Celebrating Nurses Day, Friday 12th May

12th May 2017

 “If you want to have a positive impact on people’s lives, nursing is the way to go” They make up almost half of the entire workforce at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, providing round the clock care, compassion and a listening ear to people, often at the most vulnerable times of their lives. International Nurses Day, Friday 12th May, coincides with the birthday of one of the world’s most famous nurses, Florence Nightingale, and … Read More

Celebrating International Day of the Midwife – Friday 5 May 2017

5th May 2017

The pitter patter of tiny feet brings joy to any home, but imagine having the pleasure of helping new life into the world, day in, day out? More than 260 hospital and community-based midwives working for Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust call this pleasure their vocation, and it’s their work which is to be celebrated this Friday 5th May, International Day of the Midwife. With their help, and the support of some 54 midwifery … Read More

Bereavement is everyone’s business

3rd May 2017

A special, two-stage event is being held next week to help employers and members of the public to better handle bereavement. According to the bereavement charity, Cruse, one in ten people in the UK is thought to be affected by bereavement at any given time. Whilst most bereaved people will cope reasonably well at work, others struggle to deal with their loss, and this can impact on both productivity and relationships with co-workers.  And what … Read More

Public urged to plan ahead for forthcoming road closure

28th April 2017

Patients, visitors and staff are being advised to plan ahead when visiting Hull Royal Infirmary from next week. As Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust continues to improve its facilities and services, resurfacing and improvement works are set to take place at the main entrance to the Hull Royal Infirmary site, also known as Lansdowne Street. From Tuesday 2nd May 2017, Lansdowne Street will have a full road closure in place, meaning patients and visitors … Read More

Creating patient smiles with every mile

26th April 2017

A 50-strong hospital team will hit the streets of Hull in June in support of the patients they care for. Staff from Castle Hill Hospital and Hull Royal Infirmary will be running the Jane Tomlinson Hull 10K on Sunday 18th June to raise money for WISHH, the independent charity working to enhance facilities and equipment at both hospitals. People with dementia will be amongst the first to benefit from the fundraising of the hospital team, … Read More