WISHH Charity launches £100,000 Space to Grow Appeal

Communications TeamNews

WISHH, the official charity of Hull Hospitals has launched its annual appeal, ‘Space to Grow’ to raise £100,000 to enhance the facilities of Hull’s NICU.

This will complement the Hospital Trust’s expansion of the unit by 5 cots. Each year, Hull Hospitals’ Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) cares for over 500 premature babies, some stay for hours or days, whilst others stay for weeks and months.

Francesca Mathews (L) Tracey Omar (M) and Jack Jowitt

Hull is one of four Level 3 NICU’s within the Yorkshire and Humber region, caring for babies from 22 weeks gestation offering specialist intensive care for babies locally and across the country. Through the appeal, funds raised will enable WISHH to create:

«  A sensory room to enable babies to learn and develop new connections in their brain through light and sound stimulation.

«  Development of siblings’ facilities – to enable siblings to play whilst families visit, helping to alleviate the stress parents are already going through.

«  Enhancement of the current parents’ facilities – to create a parents ‘Haven’ to allow them to discuss sensitive issues in a calming environment, whilst also allowing them space to gather their thoughts.

«  Creation of a staff training facility – to create a fresh and contemporary learning environment for neonatal staff.

Francesca Matthews, Neonatal Ward Manger said, “Due to the complexity of medical needs, more babies are staying for up to 49 gestational weeks. These ‘older’ babies and their families would greatly benefit from sensory stimulation to support their developmental process, ensuring excellent clinical care alongside vital developmental support.  Such facilities will also provide these families with a degree of normality, being able to interact within a calming and creative environment with their baby.

“Parents and families who are spending time on the unit for extended periods, will greatly benefit from the new sibling’s and parent’s facilities enhancing and improving their experience at what is a very difficult time.  Training is also paramount for our staff and to have a dedicated space will enable educators to deliver specialist training to team members.”

The ‘Space to Grow’ appeal launch has received a fantastic start of £26,000 towards the appeal’s fundraising goal, donated by inspirational fundraisers who all have their own stories to tell on how Hull NICU has touched their lives. These include schoolboy Jack Jowett aged 8, inspired by following in the footsteps of his friend Riley whose baby cousins were cared for by the unit.

Further funds have been raised by members of Beverley Cricket Club, after their Skipper’s wife and baby received lifesaving care from the unit and hospital. Victoria Beadle, championed NICU to her work colleagues and the team at Siemens Gamesa, who adopted WISHH and the Neonatal Unit as their Charity of the Year for 2022, following the care of her twins.

Kevin, Lottie and Gabriel then (L) and now (R)

Sue Lockwood, Chair of the WISHH Charity said, “When Neonatal staff in Hull set out their plans to make improvements to benefit premature babies and their families and asked WISHH for our help, trustees had no hesitation giving our support. We are delighted to launch the WISHH Charity’s ‘Space to Grow’ Appeal to raise £100,000.  The improvements needed are over and above what can be provided by the NHS.

Sue Lockwood

“Parents who have had their pre-term baby cared for in Neonatal Intensive Care know that alongside the highly complex clinical skills needed for their tiny babies, the impact and strain on the family is significant. Many difficult days and nights are spent alongside their infant and family engagement is so important. Current facilities don’t always make that easy. Please help us reach our target in any way you can.”

WISHH are inviting members of our community, schools and local businesses to get in touch to become involved by pledging support of our ‘Space to Grow’ appeal.’ To become involved or for further information, contact Lisa Whitton, WISHH Charity Manager lisa.whitton3@nhs.net or call on 01482 622299.

Donations can be made via our Just Giving Page rebrand.ly/SpaceToGrowDonate WISHH have opportunities through places at events to support the appeal, from the Hull Half Marathon on the 11th June, NHS Big Tea, 5th July, The Yorkshire Three Peaks on 9th September. Supporters can choose their own creative way to support our appeal. Businesses are welcome to get in touch to find out how to become an integral part of the appeal.

Supporters can post a cheque made payable to “WISHH Charity” – writing on the reverse ‘Space to Grow Appeal’, posting it to us at WISHH Charity Space to Grow Appeal, First Floor Administration Block, Castle Hill Hospital, Castle Road, Cottingham, HU16 5JQ.

