JAG accredited PEG insertion training course

This course uses a mixture of theory and hands on training using pig models for PEG insertion. It will provide the essential background knowledge necessary to aid nurses with patient selection and preparation for PEG insertion including common complications and troubleshooting. This is aimed at Endoscopy nurses wishing to train in PEG insertion.

Please find below EYSE’s decontamination video for processing endoscopes which we use on all our basic skills courses.

Endoscopy Nurse Training Day

  • A one day, practical skills course that provides the knowledge of safe practice for all nurses and HCA staff working on an endoscopy unit.
  • Includes a theory session with porcine models in a friendly environment.
  • The porcine models are used for life-like training. This course provides the necessary training and knowledge behind highly complex procedures in endoscopy including injection sclerotherapy, gastric varices, gluing, mucosal resections and the setting up of equipment for variceal banding, snare polypectomy and endoclip application.


Basic skills in Endoscopic Ultrasound EUS:

eyseEUSCourse01 eyseEUSCourse02

This course is aimed at registrars who are training in EUS and wish to improve their understanding and technique.

This is a 3-day course for trainees who are already familiar with EUS and undertaking procedures regularly wishing to improve their overall skills in both radial and linear EUS.

This is an intensive, interactive, practical course covering the theoretical basis of performing EUS and safe and effective peri-endoscopy management.

This basic skills course includes a series of small group and one-to-one teaching sessions, videos, hands-on model work and supervised EUS of patients with oesophagogastric, pancreatic and biliary conditions.

Each trainee will undertake EUS examinations under the supervision of expert trainers.

The one-to-one teaching focuses on the development of individualised learning outcomes and plans to progress skills.


You can contact the EYSE team by emailing hyp-tr.eyse@nhs.net