Help for cancer patients throughout COVID and beyond

24th June 2020

Over recent months, the COVID19 pandemic has led to difficulty, heartache and worry for millions of people across the UK. But imagine being diagnosed with cancer at the same time, or undergoing cancer treatment knowing you are much more susceptible should you catch this potentially fatal disease. Thankfully, the staff and patients at the Queen’s Centre, Castle Hill Hospital, have a team of supporters looking out for them before, during and after the pandemic. DanKitching35 … Read More

Pharmacy plays a key role in COVID-19 treatment and research

23rd June 2020

The role of the hospital pharmacist can often be misunderstood, but the recent coronavirus pandemic has really given Hull University Teaching Hospitals’ pharmacy team the chance to shine. Comprising more than 180 staff working across Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital, the team has carried out many essential ‘behind-the-scenes’ duties which have allowed doctors and nurses to continue their life-saving work. As well as ensuring a consistent on-going supply of medications for both COVID … Read More

Continue showing your support for our NHS heroes

19th June 2020

COVID has not gone away. Here’s how you can show continued support for the NHS at the same time as protecting yourself and your loved ones We’ve loved seeing your NHS rainbows and all the doorstep clapping. We are so grateful for all your donations and words of support. We now have an important message we need to share back with you, and it’s to make sure everyone stays safe. As national lockdown restrictions related … Read More

COVID-19: “We now need a different type of public support”

17th June 2020

Hospital staff in Hull say they still desperately need the huge level of public support shown for the NHS in recent weeks, but this time in a different way. As national lockdown restrictions ease and the country looks to resume some kind of normality, staff at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust are also working to resume more routine activity such as hospital appointments and planned surgery. One area which seems to be returning to … Read More

Statement from Chief Executive Chris Long regarding the death of a member of staff

10th June 2020

“On behalf of his family, it is with a heavy heart that I announce that our staff member Richzeal Albufera died on June 9 at Hull Royal Infirmary. “Richzeal was a Biomedical Scientist at Castle Hill Hospital. He joined Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust in April 2005. “Tests confirmed the presence of COVID-19 and, despite the best efforts of our Critical Care team, we were unable to save Richzeal and he died of severe … Read More