Trust awarded £100K to improve disabled facilities

24th January 2020

More than £100,000 of funding has been awarded to help improve accessibility, privacy and dignity for disabled people using local hospitals. Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust will receive £105,000 of government funding to create four new ‘Changing Places’ facilities across both Hull Royal infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital. Hull receives the lion’s share of half a million pounds of capital funding being awarded to ten NHS Trusts today. Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust … Read More

​​​​​​​Emergency consultant uses own experience to help children with Down’s syndrome

13th January 2020

 Paediatric emergency consultant Dr Liz Herrieven has told how her teenage daughter’s dual diagnosis of Down’s syndrome and autism has had a positive impact on her life. Dr Herrieven has taken part in the Shifting Perspectives Podcast to talk about life with 13-year-old daughter Amy. She explained how life-threatening illnesses when Amy was younger has helped her role as a consultant in emergency medicine at Hull Royal Infirmary, given her great insight into what it’s … Read More

Architect of “Better Births” report to witness transformation of maternity care

8th January 2020

The driving force behind the transformation of maternity services is coming to Hull to see changes attracting national attention. Baroness Julia Cumberlege CBE chaired the major NHS review of maternity services which led to the publication of the “Better Births” report in 2016. Now, the Conservative peer is coming to Hull Women and Children’s Hospital this week to meet the midwives introducing sweeping changes to the way they look after pregnant women. Baroness Julia Cumberlege … Read More

Families urged to bring in their own bottles in line with infection control rules

3rd January 2020

 Families are being asked to bring their own bottles and formula milk into hospital to reduce the risk of infection among newborn babies. Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is advising parents-to-be that it will no longer be providing bottles or teats if they opt to bottle-feed their babies. The change is being introduced to follow infection control guidance and to protect all infants on the wards at Hull Women and Children’s Hospital. Janet Cairns, … Read More

First unit of its kind in the country opens at Castle Hill Hospital

2nd January 2020

A new social care unit, the first of its kind in the country to help patients regain independence after stays in hospital, has been set up at Castle Hill Hospital The 14-bed facility, set up by East Riding of Yorkshire Council, will help people who are well enough to ‘step down’ from the intensive support provided by Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust but can’t go home until out-of-hospital support is in place. The East … Read More