Want a copy of the Baby Footprints artwork? Here’s all you need to know

25th January 2018

Do you want a print, postcard or canvas of our “Born Into a City of Culture” artwork. Here’s what you need to know I’d like a canvas. Where can I order one? You can order them from the community midwives’ office on the first floor of Hull Women and Children’s Hospital between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. You can also email hyp-tr.hey.baby@nhs.net to place your order. You must type “Footprints” into the subject line … Read More

Operation Wintergreen to deal with unprecedented winter pressures

25th January 2018

More than 8,000 hospital workers are launching “Operation Wintergreen” next week to help East Yorkshire’s two main hospitals deal with unprecedented pressure this winter. Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is mobilising staff from every department to support frontline services after record numbers of emergency admissions of patients with serious and life-threatening illnesses over the past few weeks. Routine surgery and some outpatient clinics will be cancelled for eight days starting on Monday, January 29, … Read More

What you need to know about the “Born Into a City of Culture” celebration

23rd January 2018

Almost 1,000 tickets have been snapped up for a major celebration featuring babies born during Hull’s year as City of Culture. Babies had their footprints taken to create a major piece of art for the “Born Into a City of Culture” project throughout 2017. Now, Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is inviting families to the celebration on Wednesday, January 24, at the Guildhall. Head of midwifery Janet Cairns said: “We have sold almost 1,000 … Read More

Hull surgeon filmed by TV documentary crew after rebuilding girls’ faces

23rd January 2018

A Hull surgeon has been filmed by a television documentary crew after saving children whose faces were ravaged by a deadly infection. Kelvin Mizen, a maxillofacial consultant at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, has travelled to Ethiopia for 10 years to help children with Noma, a bacterial infection caused by extreme poverty and chronic malnutrition which can lead to gangrene. The Captive Minds documentary team, working for Channel 5’s Extraordinary People series, filmed Mr … Read More

Final panel unveiled for “Born Into a City of Culture” artwork

22nd January 2018

The final panel in a major piece of art to celebrate the births of babies born during Hull’s year as City of Culture has been unveiled. Families and midwives watched as the last panel in “Born Into A City of Culture” was unveiled in the foyer of Hull Women and Children’s Hospital this morning. Charlotte Gorman, 24, attended the unveiling with baby son Dougie, one of the last babies to make it onto the artwork … Read More