Quotes from fundraisers who have pledged their support:

Jack Jowitt, Aged 8, Beverley

Jack’s hair length

Jack’s close friend Riley, witnessed first-hand the love and care his baby cousins received from staff at Hull NICU and wanted to raise funds to support the work of the unit.  Sadly, Riley lost his life at the age of 15 and Jack was determined to follow in his friend’s footsteps to continue his fundraising, having his long hair cut to support NICU.

Jack, through the help of family and friends raised over £9,000. When we asked why he was cutting his hair, Jack answered, “I’m doing it for charity and for Riley, to fulfil his wishes”.

Beverley Cricket ClubThe club’s third team skipper Kevin and his wife Lottie were looking forward to the birth or their baby, when unexpectedly they both needed urgent lifesaving care.  Thanks to the brilliance of the excellent NHS staff, their son, Gabriel, was successfully delivered and cared for in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Lottie’s life was also saved.  In recognition of the wonderful care they both received, the club took part in the Lyke Wake Walk, involving 62 participants aged from 12 to 64 years, who came together and walked over 40 miles in a day raising over £9,700!

Siemens Gamesa, HullVictoria Beadle, of Siemens Gamesa and founder of The Fabulous Fletcher Fund in memory of her son. Victoria and her family are heavily involved in supporting NICU, funding a ventilator, two photo therapy lamps and provided thousands of smaller items to support families staying in NICU, including children’s books, knitted items, blankets, incubator covers, baby nests and care packages for parents who arrive with no personal belongings due to emergency situations.  Victoria rallied the support of colleagues across Siemens to vote for NICU/WISHH as their chosen charity of the year with staff taking part in the Hull 10k and holding other fundraising events raising over £4,800.


Photos for illustration purposes and interviews availabile upon request by contacting Lisa Whitton 01482 622299.

Photos to illustrate the appeal and of supporters attached. Provided with consent from the WISHH Charity.




The WISHH Charity is an independent charity created in 2016 supporting Hull Hospitals.  The Charity raises funds through appeals and donations to improve and enhance facilities, equipment and services at Hull Royal infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital for the benefit of patients, visitors and staff.  For more information, visit our website www.wishhcharity.org.uk or follow us across social media @WISHHcharity

About Hull HospitalsHull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has approximately 1,000 inpatient beds, employs more than 10,000 full and part-time staff and provides planned and emergency hospital services for almost 603,000 people in Hull and the East Riding.

It also provides specialist and tertiary services to a 1.25m population from North Yorkshire to North Lincolnshire.

Hull Royal Infirmary provides acute medical and surgical services as well as emergency care. Castle Hill Hospital is the main site for cardiac and planned surgical services and is the regional centre for oncology and haematology.

A Major Trauma Centre for the region, the Trust provides critical care services, with beds for intensive care and high dependency at both Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital. It also runs the Eye Hospital and Hull Women and Children’s Hospital, which includes a 26-cot neonatal intensive care unit and four transitional care beds.

Hull’s hospitals scores success with its Getting to Work staff travel campaign

Communications TeamNews

Hull University Teaching Hospitals has achieved a dramatic 13 per cent reduction in staff driving to and from work in the first year of its sustainability travel project.

Results from HUTH’s annual staff travel survey show the number of staff driving to Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital in Cottingham has declined significantly, with corresponding increases in staff switching to public transport, cycling or walking to work.

More than 1,000 members of staff responded to the survey, which shows almost 19 per cent of staff now use the bus to get to and from work compared to under 12 per cent last year, an increase of seven per cent.

Cycling to work has also become more popular, with 11 per cent of staff now on their bikes to work, an increase of two per cent on the number of cyclists in 2022.

The number of staff using the park-and-ride bus services has also increased by just under two per cent and more than four per cent of staff responding to the survey either walk all or part of the way to work.

Marc Beaumont, Head of Sustainability at HUTH, said: “These figures are very encouraging and underline our commitment to offer our staff feasible, cost-effective alternatives to bringing their car to work every day.”

Getting to Work event at HRI

The trust launched its Getting to Work project to offer staff alternatives to driving to work every day in May 2022 following the launch of its Zero Thirty sustainability campaign and the introduction of daily parking charges at both hospitals.

Partnerships were formed with supermarkets so staff could use their car parks along particular bus routes serving both hospitals. This enabled staff, particularly those in more rural areas of the East Riding, to leave their cars for some of their journeys and use public transport for the rest, saving them money in fuel and parking costs and the hassle of finding a parking space while playing a positive, proactive role in cutting harmful traffic emissions.

