Doctor welcomes approval for Oxford vaccine

Communications TeamCOVID-19 Update, News

A hospital doctor has welcomed today’s approval of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine as a real step forward in the fight against Covid-19.

Dr Patrick Lillie, consultant in infectious diseases at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has been among those leading trials of the vaccine from Castle Hill Hospital in Cottingham.

The first patients taking part in local trials were screened at the hospital on 26th May. Since then, almost 500 people have been recruited from across the Humber, Coast and Vale area to help test the vaccine, accounting for around 1 in every 50 trial participants across the globe.

Speaking after the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) gave the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine approval for use in the UK today, Dr Lillie said:

“For almost a year now, we have seen the debilitating and sometimes deadly effects which Covid-19 can have on patients within our hospitals and the impact this has on their loved ones.

“As a specialist infectious diseases unit, we felt it was important to support research into the virus and so for the past seven months, we have been supporting the Oxford University trials and recruiting patients from a broad range of age groups.

“To hear that the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine has now been authorised as safe and effective to use is great news, and it’s thanks in part to the dedication of our clinical trials team here and the support of all our trial participants.

“We’re really proud to have been involved. It’s good to know we’ve played a part in a development which will hopefully, ultimately, help to bring this pandemic to an end, not just in the UK but around the world.

“This is really encouraging news at the end of what has been an extremely difficult year for us all, but it will take time to roll out. In the meantime, we all still need to keep practising Hands-Face-Space and following all relevant guidance to reduce the spread of the virus.”

“I’ve never been more grateful for the NHS”

Communications TeamNews

Laura tells what it was like to have a C-section after testing positive for Covid-19, and how she ‘never felt anything other than safe and cared for’

Laura was Covid positive when she came into Hull Women and Children’s Hospital for a Caesarean section just before Christmas. When she got in touch a few days ago to tell us of baby Harry’s safe arrival and how positive her experience had been despite the obvious Covid challenges, this really was music to our ears.

If you’re due to have a baby in the coming days, weeks or months, we hope Laura’s story below will offer you some much needed reassurance in these difficult times.

“I opted to have Harry by elective C section. Monday 14th was the day, and it’s a good job it was because my contractions actually started at 4:30am that morning; he was ready to come that day no matter what!

“I’d been isolating at home since Josh [Laura’s partner] had a positive Covid test around five weeks earlier. We did our standard isolation period, though I had no symptoms and so I never got tested. On the advice of the health care visitor, I decided I would just carry on staying at home until the 14th, apart from attending medical appointments.

“Two days before my C section, I went to hospital for routine tests, one of which was a Covid test. I was a bit apprehensive but was quite sure I wouldn’t have it, based on the fact I’d not left the house for weeks and I had zero symptoms.

“However, the next day the phone rang, with a sympathetic sounding midwife on the phone. She told me I’d tested positive and that meant there was a high chance that my birth partner would not be able to attend the birth.

“Phone down, anxiety through the roof, crying on the phone to Josh in the vegetable aisle of Morrisons and then to mum who I’m sure could barely understand me through the blubbering mess.

“It took me a while to calm down, rationalise, and get a grip. I was lucky to actually feel well still with this virus, and lucky that I could still go to hospital at all and receive medical care. I was determined to see the positives (literally)…

“The next day was “C Day”. Josh and I sat in the car in the hospital car park, waiting to see if the lead midwife and surgeon that day would agree to let Josh in, or would this be it? Then just come back to pick us up tomorrow?

“It was an anxious 50 minute wait as they were dealing with an emergency inside. Then the phone rang: “I’m coming to get you both Laura, your husband is allowed in…”

(Here ensued more crying, obviously…)

“From that moment on, the care I received from all the NHS staff at Hull Women and Children’s Hospital was absolutely amazing. At no point was I made to feel anything other than safe and cared for despite the obvious risks to themselves from dealing with a Covid positive mother.

“The midwife that I had that day was so wonderful and reassuring. She was keeping an eye on us all, answering questions, talking us through the procedure. The surgeon came in and talked us through the surgery, and then the anaesthetist (who had the biggest impact on my day) came to explain the epidural.

“We only waited a few hours in our own separate ‘Covid room’ and then we were wheeled down to a special Covid theatre for our special Covid baby. The main concern from all of the staff was not that they were putting themselves at risk to take care of me and the baby, but that I could understand and hear them through their masks and glasses and that I felt happy and understood what was going on.

“They all wore full respiratory masks for the surgery itself; it was like being operated on in a space ship, and during every step of the surgery each member of staff through their many layers of facial PPE got close enough to look me in the eye and tell me what was about to happen.

“Harry was born at 11:50am, but in another 2020 jab to the ribs, he had problems breathing for the first 20 minutes. They whisked him into a room next door for him to be checked over and apart from a few intermittent cries, we couldn’t hear much from him.

“Here the anaesthetist played his major role; when he could see the anxiety on my face, he continually looked me in the eyes and reassured me. He kept popping his head into the room next door and coming back to say Harry was doing okay. Through my streaming tears, the kindness I could see in this man’s eyes through three layers of facial protection is something I won’t ever forget. He kept talking to Josh and I until Harry finally got his act together and was given the ‘OK’ by the paediatrician.

“Another 40 minutes later with Harry now lying happily on my chest, we were congratulated by all the surgery staff and wheeled back to our room. Josh was allowed to stay for another six hours, the midwife brought me tea and toast, and a bite to eat for Josh as he wasn’t allowed to the canteen; an angel in blue scrubs.

“It was then time for Josh to leave and Harry and I to go to the ward alone. I was given my own room at the end of the corridor with my own private bathroom. The aftercare here from the three shift midwives and postnatal team was warm, comforting and despite having to fully PPE up before even opening my door, was attentive beyond belief.

“Living in Greece for the last ten years without an NHS and without any real need for medical care, it’s something that – even throughout all this year’s media – hasn’t really been at the forefront of my mind. But now back in the UK and after that week’s events, then all the aftercare phone calls we’ve received from midwives and consultants, I’ve never been more grateful for the NHS.

“I wish I could thank them all again for making sure our newest member of the family arrived safely. Harry is currently breastfeeding like a champ, hopefully being pumped full of my Covid-19 antibodies and I’ll take that as a victory!”

Harry is pictured  above with mum, Laura, and at the top of the page with his big brother, Jack.


Hull-based hospital documentary returns for a second series

Communications TeamNews

Hull’s hospital heroes will be back on our screens in the New Year as A&E After Dark returns for a second series.

The Channel 5 docu-series, produced by Crackit Productions, first broadcast in June this year and follows the night shift at Hull Royal Infirmary with a specific focus on the emergency department and staff working in urgent care.

Series two was filmed over a two month period in the autumn of this year, and the first episode of the new series will be broadcast on Channel 5 at 9.00pm on Monday 4th January 2021.

A&E After Dark will once again accompany Hull’s team of dedicated doctors, nurses and other healthcare specialists as they respond to out-of-hours falls and fractures, assaults and overdoses, car accidents and cardiac arrests. What will be unique about this series is the insight it gives into caring for patients in the context of Covid-19, including the additional stresses and strains it not only places on health services but on the people working within them.

Chief Executive of Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Chris Long, says:

“A&E After Dark provides a very realistic look at the clinical challenges, the emotional dilemmas and the often difficult decisions our staff have to make on a nightly basis. Being able to respond to the unknown, day in, day out, and have lives depending on you takes a special type of person, but when you consider all the extra challenges presented by Covid-19 over the last nine or ten months, the team has been nothing short of amazing.

“We felt it was important for the public to see and to understand not only the operational impact that coronavirus is having on emergency care, but how it has affected staff on a personal level too. Staff have to try and put their own fears aside about the virus when they come to work, but through A&E After Dark, we still see some of the difficulties Covid-19 causes for staff; their ability to connect with patients and communicate with each other through layers of PPE, the abuse they receive from people who don’t want to follow infection control rules, and in some cases, the crucial extra seconds Covid safety preparations add when getting ready to receive critically ill patients in the hospital.

“ED staff have been incredibly open and brave in accepting cameras in to document what is a really important point in history. I have nothing but admiration for our incredible emergency care staff and those they work with to keep people safe; the radiology staff, the security team, the orthopaedics, plastics and critical care outreach staff to name a few. As a city and as a region, we should be incredibly proud of the people we have here caring for us and I hope series two of A&E After Dark shines a light once again on the fantastic work they do.”

Dr Chris Srinivasan, consultant in emergency medicine at the trust (pictured, right) says:

“Our emergency department really is the front door to the hospital; you never know what is going to come in but our staff have to be ready for the unexpected at all times.

“While we have seen a fair amount of Covid-related activity this year, we have still continued to see many of the other injuries, illnesses and major trauma cases which are typical for the A&E night shift and these are reflected throughout the series.

“For me, the challenge and the sheer variety of cases are what make working in emergency care so exciting and I think many of the team would say the same. Much of this work goes unseen by the general public though, so this is our opportunity to explain how and why some of our urgent work can lead to longer waits for other patients, for example, as well as to showcase the first-class facilities and the outstanding team of health professionals we have here in Hull.

“In watching the second series, I hope viewers will not only gain a better understanding of what goes on behind the scenes at the hospital, but will also develop a new respect and appreciation for the amazing people who are here to care for them should the worst happen.”

Great-grandmother Sheila, 84, declares Covid-19 vaccine ‘best Christmas present’

Communications TeamNews

A beaming smile on her face, Sheila Page declared it “one of the best Christmas presents in my life.”

Sheila Page, 84, became the first person in Humber, Coast and Vale region to receive the Covid-19 vaccine.

Sheila, who has seven grandchildren and eight great-children, said: “I couldn’t wait. People who don’t want it are silly. I was absolutely chuffed when they rang me to offer me it.

“I think it’s marvellous. I feel on top of the world, and it’s one of the best Christmas presents I’ve had.”

Sister Kristy Costa, who delivered the first vaccine

Hospital sister Kristy Costa, who normally works in the cardiology department at Castle Hill Hospital but is one of the team of trained vaccinators at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, delivered the first vaccine to Sheila.

Kristy said: “I was really excited but a bit nervous today. It’s not your average day at work with all the television cameras around.

“But it’s a great day. I’ll definitely be getting the vaccine when it’s my turn because it’s the light at the end of the tunnel.”

Sheila was one of the first of the priority groups including the over 80s, care home workers and clinically extremely vulnerable members of NHS staff to receive the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

These priority groups have been determined by the Joint Committee of Vaccinations and Immunisation (JCVI) because they are at greatest risk from Covid-19.

As more supplies of the vaccine are received, the programme will be rolled out to other groups, including frontline NHS staff, using that national framework.

Chief Nurse Beverley Geary, Senior Responsible Officer for the programme in the Humber, Coast and Vale region, said: “We are proud to be playing our part in the national effort to protect people from this virus.

“We will start vaccinating people over 80 who are coming to our hospital for outpatient appointments from today and we are working with local authorities to identify care home staff who can receive the vaccine and protect residents in their care.

“But it is important to say that while we are moving fast, this will be a marathon, not a sprint. The Pfizer vaccine is complex to move, store and prepare – that’s why initially it will be given in hospitals.

“We are working as quickly as possible with the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and others to agree ways of expanding the programme and deliver it in more ways over the coming days and weeks, like through local vaccination services delivered by GPs, pharmacists and practice nurses and in people’s homes and care homes if they can’t come to us.”

Our team, delivering the vaccines to patients

Hull Hospitals to begin Covid-19 vaccinations

Communications TeamNews

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust today joins the national effort to protect people most at risk from Covid-19.

The trust, running Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital, is one of 50 Hospital Hubs in the country and will be lead provider for the vaccination of people living in East and North Yorkshire and parts of Lincolnshire.

Over 80s, those working in care homes and NHS staff identified as clinically extremely vulnerable including people with specific cancers, severe respiratory conditions and those who have received solid organ transplants will be among the first to receive the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

These priority groups have been determined by the Joint Committee of Vaccinations and Immunisation (JCVI) because they are at greatest risk from Covid-19.

As more supplies of the vaccine are received, the programme will be rolled out to other groups, including frontline NHS staff, using that national framework.

Chief Nurse Beverley Geary, Senior Responsible Officer for the programme in the Humber, Coast and Vale region, said: “We are proud to be playing our part in the national effort to protect people from this virus.

“We will start vaccinating people over 80 who are coming to our hospital for outpatient appointments from today and we are working with local authorities to identify care home staff who can receive the vaccine and protect residents in their care.

“But it is important to say that while we are moving fast, this will be a marathon, not a sprint. The Pfizer vaccine is complex to move, store and prepare – that’s why initially it will be given in hospitals.

“But we are working as quickly as possible with the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and others to agree ways of expanding the programme and deliver it in more ways over the coming days and weeks, like through local vaccination services delivered by GPs, pharmacists and practice nurses and in people’s homes and care homes if they can’t come to us.”

‘National Elf Service’ seeks to help sick children and older people this Christmas

Communications TeamNews

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, which is responsible for Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital have to look at Christmas a little differently this year.

Traditionally, generous members of our community, businesses and sporting teams deliver an astonishing amount of Christmas gifts for the areas sickest children the hospitals care for.  To keep patients safe during the Covid-19 pandemic, the highest infection control procedures and restrictions on visiting loved ones are in place across the hospitals to prevent the spread of the virus.  Hull Hospitals in association with WISHH Charity are enabling our community to still help make a difference across our hospitals in a safe way by supporting our Christmas appeal.

Members of our communities who would like to help spread the festive cheer to patients Hull Hospitals care for over the festive period and beyond, are being encouraged this Christmas to “Help the NHS with the WISHH National Elf Service!” Appeal.

The WISHH Charity, has created a festive fundraising pack, bursting with creative ideas to get our community involved in, but at the same time observing Covid guidance, by taking part in socially distanced fundraising and at home fundraising ideas from sewing to baking, donning festive attire, to adopting one of our Christmas WISHHes, to spread the festive spirit safely in work places and schools by supporting the appeal.

Donations and fundraisers can be set up online via the dedicated Just Giving page One-off online donations can also be made this way.  Donations to the appeal can also be made by sending a cheque made payable to “WISHH Charity”, and posted to WISHH Charity – National Elf Service Appeal, First Floor Administration Block, Castle Hill Hospital, Castle Road, Cottingham, HU16 5JQ. Writing on the back “National Elf Service”.

Funds raised from the appeal will enable the hospitals to purchase ‘Covid safe gifts’ for children of all ages from babies, toddlers, primary and secondary aged young people who will be staying on our wards over the Christmas period. Such support will also make a difference to patients being looked after in Children’s Emergency Department, Eye Hospital, Anlaby Suite and other specialist areas.  Any additional funds will be used to support patients across our hospitals throughout the year.

We will also be supporting our medical elderly patients, providing patients with reminiscence items for dementia patients and other items to make their stay in hospital more comfortable.

This is how your donations could help make a difference:

  • £10 will provide a patient with a toy or reminiscence gift
  • £15 will provide a patient with a mindfulness colouring book and pencil crayons
  • £20 will fund an Art/Crafts Bag – A take-home gift to encourage activities post discharge
  • £25 will provide a teddy bear for a vulnerable child who undergoes medical examination within the hospital
  • £100 – £500 will provide sensory items for our Eye Hospital for example bubble tubes and sensory boards
  • £250+ will provide a Santa sack of games and gifts for children on wards and for those patients with dementia
  • £1,000+ will enhance playroom learning toys and reminiscence areas on our wards for patients now and in future years.

Businesses which would like to support this appeal, please get in touch with Lisa Whitton on 01482 622299 or 07827881766 or email

Beverley Geary, chief nurse for Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust said:

“Members of our local community always go the extra mile at Christmastime to support patients, young and old, who find themselves in hospital; it’s one of the things that’s so great about Hull and the East Riding.

“We are always overwhelmed by the many offers of Christmas gifts and donations we receive, but this year, for the protection of our patients and to enable staff to focus on their care, we are having to do things a little differently.

“While we know people love to collect toys and gifts, we hope people will also understand that safety has to be our number one priority. That’s why, this year, we are asking people to make monetary donations to our hospital charity rather than donating physical gifts, so that we can coordinate Christmas surprises for our patients in a Covid-safe way ourselves.

“The WISHH Charity ‘National Elf Service Appeal’ provides plenty of ideas for ways in which individuals and community groups can still get involved and help us bring some festive cheer for patients spending time in hospital. We’d really encourage anyone who wants to do so to get involved in this way, and help us to keep our hospitals Covid-safe this Christmas.”

Lisa Whitton, WISHH Charity Manager said:

“Covid-19 has dramatically impacted on everyone’s lives.  Our top priority as Hull Hospitals’ official charity, is to keep patients safe, and also to enable members of our community to help us spread the festive cheer to our paediatric and medical elderly patients through our “Help the NHS with the National Elf Service Appeal”.  We have already received calls from businesses and individuals asking about how they can support patients we care for at Hull Hospitals, by enabling members of our community to either make a donation or to become involved to raise funds to the appeal.  We look forward to sharing our festive ideas to inspire our community to brighten the lives of patients at Hull Hospitals.”

For further information call us 01482 622299 or

You can also follow the charity on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @WISHHcharity


Hull Hospitals reach 300 COVID-19 deaths milestone

Communications TeamCOVID-19 Update, News

Teresa Cope, Chief Operating Officer for Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust says:

“The second wave of the coronavirus pandemic has affected our region much more severely than the first, and we are seeing the results of this in both our COVID-related hospital admissions and the number of people dying locally with the virus.

“Behind every death are scores of family and friends left devastated by their loss, and a team of outstanding healthcare workers who will have done their utmost to care for that individual and keep them comfortable until the very end. Our thoughts and our condolences go out to everyone suffering the consequences of this dreadful disease.

