Fire safety update

Communications TeamNews

Chris Long, Chief Executive at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust says:

“Firstly, I would like to take the opportunity to reassure patients, staff and visitors that the safety of everyone using
the hospital is of utmost importance to us.

“In light of the tragedy at Grenfell Tower, I requested that we review our already robust arrangements around fire
safety in our buildings and we are currently working to review our existing estate and risk assessments as soon as

“Unlike most high rise buildings and residential dwellings, we are operational around the clock which makes us well
prepared to respond in the event of a fire. There is a 24/7 staffing presence which includes porters and security
staff who are trained as first responders in the event of a fire and can begin to take immediate action should this
become necessary. Buildings are also monitored with fire and smoke detection systems with fire breaks installed
to reduce the risk and speed of fire spread between rooms and floors.

“Regular contact is also maintained with Humberside Fire and Rescue in respect of fire safety and prevention; the
two organisations have a rapid response system in place, and fire training forms part of our mandatory training
programme for staff.”