The trust worked with bus firms East Yorkshire Buses and Stagecoach so staff could board three new bus services for free anywhere along the routes, just by showing their ID badges. Figures show 10,000 journeys were made on these new services in the first nine months of the scheme.

Staff are also able to travel for free on the existing Park-and-Ride Stagecoach service from the A63 at Priory Park to Hull Royal Infirmary and a shuttle minibus service was introduced from a hotel car park, a mile away from Castle Hill Hospital.

Additionally around 120,000 journeys were also made by staff on two, free bus services between Hull Royal infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital, with staff able to use their ID badges to travel for free on any route between both hospitals.

At the moment, the trust is currently working with Stagecoach to trial a new free bus service for staff living in East Hull who work at Castle Hill Hospital after identifying the travel team identified a gap in provision.

Its travel team is also working in partnership with East Riding of Yorkshire Council to promote cycling to work with a series of events at both hospitals including free bike maintenance, free e-bike loan project and bikes through a free scheme with bike charity R-evolution, securing a 25 per cent increase in applications for its Cycle Scheme in 2022/23 compared to 2021/22.  ERYC has funded additional cycle storage and a cycle workstation for staff use.

Two cycle compounds, costing £180,000 complete with shower and changing facilities and spaces for 100 bikes each, have also been created at Hull Royal infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital in response to staff feedback to signal the trust’s commitment to its growing army of cyclists.

Four Getting to Work travel events have just been held at both hospitals to ensure as many staff as possible are aware of the travel alternatives.

Part of NHS England’s Step Up a Gear group for trusts working to improve sustainable travel, HUTH was also awarded bronze accreditation by Modeshift, Britain’s leading sustainable travel organisation, in the autumn and is confident of securing silver thanks to its survey results.

Woodland trail opens for staff at Castle Hill Hospital

Communications TeamNews

A new woodland trail has been created for staff in the grounds of Castle Hill Hospital to help them relax and recharge their batteries during their breaks.

(from left to right) Chief Executive Chris Long, left, with Castle Hill Gardeners Dave Baines, Andrew Eagle, Kallum Rilatt, Luke Whitteron and Richard Guest with Allison Coggan of the trust’s Up! health and wellbeing programme

Hull University Teaching Hospitals (HUTH) has opened the trail stretching almost half a mile and weaving through the grounds of the hospital in Cottingham.

The safe and tranquil haven for staff was created by Castle Hill’s Gardening team – Richard Guest, Luke Whitteron, David Baines, Andy Eagle and Kallum Rilatt – as part of a project with Up! – the health and wellbeing programme run for staff at HUTH.

Staff are being encouraged to use the trail for team meetings, lunchtime walks and breaks as part of the trust’s commitment to support staff’s health and wellbeing at work.

Chris Long, Chief Executive at HUTH, performed the official opening of the trail by unveiling a plaque to thank the gardeners for their work in clearing a trail through the woods.

He said: “Our staff work in a really high pressured environment as we recover from the impact of Covid-19 on all hospital services.

“This trail means our teams at Castle Hill can benefit from fresh air and exercise during their breaks, enabling them to return to their wards, departments, clinics and offices refreshed and refocused for the rest of their shifts.”



A lifetime of caring: Midwifery Assistance Pat Watts retires after 66 years of dedicated service

Communications TeamNews

Pat Watts, a Midwifery Assistant at the Hull Women and Children’s Hospital has retired after 66 years of dedicated service to the NHS.

From a very young age, Pat knew she wanted to pursue a career in an environment which had people at heart. That passion led her into the health service in 1957 when she joined the gynaecology ward of the Cottage Hospital as a pre-student, aged just 16.

Student nurse, Beverley Westwood, 1959

At 18 she started her career as a student nurse at Beverley Westwood Hospital. After getting married in 1960, she returned to the hospital as an auxiliary nurse, working the night shift until she became pregnant with her first child towards the end of 1961.

In 1963, Pat applied to go back to work, but since there were no available positions at Beverley Westwood Hospital, she ended up working at Brandesburton Hospital instead, again on night shifts. She remained there until the end of 1964 when she left to have her second child with her husband John.

In July 1966, she was able to return to Beverley Westwood Hospital and often found herself in charge of the night shift as an auxiliary nurse. She later had another period of work at the Cottage Hospital, but when it closed down, Pat returned to Beverley Westwood once again. She initially worked in gynaecology ward before transitioning to maternity.

