Using hand-held devices to help your treatment

30th September 2021

We’re not on our phones! It might look like we are but only because we need to be. From Monday, our wards at Castle Hill are switching over to digital nurse care records. This means our ward-based staff will be using hand-held devices that look similar to phones to record vital information about their patients and their treatment plans. Please be reassured that our staff are not using these hand-held devices to browse through social … Read More

Teenage Cancer Unit sets up new wig service for young people

21st September 2021

Hospital staff caring for young people with cancer are launching a new service to help them when they lose their hair. The Teenage Cancer Unit at Castle Hill Hospital is teaming up with the Living With and Beyond Cancer team at the Queen’s Centre to set up a new wig service. Young people who come to the unit for treatment will now be able to purchase wigs in modern styles and in vibrant colors including ombre, … Read More

East Yorkshire families give the gift of life to others

20th September 2021

Twenty-one husbands, wives, sons and daughters in East Yorkshire have been given a second chance of life thanks to the courage of bereaved families. Between April 2020 and March this year, 14 families agreed to donate the organs of their loved ones when they discovered there was no hope of them surviving illness or injury. Thanks to those people who had shared their wishes with their families for what should happen in the event of … Read More

WISHH Charity launches £40,000 ‘By Your Side’ appeal

20th September 2021

Hull Hospitals are here, by your side when you need them, from the delivery of exceptional care, to supporting families and loved ones.  They are a team we can truly depend on when we need them most.  Many of us will have our own story to tell on how hospital staff have touched our lives and gone above and beyond to make a difference. WISHH, the official charity of Hull Hospitals, has launched a new … Read More

Innovative 3D teaching tool to help educate students about organ donation

13th September 2021

School children are to benefit from the latest design innovation to learn about the importance of organ donation in saving lives. Specialist Nurses in organ donation, based at Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital, will use a 3D interactive torso with removable organs including the heart, liver, pancreas and gall bladder, when they tour schools across Hull and the East Riding to explain their work. The 3D torso, which cost more than £3,000, was … Read More