Cancer screening invite was ‘like winning the lottery’

Communications TeamNews

Gary Terry with his wife and daughters

A Royal Navy veteran from East Yorkshire has described his invite for cancer screening as his ‘winning lottery ticket.’

April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month, and Gary Terry, from Market Weighton, was only 55 when he received an invitation through the post to take part in bowel scope screening.

Gary Terry in his Royal Navy uniform - black and white photo

Gary served in the Royal Navy for eight years

Following a whirlwind cancer journey, Gary is now keen to tell his story to prevent other families succumbing to the UK’s fourth most common form of cancer.

“I served in the Royal Navy for eight years, I’ve worked as a prison officer for 30 years, and I’ve kept myself physically fit all my life with football, cycling and other sports,” he says.

“I had no symptoms at all when the invitation came through the post, but things like this have never bothered me, I’m not particularly shy or squeamish, so I thought, “what have I got to lose?”

Gary accepted the invitation in February 2018 and attended an appointment for bowel scope screening within a month. This involved insertion of a thin flexible tube with a camera on the end to look inside the lower part of the bowel and back passage.

This form of screening has more recently been replaced by the FIT (faecal immunochemical test), which can be carried out at home using a small test kit and then posted off to the laboratory for analysis.

But the scope screening really was a life-saver for Gary:

“The team found a small polyp when they did my test, something which – at that stage – wasn’t causing me problems and I certainly wouldn’t have known about had I not had the test.

“I returned for a further appointment with my wife, Liz, and that’s when they told us I had bowel cancer.”

Gary needed surgery to remove the cancer and was scheduled in for his operation shortly afterwards.

Yet, still keen to maintain his fitness, Gary completed the half marathon distance of 13.1 miles on the rowing machine on the morning of his surgery, just hours before he was admitted to Castle Hill Hospital in Cottingham.

“It was major surgery, I was in there for five hours and had 54 stitches,” he continues.

Gary Terry and his family

Gary says he was determined to beat his cancer for his family

“I then had to go for 12 weeks of chemotherapy, and I was pretty much smashing it for the first half, I was continuing to exercise, maybe walking six or seven miles a day.

“But by the half way point, it was starting to get to me, I was tired and felt ill and couldn’t keep the activity up. But as a former serviceman, I wasn’t going to let it beat me; I was determined to stick it out and focus on getting myself well for my family and to take part in upcoming Remembrance Day events.”

Gary served as a Sonar Operator in the Operations Branch of the Royal Navy between 1979 and 1987, which included service in the Falklands War of 1982.

“I never used to go to reunions, but now I’ve started to go, and when I’m there I tell my colleagues just how lucky I’ve been.

“Getting that letter through the post inviting me for the scope was like winning the lottery; I feel like I’ve been given a second chance at life.  What were the chances of getting the letter when I did, catching the cancer at the stage it was, and still being here to enjoy semi-retirement with my wife and family?

“My surgeon, Mr Armitage, and all the staff at Castle Hill Hospital were fantastic. I really have been blessed.”

In the Humber area, FIT test kits are now sent out automatically to people aged between 56 and 74, and this is set to reduce further to age 50 in the next few years. Gary’s message to anyone who receives a kit is clear:

“If you’re asked to take part in screening, get over the embarrassment and just do it. I thought I was fit and healthy, I had no symptoms at all when I had my test, but bowel screening saved my life. If I can help to save just one other person by telling my story, it will be worth it.”

The Humber Bowel Screening Team

Mark Hughes (third left) and members of the Humber Bowel Screening Team

Mark Hughes, Clinical Director for the Humber and Yorkshire Coast Bowel Cancer Screening Programme, says:

“Bowel cancer is one of the most common cancers in the UK, accounting for more than one in every 10 new diagnoses.

“The good news is that if it’s caught early, it’s highly treatable and has good long-term survival rates. That’s why it’s important for people to take up screening opportunities when they’re invited.