Pat relocated once more to the Castle Hill Hospital, where she worked in the midwife-led birth centre. She also worked in Jubilee Centre, supporting midwives to care for women and training in baby massage before it closed in 2012. She then transferred to the Hull Women and Children’s Hospital where she worked as a midwifery assistant on the Maple Ward.

After 66 years, however, Pat is folding her striped uniform and heading home for good to care for her husband, whose ill health now requires her undivided attention.

While she is more than happy to support her husband, Pat, now 82, said she would have loved to stay on longer.

“I would have continued working. I don’t know how long for because I am quite healthy and fit, but my husband comes first.”

She added that whereas she has loved every bit of her career, describing it as “my life” it was just appropriate to let go now for her husband because, “I just couldn’t leave him.”

Pat (sixth left back row) Beverley Westwood

Pat giving out drinks at Beverley Cottage

Commenting on why she stayed on for so long when others like her have already retired, Pat said she simply could not see herself doing anything else. She tried to wean herself off work by cutting her hours from 30 to 20 but not even that helped.

“I loved working. I loved my job, it’s been my life and kept me going but if you’ve got family, you’ve got to help out. ”

Despite the challenges and the many changes the health service has gone through since she started, Pat said “I have thoroughly enjoyed my job. I loved my team and I miss people.”

For anyone contemplating a career in midwifery, Pat says “go ahead and do it.”

Claire Porteus, Charge Midwife on Maple Ward said: “We have missed Pat since she took her well-deserved retirement. She was everyone’s favourite unofficial Auntie on Maple Ward and made our night shifts much bearable.

“She worked really hard and was such a cheerful team member, and a great listener. Pat is very much loved and she has more than earned her rest and time to spend with her family,” Claire added.

Team members who were also very fond of Pat said they will miss their ‘Queenie’, as she was affectionately called.

“It was a privilege to work with her for the last 27 years. She will definitely be missed. She will be classed as a feature, and is so missed. It has been lovely working with her.”


Joint Chief Executive appointed to Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust

Communications TeamNews

Jonathan Lofthouse - I greatly look forward to working with them all as we move forward with our harmonisation of Group. I see this as the most exciting and fantastic time to be joining and am very much looking forward to moving up to the community.

Following a comprehensive and robust national recruitment process, Jonathan Lofthouse has been appointed as Joint Chief Executive for Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (HUTH) and Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust (NLaG).

Jonathan is currently Site Chief Executive (Princess Royal University Hospital and South Sites) at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in London and has significant experience of not only working in but also developing a group leadership structure for that organisation. Prior to this he was Director of Improvement at Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Sean Lyons, Joint Chair of both trusts said:

“We were pleased with the high quality of candidates who expressed an interest in this position during the advertisement period and we are very grateful to the 50 or more of our key stakeholders from across our ICP region as well our internal workforce who helped us to make this appointment, which has been ratified by the NLaG board of governors.

“Jonathan’s experience and background make him well suited to helping HUTH and NLaG tackle some of our most challenging joint issues around flow, elective backlog, patient environments, and the recruitment and retention of staff. I know that both stakeholders and those on the interview panel were impressed with Jonathan’s approach, creativity and commitment to unleashing the potential of our staff. We look forward to working with him.”

The appointment of Jonathan Lofthouse as Joint Chief Executive follows an agreement between the boards at HUTH and NLaG last November that the two organisations would adopt a Group Leadership Model of management. While the trusts will continue to be two separate organisations they will, in future, share an executive team. Earlier this week HUTH Chief Executive Chris Long informed staff that he will retire from his position and the NHS once the new Joint Chief Executive is in post. NLaG Chief Executive, Peter Reading meanwhile will be taking up the post of Interim Chief Executive at Yorkshire Ambulance Service next month, after current Chief Executive, Rod Barnes announced he would be stepping down at the end of May.

Jonathan Lofthouse said:

“I am both thrilled and humbled to be joining both Trusts as  new Joint Chief Executive, and would like to pay tribute to both Chris Long and Peter Reading for their leadership and dedication. As part of my recruitment process I have already enjoyed visits to all five of the Group’s core sites and met many dedicated staff. I greatly look forward to working with them all as we move forward with our harmonisation of Group. I see this as the most exciting and fantastic time to be joining and am very much looking forward to moving up to the community.”

Jonathan will take up his post later in the year.

