New overnight facilities for dementia carers

1st December 2016

Living with dementia can be an upsetting and often lonely experience, so when someone with dementia needs to stay in hospital, unfamiliar surroundings, isolation, and new faces can all add to a person’s anxiety. But what of that person’s carer or relatives? How often do we stop to think about the impact on them, or the role they might play in their loved one’s recovery? In an attempt to improve the experience of patients with … Read More

Electric vans are a healthy addition to hospital fleet

21st November 2016

Hospitals in East Yorkshire are showing their green credentials by adding three new electric vans to the fleet of Trust vehicles. Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has taken receipt of the three vans as a means of reducing its environmental impact and transport costs at the same time. Dave Wilkinson, Transport Manager at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust says: “Many of the journeys our hospital fleet makes are short journeys, often of just … Read More

79 and going strong: Tom Mathers shows age is no barrier to helping others

17th November 2016

He’s been a policeman, a footballer, and a switchboard operator. He’s performed in Les Misérables and chaperoned Desmond Tutu, and now, aged 79, Tom Mathers is one of Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust’s oldest volunteers. Tom began volunteering on Ward 200, the Elderly Assessment Unit at Hull Royal Infirmary in the summer, joining some 450 other local people who give their time to help others. He comes into the unit several times each week … Read More

Tackling superbugs through better use of antibiotics

14th November 2016

Hospitals’ healthy record showcased during World Antibiotic Awareness Week, 14-20 November 2016 Health workers in Hull are leading the way when it comes to reducing reliance on antibiotics and tackling antibiotic-resistant superbugs. According to recent data from Public Health England, Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is one of the better performing Trusts in the country when it comes to antibiotic prescribing rates. Inappropriate use of antibiotics in recent years has led to the drugs … Read More

Patients to benefit from new £1m hospital scanner

8th November 2016

Patients requiring potentially life-changing investigations are set to benefit from a new, state-of-the-art scanner which has been installed at Hull Royal Infirmary. Radiographers took delivery of the new 1.5T Siemens Aera MRI scanner, valued at around £1 million, last month when it was hoisted into place in the hospital’s MRI Centre. The machine performs body scans to help identify and diagnose conditions such as cancer and epilepsy, for example, but can also be used to … Read More