Summer graduation party for premature babies

Communications TeamNews

Over 150 people will come together next weekend to celebrate some of the region’s miracle babies.

Hannah Hoff

Hannah Hoff, senior staff nurse

Staff from Hull’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit will be hosting a special summer ‘graduation party’ for babies and families who have been through a neonatal care journey.

Once described as ‘the loveliest place you never want to be’, the unit cares for babies born prematurely, some as early as 22 weeks, and supports whole families through what can be the most difficult time of their lives.

Hannah Hoff, senior staff nurse within the Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) explains:

“Families who come to the neonatal unit don’t usually expect to be here and it can be an incredibly stressful and upsetting time, not only for parents but for siblings and their wider families too.

“We see and support families through some of their darkest times, but there are so many stories of hope and achievement that we wanted to do something to celebrate those who have come through this.

“It’s a great opportunity for parents who have been in similar situations to meet and share experiences, but it will also be wonderful for staff to be reunited with their patients, some of whom they have spent weeks and months caring for, and to see just how well they are doing now.”

Anna Smith

Anna Smith, senior staff nurse

The NICU team will be hosting the graduation party on the afternoon of Saturday 22 July at Victoria Dock, east Hull. The event has been supported by a swathe of local companies and businesses who are providing games, food, bouncy castles, mascots, face painting and other activities on the day.

Anna Smith, senior staff nurse on NICU says:

“We understand it is an emotional rollercoaster being on NICU, so the graduation party will be a great way for our families to celebrate this important milestone and for the children to have some well-deserved fun.

“We are so grateful for the support of local businesses in helping us provide the very best celebration for these families and their babies, and we hope that this can become an annual party so that families can continue to meet and celebrate their neonatal journeys together.”