017, and weighing in at 8lbs 9.5oz, Connie is one of over 340 babies born to date at the city’s £470,000 midwifery-led unit, within Hull Women and Children’s Hospital. Parents Ellen, 32, and Gareth, 34, who also have a son Charlie, … Read More