Hospital staff praised for containing spread of flu during outbreak

26th March 2018

Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital managed to contain the spread of flu this winter despite 70 patient admissions in a single month. Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust saw an increase in younger patients diagnosed with flu in January as a huge spike in cases was reported across England. A surge in babies and young children with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a potentially serious infection of the lungs and airways, was also recorded … Read More

Found out you’re pregnant? Here’s what you need to know for the first 12 weeks

16th March 2018

The line appears on the test and it’s confirmed – you’re having a baby. Congratulations! An exciting chapter in your life is about to begin. But discovering you’re pregnant can also be a daunting prospect. Here, our team at Hull Women and Children’s Hospital tell you what you need to know in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, aka the “first trimester”. Can the test give me a false result? You can never get a … Read More

Prisoner at HMP Hull expresses gratitude to hospital staff after surgery on hand

15th March 2018

An inmate from Hull Prison has thanked hospital staff for caring for him after he suffered a serious hand injury. The prisoner, who is not being identified, wrote to the trust with his non-writing hand after he suffered a complex fracture and spent three days in hospital. In his letter to Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, the man said: “I am writing because I feel compelled to express the extreme gratitude I feel. I … Read More

Staff inundated with donations after thief targets cancer ward

14th March 2018

Hospital staff have been inundated with gifts of tea, coffee and biscuits after a thief ripped a donations box off a wall in a cancer ward. Nurses on Ward 31 at Castle Hill Hospital were shocked to discover the box used to collect contributions for hot drinks and sweet treats had been stolen from a kitchen used by families of patients fighting cancer. However, within hours of Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust revealing the … Read More

Staff at Hull Royal and Castle Hill praised for coping with winter pressures

14th March 2018

Hospital bosses are thanking NHS staff for maintaining a “professional and cheerful approach” during one of the toughest winters in recent years. Chris Long, Chief Executive of Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, said the winter months had been hugely challenging for the 8,000-strong workforce. Increasing numbers of seriously ill patients with more than one health problem have been arriving at A&E over the winter, with frontline emergency teams under intense pressure to cope with … Read More