Single phone number introduced for parents-to-be

Communications TeamNews

A single phone number is to be introduced by Hull’s maternity team for anyone looking to contact the service.

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust will launch the new number – 01482 311500 – on Monday 22nd May 2023.

The move comes after a recent visit from the Care Quality Commission, when women and families using maternity services reported difficulties getting through to speak to someone.

Lorraine Cooper, Director of Midwifery for the Trust said: “Those expecting a baby will come into contact with so many teams and departments during their pregnancy journey that it can be difficult to keep track of all the various departments and how to contact them. Similarly, expecting a baby in the family can be both an anxious and exciting time so it’s understandable that both those expecting a baby and their partners or family members will need lots of reassurance or questions answering.

“Feedback we received from the CQC’s visit in March suggested callers were having problems getting through to our wards and teams, either because phones were going unanswered or because they couldn’t get to speak to someone in the right area or service.

“By introducing a single number for the maternity service, we hope to make it easier for anyone wanting to contact our wards, departments or any other part of the service to speak to a member of the team.”

The single number will connect callers to a recorded message in the first instance, where they will be asked to select from a number of different options. Once a ward or service is chosen, a ‘hunt group’ system will be used to find the next available phone line which is free to take calls, rather than directing callers to a single number which could already be engaged.

“We hope this move will make it easier for people to get through and to speak directly to someone in Women and Children’s, but we are open to more feedback about how it’s working once the number goes live,” Lorraine adds.

Feedback can be provided through the ‘Ask a Midwife’ direct messaging service on Facebook or Instagram.

Anyone experiencing a medical emergency, such as severe bleeding during pregnancy, should always call 999.

World IBD Day 2023: St Stephen’s shopping centre to host HUTH event on Crohn’s and Colitis

Communications TeamNews

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is joining the global Colitis and Crohn`s disease community to observe this year’s World Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Day on May 19, 2023.

Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis, collectively known as IBD, are chronic autoimmune disorders that cause inflammation in the digestive tract and affects over 500,000 people in the UK. These conditions can cause a range of symptoms, including severe abdominal pain, persistent diarrhoea, fatigue, weight loss and reduced quality of life.

The World IBD day is a global initiative that aims to raise awareness about Crohn’s disease and Colitis, a condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide with prevalence rates approaching one in 100. It also seeks to raise stress the point for more research to find better treatments for people living with the condition and ultimately find a cure.

To commemorate the day, the Trust is inviting the public to its IBD awareness event at the St Stephen’s Shopping Centre, Hull on May 19th between 10am to 2 pm. The IBD team and some patients will be at our information stand to engage the public and highlight the impact of these debilitating conditions and promote understanding as well as support for those affected by them.

Stressing the importance of the day, Professor Shaji Sebastian, Consultant in Gastroenterology at Hull hospitals said: “IBD is often considered an ‘invisible illness’ but with profound impact on those who have it. We at IBD Hull (@ibdHull) are committed to raise awareness for early diagnosis, support IBD patients and their families with a personalised multidisciplinary approach and investment into translational and clinical research.”

World IBD Day provides a unique opportunity to educate communities and dispel myths surrounding the disease. While people of any age can get IBD, it is usually diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 40. It is estimated that by the year 2030, one in 99 people are likely to have Crohn’s or Colitis in the Western World. Raising awareness of IBD is, therefore, an important step to increasing early diagnosis in order to improve outcomes for patients.

Prof Sebastian said: “Through increased awareness, we can reduce stigmatisation, encourage early diagnosis and ensure individuals with IBD receive the comprehensive care and support they deserve.”

The public is also being urged to participate in IBD research as it can better help understand the cause of these diseases, improve experiences in care and enhance treatment. There are a number of local, national and international IBD research projects in Hull to suit all patients with IBD.

Prof Shaji explains: “Research continues to play a pivotal role in understanding causes of IBD, developing new therapies, and improving patient outcomes. We are in much better place in relation to treatments due to research participation from local IBD patients but we are still some way away from identifying the triggers of disease and also finding a cure ; and research is the only way we will get there.`

Join us at 10:00 am on May 19th to raise awareness, show support and advocate for improved care and understanding for those living with Crohn’s disease and Colitis. The event will run throughout the day.

For more information and to get involved, visit Crohn’s & Colitis UK.