“Some 12,100 people across East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire are invited to complete the FIT test every month. We have a great uptake rate compared to many other regions across the country at 70 per cent, but we’d still like this to be higher as more than 3,600 people every month are missing out on potentially life-changing or even life-saving screening.

“While bowel cancer is more common in the over 60s, Gary’s story shows that younger people can still be affected, so if you’re experiencing any of the symptoms which could indicate a problem for more than three weeks, don’t’ ignore them; seek help from your GP straight away.”

Signs and symptoms most commonly associated with bowel cancer include:

  • changes in your poo, such as having softer poo, diarrhoea or constipation that is not usual for you
  • needing to poo more or less often than usual for you
  • blood in your poo, which may look red or black
  • bleeding from your bottom
  • often feeling like you need to poo, even if you’ve just been to the toilet
  • tummy pain
  • bloating
  • losing weight without trying
  • feeling very tired for no reason

For more information on bowel cancer, visit

HUTH opens new NHS care facility to free up hospital beds

Communications TeamNews

Hull is to open its first state-of-the-art care facility as an innovation solution to free up hospital beds for people most in need of care.

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (HUTH) is investing £3.8m in Paragon Intermediate Discharge Suite for patients no longer receiving hospital treatment but still requiring care and support.

Each day, Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital has a shortage of beds because up to 200 people are waiting on wards for social care support in the community and other reasons, despite being well enough to be discharged.

This has a knock-in effect on NHS services including extended waits for ambulances, long waits for admission to wards from Hull’s Emergency Department and the cancellation of some non-urgent operations.

Now, HUTH will transfer people with “no criteria to reside” in hospital into Paragon Suite to increase bed capacity for the sickest patients.

Chief Executive Chris Long said: “We are optimistic the new facility will enable us to free up some of our beds, improve the flow of patients through our hospitals and help us make further improvements to our waiting lists.

“Reducing the number of patients with ‘no criteria to reside’ is imperative to reduce waiting times for patients and enable our specialist staff, including our surgical teams, to do what they do best every day.”

Paragon Suite will open on the site of the former helipad on Gladstone Street, close to Hull Royal Infirmary, in the next few weeks with up to 60 beds.

Patients will move out of Hull Royal infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital into Paragon Suite once they have been assessed by medical staff as being well enough to be discharged.

The specially designed facility includes a dedicated therapy space and separate dining area so patients can continue their journey back to health or regain their independence following hospital stays.

Social care packages will be prepared as soon as possible so people can return to their own homes to continue living independently with support.

Other people will stay in the facility, cared for by specially trained staff employed by HUTH, before they move into supported accommodation such as care or nursing homes, depending on their needs.

Caring for the carers

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Help to balance the demands of work and home life following a loved one’s cancer diagnosis

A cancer diagnosis can be a shock to the system, not just for the patient but also for their loved ones. Thoughts can race from treatment and side effects to the impact on family, work, and what else the future could hold.

In order to help guide people through such a time of uncertainty, the Macmillan Living With and Beyond Cancer Team at Castle Hill Hospital has teamed up with local carers support services to offer regular, specialist advice.

On Thursday 30th March, Hull’s Carers Information and Support Service will begin hosting weekly drop-in clinics for patients at any stage of their cancer journey and their loved ones. The session will take place from 9am to 5pm in the Macmillan Information Centre at the Queen’s Centre, Castle Hill, and then continue to take place weekly each Thursday, with no appointment necessary.

For those living outside the city, East Riding Carers Team will host the first of four quarterly drop-in sessions from 10am to 2pm on Tuesday 4th April, also in the Macmillan Information Centre. These sessions are again open to anyone living in the East Riding who’s been diagnosed with cancer as well as the family, loved ones and carers supporting them through their diagnosis and treatment.

Representatives from Hull and East Riding Carers Groups within the Macmillan Centre

Representatives from Hull and East Riding Carers Groups will be on hand to offer advice

Claire Walker from the Living With and Beyond Cancer Team says:

“Working at the Macmillan Information Centre, we regularly provide advice and support to people with a cancer diagnosis, but we spotted a gap recently for those caring for a loved one with cancer. Family members in particular don’t often see themselves as a carer, and so can miss out on the various types of support available.

“Talking to our patients, we regularly hear how partners are struggling to cope after taking on a much larger share of domestic duties and responsibilities. The pressures of work, childcare, finances, taking care of the home and taking their loved one to and from medical appointments can have such a big impact mentally and physically; they can really take their toll.

“But the good news is that help and advice is out there. We recently held a successful carers event at the Queen’s Centre which had a great response. From this, we realised that we needed to offer more regular opportunities for people to speak to experts in this area, so by teaming up with the Carers Services in Hull and the East Riding, that’s exactly what we’re now doing.”

Both sessions will offer advice on matters such as the carers card and assessment, financial support, family support, carers respite, access to support groups and much more.

All discussions will remain confidential, with access to private discussion space if required.

Julie Watson, Macmillan Lead Cancer Nurse at the Queen’s Centre says:

“By teaming up with carers services across Hull and East Yorkshire, we’re looking to ensure the personal, social and clinical needs of our patients, and those caring for people going through cancer treatment, can be addressed more fully.

“The provision of specific advice for carers, to help them through what can be a really tough time for them too, will be a brilliant extra resource and will really complement the support services we already have in place.”


Trust response to CQC Report published today

Communications TeamNews

Exterior of Hull Royal Infirmary tower block

Chris Long, Chief Executive at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, said:

“Following its inspection in November 2022 the CQC has published its report into services at our hospitals. The CQC inspected Emergency and Urgent Care, Medicine and Surgery and looked at the ‘well-led’ key question for the Trust. The overall rating for Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust was Requires Improvement, which is the same as the rating we received in 2020.

“We were pleased that the CQC acknowledged the compassion and kindness, which our staff and teams demonstrate in the treatment of their patients. For ‘Care’ we received a rating of ‘Good’ from inspectors.

“Inspectors rated the key domain of ‘Safe’ as ‘Inadequate’ and they highlighted a number of issues in emergency care and surgery at the Trust, which required urgent action. Many of the areas they highlighted for improvement have already been addressed.

“Like many other Trusts up and down the country we have experienced a sustained period of extreme pressure on our emergency services. Despite the best efforts of our staff we have seen long delays for patients in our Emergency Department and we apologise to anyone who has not received the quality of care we always aim to provide.

“We know that staff have already delivered against many of the urgent actions we set ourselves after we received the CQC feedback. Our goal now is to ensure that the improvements we are making will be sustained. We have a plan to open an intermediate care centre at Hull Royal Infirmary for patients who are medically fit to leave. This will increase capacity in our hospitals making it easier to discharge and admit patients and therefore reduce delays.

“I would like to thank our staff for the amazing care and support they give to our patients, while acknowledging that they have been working in an incredibly challenging and busy environment.”

Appeal to help dementia patients receives ‘overwhelming’ response

Communications TeamNews

Karen Harrison and Liz Byrne holding some of the knitted donations

Hospital nurses say they’re “incredibly humbled” after an overwhelming response to an appeal to help their patients.

Just eight weeks ago, the Dementia Care Team at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust asked local knitters and craft groups to help make twiddlemuffs and fidget bears to give to older people in hospital.

The brightly coloured, woollen muffs are often adorned with bows, buttons, bells and zips, which older people can ‘twiddle’ with and keep their hands occupied. As well as the obvious benefit of keeping hands warm, for people with dementia, such items are also known to have a calming effect and help reduce boredom and anxiety.

Karen Harrison, Lead Dementia Matron for the Trust, says the response from people, near and far, has been nothing short of amazing.

“Since we launched our appeal for twiddlemuffs and fidget bears eight weeks ago, we’ve literally gone from having no supplies to hundreds of items ready to give out.

Terry and Dawn holding a knitted blanket

Members of the HU4 Sewing Group are among those to have knitted for the appeal

“Dementia is becoming such a prevalent issue in society now that many of us will either know someone with the disease or have had a relative or loved one experience it. To feel like you’re slowly losing someone you love to dementia can be heart-breaking, and that could be the reason why so many people have felt moved enough to help us with our appeal.

“We’ve had some beautiful pieces sent from local Knit & Natter Groups, but through word of mouth and social media, we’ve also received items from much further afield too, such as Wakefield, Pocklington, and even Knoydart on the west coast of Scotland.

“Dementia East Riding held a knitting competition among their group members, encouraging people to take part and see who could create the best twiddlemuff for us. We’ve also had a great response from hospital staff too; one staff member from our Employee Service Centre doesn’t knit but crochets, and has offered to make us a crochet prototype to look at so he can help out too.

“We fully appreciate how much time and effort people have put in, and in the current financial climate we know that wool and materials wont’ be cheap either, so we’re incredibly grateful to everyone who’s knitted for us and who continues to send us muffs, bears and blankets. There are too many people to mention individually, but we’re trying to keep up by sending thank you cards to everyone who sends or drops off parcels, and we know our patients will just love the items they receive.”

Twiddlemuffs, fidget bears and blankets are in high demand across Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital, so some of the early donations have already made their way out to the hospitals’ patients. A batch has been sent to the Emergency Department to help calm and occupy older people with urgent care needs, and further batches have been sent to Wards 15 and 20 at Castle Hill Hospital for use by their inpatients with dementia.

Karen adds:

“Like many other health conditions, as a community and a society we’re starting to open up and to talk more about dementia and the impact it can have on individuals and families. Celebrities such as Barbara Windsor and Bruce Willis publicly revealing that they have dementia also helps to raise  awareness and promote understanding of what is very much a disease of the brain, not just an inevitable result of getting old.

“On behalf of my team, the ward teams and our patients, we’d like to say a huge thank you again to everyone who’s donated for their support and their generosity.”

For more information on dementia including sources of local support, visit or

Time to talk about the UK’s most common male cancer

Communications TeamNews

Specialist nurses standing alongside signage outside the Queen's Centre
Claire Walker

Claire Walker, from the Queen’s Centre

It’s a disease that sadly claims the lives of one person in the UK every 45 minutes, and is the most common cause of cancer in UK men*.

Now hospital staff in East Yorkshire are set to hold a special event for anyone living with or beyond prostate cancer.

Claire Walker, from the Macmillan Living With and Beyond Cancer Team, based at the Queen’s Centre (Castle Hill Hospital) in Cottingham, says:

“Prostate cancer mainly affects men over 50, and the risk is known to increase further if you are black or have a family history of prostate cancer.

“More than 500 people across Hull and East Yorkshire have been diagnosed with prostate cancer since April last year, and many of those will have received treatment or other support through the Queen’s Centre. The majority make a good recovery, but that journey from diagnosis through to end of treatment can be very difficult and lead to lots of questions, worry or uncertainty along the way.

“On Tuesday 28th March, we’ll be holding a drop-in session for anyone who’s been diagnosed with prostate cancer, who’s going through treatment now, or who’s finished their treatment but still needs a bit of advice or support.

Queen's Centre, Castle Hill Hospital

The drop-in event will be held inside the Queen’s Centre at Castle Hill Hospital

“Our experience is that men can sometimes be hesitant or reluctant to seek help for health issues, so this is a really informal, open invite to call in and see us any time between 10am and 3pm that day.

“We’ll have experts on hand to answer clinical questions about treatment and recovery, and we’ll also be offering discreet advice on related issues such as financial support, side effects, erectile dysfunction, diet and exercise, urinary problems, and returning to work.

“We know that a cancer diagnosis doesn’t just affect the individual, it has a knock-on effect to the wider family too, so we’re also keen to speak to anyone whose loved one has received a prostate cancer diagnosis and who feels like they themselves need a bit of extra support.”

Sue Spence, Urology Clinical Nurse Specialist, and Stephen Kendall, