Hundreds sign up to create a better future for families

Communications TeamNews

A wellbeing study which launched just eight months ago has averaged almost five sign-ups every day since it launched.

Born and Bred in (BaBi) Hull and East Yorkshire, which seeks to use data held about local people to shape health services and highlight societal changes which could improve long-term health outcomes, has attracted 1,204 adult and child participants since February 6th.

The initial uptake was impressive, with more than 100 people signing up in the first four weeks, but it’s the sustained interest in the research project has been truly impressive, as Sarah Collins, Research Lead Midwife, explains:

Sarah Collins, Research Lead Midwife

“When we launched back in February, we set a target for ourselves to recruit 400 people in the first year. We were thrilled when we achieved 100 sign-ups in the first four weeks, but didn’t imagine we’d continue to see such a high volume of interest and willingness to take part in the study.

“We’re now just eight months into the project and we have three times as many people helping out as we were aiming for in the first 12 months; we’re so incredibly grateful to them all, and of course, the more people who sign up, the richer and more meaningful our research, its outcomes and our opportunities to shape local families’ futures, will be.”

The BaBi project looks at both maternal health and children’s health in their early years. It is seeking to connect up all the information that health, education, social care and other organisations hold about young children and women/birthing people to try and identify patterns that could drive improvements in the lives of the next generation and beyond.

In Bradford, where the BaBi study first began, the findings have contributed to bus route diversions in areas where pollution and childhood asthma were noted to be high and the creation of more green spaces to promote better mental health.

Sarah continues:

“BaBi Hull and East Yorkshire will look at the factors which may impact children’s health and then use this data to make service improvements or to highlight changes within our community which could give future generations the chance to grow up healthier and happier.

“We know life becomes a bit of a whirlwind for new parents, so the great thing about this study is that it’s not time consuming for people to help out, and that may be part of its appeal.

“There’s no need for us to ask questions, to weigh or measure the baby, or for parents to keep a diary; it’s as straight forward as giving us consent to access data for the purpose of our research. And if people later decide they don’t want to take part, that’s no problem either.”

The study will be ongoing, with women and birthing people being asked to take part for each new pregnancy.

If you are interested in participating or wish to know more, please speak to your midwife, visit or email the research midwives on