If you are otherwise well and there are no concerns about your pregnancy (for example any bleeding or pain) you should remain at home to self-isolate for 7 days, take paracetamol as directed on the packet and drink lots of fluids. If you feel your symptoms are worsening or haven't improved within 7 days you should contact NHS 111 or the Women & Children's Hospital for further advice.
If you have symptoms and also have a pregnancy concern (for example bleeding or pain) you should contact the Women & Children's Hospital immediately 01482 604490
If you have an urgent pregnancy concern (for example you think you may be in labour or severe pain/bleeding) you must contact the labour ward immediately whether or not you have symptoms.
If you are asked to attend the hospital when you have symptoms you must attend in your own private transport (not a taxi or on public transport), if this isn't possible please tell the person on the phone who has asked you to attend.
If someone you live with has symptoms you should self-isolate for 14 days. If your self-isolation means you will miss a maternity appointment or scan please get in touch with your midwife or the scan department to re-arrange your appointment.