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust seeks Patient Safety Partners

Communications TeamNews

The Hull University Teaching Hospitals is excited to announce opportunities for individuals who are passionate about improving patient safety and shaping the future of healthcare to join our team as Patient Safety Partners.

The Trust is searching for three dedicated Patient Safety Partners in vital areas of healthcare, including Midwifery, Planned Care and Unplanned Care. These individuals will play a pivotal role in developing safer healthcare services in Hull.

Drawing on their personal experience as patients, carers or family members, these partners will collaborate closely with hospital staff to ensure that safety requirements align with the needs of patients, while minimising potential risks associated with treatment.

This opportunity extends far beyond mere participation. Patient Safety Partners will have the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations and contribute to key meetings across the Trust with a variety of people.

Furthermore, this national programme fosters collaboration between hospitals, enabling partners to participate in discussions with other healthcare institutions, sharing insights and best practices.

Although this opportunity is voluntary, we understand the importance of your time and commitment. As a token of our appreciation, a small payment will be provided to cover any expenses you may incur during your participation.

Donna Pickering, Head of Patient Safety & Improvement said: “This is an exciting time for anyone interested in healthcare and safety. By becoming a Patient Safety Partner, individuals can actively shape the way healthcare is delivered and received in their community.

“Their insights and experiences are invaluable as we work towards building a healthcare system that prioritises patient well-being above all else,” she added.

Join us in this ground breaking endeavour and become a part of the Patient Safety Movement. Together, we can usher in a new era of patient care, where safety is paramount, and the voices of patients and their families are at the forefront of decision-making.

If you are interested or want further information to apply as a Patient Safety Partner, please email Donna Pickering on donna.pickering1@nhs.net.








Changes to leadership at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust

Communications TeamNews

Changes are being made to the leadership of the two hospital Trusts providing services on the north and south banks of the River Humber.

In November last year the boards at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust agreed to progress towards implementing a group leadership model which will see a joint executive team, led by a joint Chief Executive, oversee the management of the two organisations. Recruitment to this post is well underway and we expect to make an announcement regarding that appointment shortly.

At Hull University Teaching Hospitals (HUTH) NHS Trust Chief Executive Chris Long has informed the board and the Trust that he is not applying for the post of group Chief Executive and will retire from the Trust and the NHS at some point later this year.

And at Northern Lincolnshire and Goole (NLaG) NHS Foundation Trust Chief Executive Peter Reading has announced he will be leaving at the end of this month to take up an Interim Chief Executive role at another NHS organisation.

Sean Lyons, Chair at both HUTH and NLaG, said: “Chris Long has been the CEO of the Hull University Teaching Hospitals Trust for almost nine years, providing clear leadership and guidance through some of the most challenging times that the NHS has seen and he has done this in a manner that has demonstrated his passion for patient care and his dedication to supporting staff.

“Chris has always demonstrated dignity and composure , and has been a great example of living the values of the Trust. It has been a pleasure to have worked alongside him in my time as chairman. He has been instrumental in helping us to progress our work towards developing a group leadership model for HUTH and NL&G and I respect and understand his decision to retire at this time. On behalf of the trust and the board I would like to thank Chris for his service, and send him the very best wishes for his retirement.

“I also want to thank Peter Reading for leading NLaG through the last five and a half years and getting the Trust to where we are today. It wasn’t an easy task. The Trust was in a tough place when he joined in 2017 and he took on the task with real commitment and energy. Since he joined we have seen huge progress in so many areas. Peter deserves huge credit for this and I want to wish him all the very best for the future.

“We are continuing with our plans to create a Group structure with Hull University Teaching Hospitals and we expect to confirm the appointment of a Group Chief Executive to lead both NLaG and HUTH in the near future.”

Chris Long said: “After much consideration I have decided I will not be standing for the Group Chief Executive position. This has not been an easy decision but I feel that at the age of almost 63 I will not be able to provide the longevity in post that leading the transition of our two Trusts into a single group will require. I will therefore retire from the Trust and the NHS at some point later this year.

“I have been working now for 44 years – 12 years in the Army followed by 32 years in the NHS. Of all the jobs I have done, Chief Executive of HUTH has undoubtedly been the greatest privilege. The complexity of our hospitals and the professionalism, both clinical and non-clinical, needed to run them and our services still amazes me. The staff at HUTH do the most remarkable work every day and demonstrate a level of skill, teamwork, care and compassion which is humbling. In particular, their response to Covid was exemplary and they should feel proud of what they did during those challenging, uncertain and frightening times. I am proud to have served on their behalf.”

Peter Reading said: “Today I have let our staff know that I will not be a candidate at the Group Chief Executive interviews tomorrow as another opportunity has come up for me, and I will be leaving the Trust at the end of this month for a new role as Interim Chief Executive at another NHS organisation.

“We believe we are very close to leaving the Recovery Support Programme (what used to be called Special Measures), although there may still be one or two process issues to go through. For me, this means that most of what I was asked by NHS Improvement to come to NLaG to do back in 2017 has been done – although of course, most of the credit for that huge step forward sits with our wonderful staff who have really turned this place around. So the time is right for me to move onto my next challenge.

“Working at NLaG has been both a personal and professional pleasure. I have seen our staff achieve many amazing things in the past six years and they should be incredibly proud of that; I know I am. Their dedication to their roles, their ability to do them with humour and, when appropriate, with challenge, is as strong as any I have seen anywhere in the NHS throughout my career. I am confident this will continue under a new Chief Executive in the Group arrangements with Hull University Teaching Hospitals and I wish them, and the Group, every success.”

Ian Reekie, Lead Governor for the Council of Governors at NLaG, said: “I would like to thank Peter, on behalf of all the Governors and our wider communities, for everything he has done for the Trust. We really appreciate his huge contribution to improving both the quality of services and the buildings they are provided in since he joined us in 2017. The Trust is a different place now to what it was then and that is down to Peter, his leadership and the drive he has shown to build a really strong foundation for the next stage of improving the Trust. I would like to wish him well, on behalf of the Council of Governors, for the future as he takes on a new challenge.”

Enhancing workplace wellness: ‘At a Loss for Words’ offers employers insight and strategies for navigating grief

Communications TeamNews

Losing a loved one is a profoundly personal experience that can significantly impact an individual’s mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Returning to work can be a daunting prospect for employees coping with losing a loved one.

The workplace, however, can provide a supportive environment where employees can find a sense of normalcy following bereavement. The workplace, however, can provide a supportive environment where employees can find a sense of normalcy following a bereavement.

That is why we are excited to invite you to “At a Loss for Words,” a professional development event that focuses on equipping employers with the tips and tools they need to support employees experiencing grief in the workplace.

Organised by the Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, “At a Loss for Words” will equip employers with practical tips and advice on communicating with grieving employees, navigating difficult conversations, and promoting a supportive work environment.

Alex Wray, Matron, Clinical Support Health Group said, “Unfortunately, most people will experience bereavement and loss at some time. Often when someone is bereaved, the people around them do not know what to say or how they can support them. They worry about making it worse.

“Supporting employees who are bereaved is a key part of staff wellbeing and should be a priority. Our event will provide confidence and tools to empower employers to support their bereaved employees,” she added.

One of the organisers and speakers for this year’s event is Janis Hostad, a lecturer and staff development matron at the Queen’s Centre in Cottingham. She will be joined by John Creasey, Bereavement Consultant; Lucy Vere, Head of Organisational Development, and Lizzie Jordan, an award winning social entrepreneur who has experienced bereavement, will offer a personal perspective on the challenges of working life following the loss of a loved one.

This special event will take place at the MKM Stadium on June 23, 2023, from 7:30 in the morning to 1 p.m. It will provide insights and strategies for effectively supporting employees dealing with loss and creating a culture of empathy, understanding, and support.

This is a unique opportunity for employers to demonstrate a commitment to employee well-being, foster a culture of care and compassion, and provide practical support for team members during difficult times. The event is aimed at managers but would help all staff who want to better support their bereaved colleagues.

Participants in previous sessions have praised organisers with one saying “Very informative, workshops were really useful, given me good ideas to take back to the workplace.”

Another said “I have learnt so much more than I had imagined, having experienced loss personally many years ago I felt I had lost part of my sanity and was mentally damaged. I now understand that my reactions and the way I behaved were normal.”

During “At a Loss for Words”, participants will have the chance to learn from experts through presentations, discussions, and workshops. They will also receive take-away tools and resources for navigating grief in the workplace, and find out about some of the organisations offering bereavement support in this area.

Don’t miss this opportunity to develop skills and strategies for supporting your employees in dealing with loss at the workplace.

The event is free to attend. To register, contact Sandra Kelly on 01482 461260 or email Sandra.kelly12@nhs.net.