Investigation launched after theft of cash box for cancer families

13th March 2018

A cash box paying for drinks and biscuits for cancer patients and their families has been ripped off a hospital wall. Staff on Ward 31 at Castle Hill Hospital bought tea, coffee, milk and biscuits for patients and families in their own time using contributions left by visitors. However, ward sister Marie Hardcastle was horrified to discover the metal box where families left donations had been ripped off the wall this week. Marie said: “We’re … Read More

Midwives helping to prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

12th March 2018

Midwives from Hull Women and Children’s Hospital will attend St Stephen’s shopping centre today (Monday) to help prevent more babies dying from cot death. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) claims the lives of more than four babies every week and midwives are promoting the steps parents can take to lower the risk of losing their child. Three midwives will attend the shopping centre today to give advice to parents as part of Safer Sleep Week. … Read More

Thank you to our mums on Mother’s Day

11th March 2018

A hospital trust is celebrating the mothers and daughters who devote their working lives to helping patients throughout East Yorkshire this Mother’s Day. Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust will use its Facebook and Twitter pages to celebrate the contribution of our mother-and-daughter teams. Simon Nearney, director of workforce, said: “We appreciate the vital contribution every member of our staff makes but we’d like to send a special message to the thousands of mothers who … Read More

Help us celebrate the NHS’s 70th birthday!

8th March 2018

The NHS celebrates its 70th birthday this year! To mark the occasion, NHS organisations across Hull and the East Riding are planning a huge event, the 2018 Health Expo, on Thursday 5th July, and everyone is invited! The Expo will be held at the Hilton DoubleTree on Ferensway, Hull, and as part of the event, we’re planning to include an archive display to represent our journey from 1948 through to the present day. This means … Read More

Trust archivist Mike Pearson locates images and plaque to mark World Kidney Day.

8th March 2018

The history of renal services in Hull was brought to life today after trust archivist Mike Pearson took part in World Kidney Day. Nephrology consultant Dr Helen Collinson and members of Humberside Kidney Patients handed off information leaflets and stickers to staff after setting up their display outside the restaurant on the second floor of Hull Royal Infirmary. Mike, who works for the trust’s estates department, spent hours locating photographs and memorabilia outlining the history of … Read More