Hospital staff take family of ducks under their wing

Family of ducks bathing

20th June 2023

Length of stay: Five weeks. Expected date of discharge: July 2023. But this isn’t your average patient needing medical care. This is a family of ducks who have chosen to make the Queen’s Centre, at Castle Hill Hospital, their home. Mother duck and her offspring were first spotted around five weeks ago in an enclosed courtyard next to Physiotherapy. Staff were quick to seek professional advice from animal charities on what to do with the … Read More

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust opens new ultra-modern Day Surgery Centre

19th June 2023

The Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is thrilled to announce the opening of its state-of-the-art Day Surgery Centre, marking a significant milestone in the Trust’s commitment to providing exceptional healthcare services. The £10 million Centre will support the Trust’s elective recovery programme in addressing the challenges posed by the backlog of surgical cases resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. Located within Castle Hill Hospital, Cottingham, this new facility marks the first phase of expansion, introducing … Read More

HUTH IR Consultants travel to India to share skills

16th June 2023

In a significant collaboration, a team of IR consultants from the Trust and the Christian Medical College in Vellore recently led an Interventional Radiology (IR) advanced practice course on vascular interventions in India. This pioneering initiative provided postgraduate trainees in IR with the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and skills in the field. The course marked a crucial milestone in advancing IR practices and fostering international cooperation in medical education between the two healthcare providers. … Read More

Junior doctors to begin 72hrs of strike action on Wednesday 14 June

BMA strike placards held by junior doctors on picket line

12th June 2023

Junior doctors are due to begin 72 hours of industrial action this week. Members of the BMA and HCSA unions will go on strike from 7am on Wednesday 14 June 2023, and the industrial action will end at 7am on Saturday 17 June. Junior doctors are qualified doctors who have anywhere up to eight years’ experience working in hospitals. Junior doctors account for half of all doctors in the NHS, and they play a key … Read More

LiLY Walks launched to help bereaved parents

Members of the Teenage and Young Adult cancer team in a garden setting

9th June 2023

A specialist healthcare team from Castle Hill Hospital in Cottingham is teaming up with Fitmums &  Friends to help support bereaved parents. Castle Hill Hospital’s Teenage and Young Adults Cancer Service, part of the Teenage Cancer Trust, will join forces with the charity to launch ‘LiLY Walks’ later this month. The ‘LiLY’ in LiLY Walks stands for Lives Lost Young. The idea is provide parents who have lost a child or young person, in any … Read More