“COVID-19 remains a very real danger in Hull and the East Riding. Please help us limit the spread of COVID-19 and keep our whole community safe by following the guidance, including Hands-Face-Space.”

Statement from Chief Executive Chris Long regarding the third death of a member of staff

Communications TeamNews

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Chief Executive, Chris Long, said:

“It is with the deepest regret that I have to announce the death of Nicola Diles. Nicola was diagnosed with Covid-19 and died in our Intensive Care Unit at Hull Royal Infirmary on 15 November 2020.

“We send heartfelt condolences to Nicola’s family, friends, workmates and everyone who loved her.

“Nicola became a part of the Hull University Teaching Hospitals family when she permanently joined the trust in 2016 and she worked as an admin assistant supporting the dietetic team based at Castle Hill Hospital. Prior to that she worked in a variety of agency administration roles across the trust, hence many more staff and patients will have had the honour of knowing her. Nicola was a highly valued member of the team and we are very grateful for her years of service to the people of Hull and East Yorkshire.

“Nicola’s death is a terrible reminder that Covid-19 continues to devastate our staff and our wider community. She is the third member of our team to die following the deaths of Adrian Cruttenden and Rich Albufera in the past few months and we feel the pain of the loss of all three.

“A Book of Condolence for colleagues to pay tribute to Nicola will shortly be shared among our staff.

“We will continue to support Nicola’s family and ask the media to respect their privacy as they come to terms with their terrible loss. We would ask that the privacy of Nicola’s friends and workmates is also respected.”

Hospital visiting stopped at HRI and Castle Hill

Communications TeamCOVID-19 Update, News

Hospital patient in bed

Visiting at Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital has been stopped with immediate effect as a means of further protecting patients and staff from Covid-19.

In light of soaring local infection rates and in line with the Government’s national restrictions, Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is stopping all visiting to patients except in a small number of cases approved in advance by senior ward staff. These ‘compassionate visits’ will be accommodated for patients receiving end-of-life care, those with dementia or learning difficulties only. Birth partners will be allowed to accompany pregnant women during labour and for short, pre-booked slots before or after birth if required.  Co-care givers will also continue to be accommodated in neonatal care. Full details can be found on our Hospital Visiting page.

Chief Executive Chris Long said:

“In recent days, we have seen an increase in the number of people dying within 28 days of testing positive for the virus in our hospitals.
“The increase is deaths is a stark reflection of the rising infection rate in Hull, now the highest in the country. No one should be in any doubt that Covid-19 is a very real threat to life, so we must do all we can to protect the vulnerable patients in our care and the staff upon whom we would all rely if we needed admitting to hospital.
“We understand this will be upsetting for some; we are sorry for this and we will do all we can to enable families to keep in contact. This is not a step we take lightly, but it is a step we must take if we are to have any chance to protecting our staff and patients from the virus.”

All wards have been given access to iPads to help families to stay in touch with loved ones. Support staff are being made available to help with these as part of our plan to extend ‘virtual visiting’, which is already in place and working well on our Intensive Care Units.

The trust is now renewing its plea for people to only come to hospital if it is absolutely essential, and to follow the rules of “Hands, Face and Space” by washing hands regularly, wearing face coverings and maintaining social distance.
Anyone with symptoms of Covid-19 should stay at home and call 119 or visit to arrange a COVID-19 test.

Some routine surgery and outpatients appointments to be rescheduled

Communications TeamNews

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has taken the decision to reschedule some routine day surgery, elective procedures and outpatient appointments following a significant increase in patients being admitted with Covid19. All urgent and emergency surgery continues as normal.

Chief Operating Officer Teresa Cope said: “We’ve seen a sudden and dramatic increase in patients with Covid-19 who need to be admitted to our hospitals over the past fortnight and it’s continuing to climb, reflecting the high numbers of people in the city currently being diagnosed with the virus.

“It has become increasingly clear that if we are to have the capacity and staff to care for these patients, we have to reschedule our other work.

“We know this will impact on patients and we are really sorry that we are having to do this. We are deeply sorry to every person affected by this decision. We assure them that we will seek to restart all of our services as soon as possible.

“Thank you for bearing with us through these difficult times, the toughest any of us have ever experienced in the NHS.”

If your appointment is within the next seven days and is to be rescheduled or changed to a telephone consultation, you will receive a telephone call from the Patient Admin team and a follow-up letter.

If your appointment is seven days or more from now, you will receive a letter if your appointment is to be rescheduled or changed to a telephone consultation.

Some patients will still be required to attend to continue treatment so, if you do not receive a letter or a phone call, please turn up for your appointment as normal.