Please be aware that Hypnobirthing classes are unavailbel until further notice due to COVID-19
Apologies for any inconvenience.
What is Hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing classes are sessions that teach you and your birth partner skills and knowledge to prepare for the birth of your baby. Hypnobirthing will teach you several ways to stay calm, comfortable and relaxed during your birth. It will also help you to get rid of any fears you have about childbirth and give you confidence in your body and your ability to birth your baby, so that you can welcome your baby with joy and excitement.
How will hypnobirthing help me?
When you feel confident about giving birth and free from fear, your body can work at its best, releasing its own natural labour, feel-good and pain-relieving hormones to keep you comfortable and calm when your baby arrives.
Hypnobirthing also teaches you how to make the right choices for your birth, keeping you in control of your experience and achieving the best possible birth for you and your baby, whichever way your baby is born.
Where and when are the classes held?
- Classes cost £150 per couple and will be taught to groups of around seven couples.
- We will teach you over two Saturdays from 9.30am to 4.30pm at Women and Children’s Hospital.
- You will be taught by trained hypnobirthing instructors.
- You will receive a hypnobirthing book, parent folder, relaxation scripts on mp3 and 12 hours of education, plus ongoing support.
What techniques will I learn?
- Breathing exercises
- Deep relaxations
- Visualisations
- Confidence-building and fear-release techniques
- Comforting massage
- How your birth partner can be your support
- How your body is designed to give birth with efficiency and comfort
- Detailed knowledge and information about pregnancy and birth
- A simple practice regime to support you at home
- How the mind and body work together
Is Hypnobirthing just for 'natural births'?
No, this is a myth. Hypnobirthing helps with all births, and is not just about having a natural, drug free birth. Whether your baby is going to be born by planned caesarean, or if you need to have your labour induced, it doesn’t matter. Hypnobirthing will help to reduce your fears, keep you calm and in control of your experience, so that however your baby decides to arrive you have a positive birth experience.
Contact us for information
Call us on 07769671449
Email us at
A hypnobirthing instructor will get back to you within three days.
You can also come along to the HEY Baby Carousel to find out more information, read the online hynobirthing patient information leaflet.

We teach a type of hypnobirthing called KG Hypnobirthing. You can find out more about it from the KG Hypnobirthing website.
There you can also sign up for free daily positive affirmations to be sent to your email address.