Protect your baby this winter at our special Carousel event

Communications TeamNews

Midwives will help pregnant women protect their babies from flu at the HEY Baby Carousel event at Hull Women and Children’s hospital this week.

Mums-to-be will be able to receive flu vaccinations from a team of specially-trained midwives if they bring their hand-held maternity notes to the event on Wednesday night (November 28) between 6pm and 8pm.

Hull’s team of midwives, midwifery assistants and birth educators will also be on hand to give out hints and tips on having a healthy pregnancy with parents-to-be shown how to fit nappies, bath their baby and gain safer sleeping advice during practical demonstrations in a safe, non-judgemental learning environment.

Janet Cairns, head of midwifery at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, said: “Keeping your baby safe is an essential part of parenthood and getting the flu vaccine in pregnancy is one of the first steps you can take to achieve that.

“Catching the flu in pregnancy is really serious for both the mother and the baby so getting your flu jab now means you’re protecting your baby, even before they’re born.”

The HEY Baby Carousel is held on the last Wednesday of every month in the ground floor of Hull Women and Children’s Hospital. Parents-to-be are asked to note there will be no Carousel in December as it was due to fall on Boxing Day. Instead, they are encouraged to attend the event this month or on Wednesday, January 30.

Hundreds of couples attend, often with their own parents, friends or other children, to talk to our midwives and childcare experts at the friendly and welcoming drop-in session. Some choose to come more than once, at different stages of their pregnancies.

People can wander through the stalls offering advice on healthy lifestyles, smoking cessation, emotional and mental wellbeing for partners and keeping fit during pregnancy, birth and after your baby has arrived.

If women bring their hand-held maternity notes, the midwives can discuss birth plans and give out MAT B1 forms which need to be handed into employers to claim maternity leave and pay.

Families can also speak to our midwives for advice and discuss options for giving birth including the midwifery-led Fatima Allam Birth Centre, in your own home or with consultant-led care at Hull’s delivery ward on the second floor of the hospital.

There’s no need to book an appointment – just drop in any time between 6pm and 8pm.