HUTH celebrates remarkable representation of BAME workforce

Communications TeamNews

The Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (HUTH) is delighted to announce that its workforce is now made up of 2,043 staff from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) backgrounds.

This figure indicates that BAME staff now constitute 19.6 per cent of the 10,400 workforce of the Trust. As the largest employer in Hull and the East Yorkshire region, this milestone demonstrates the Trust’s ongoing dedication to fostering a diverse and representative workplace.

The Trust recognises that diversity is a cornerstone to innovation and progress and is delighted to have reached this significant milestone as it reflects our commitment to creating an inclusive environment, where everyone has equal opportunities to thrive and contribute their unique perspectives.

Professor Makani Purva, Chief Medical Officer, says: “We believe that diversity is our strength and that our success lies in embracing the richness of our employees’ backgrounds and experiences. We are proud of the progress we have made in increasing BAME representation within our organisation.

“This milestone reflects our ongoing efforts to build a more inclusive and representative workforce. By nurturing a culture of respect, equality, and inclusion, we have built a diverse community of talented individuals who bring unique perspectives to the table,” Prof Purva continued.

The increase in BAME representation is due to the Trust’s ongoing efforts to create an inclusive environment that embraces individuals from diverse backgrounds and, in part, to the commitment to swell its nursing workforce through international recruitment. In the past three years, over 400 nursing staff have been employed, ensuring that patients get the care needed when they visit our hospitals.

However, the Trust recognises that there is still work to be done to further enhance equality and combat racism within its walls. To reinforce this commitment, the Trust will be introducing recruitment strategies that actively promote diversity.

The Zero Tolerance to Racism Framework and Reporting Tool which has already been introduced to reinforce the Trust’s commitment to eradicating racism and promoting inclusivity. This comprehensive initiative aims to create a workplace culture where discrimination, prejudice, and harassment have no place. It sets clear guidelines and emboldens employees to call out racist attitudes and behaviours through the Reporting Tool and encourages staff involved in incidents to access support.

Dr Yoghini Nagandran, Consultant, Department of Medicine for the Elderly and Chair, BAME Leadership Network says: “We are immensely proud to have surpassed the 2,000 BAME staff mark, a testament to our commitment to diversity and inclusion. We recognise that achieving diversity is not the end goal but rather a steppingstone towards building a truly inclusive workplace.”

She continues: “The Zero Tolerance to Racism Framework and Reporting Toll reinforces our stance against racism and sends a clear message that discrimination has no place within our organisation. We will continue to prioritise creating an environment where all employees feel valued and supported.”

The Trust remains committed to building on this accomplishment and further advancing its diversity and inclusion efforts. By promoting a culture of inclusivity, the organisation aims to inspire other local businesses and set an example for fostering a diverse and equitable workplace in the region.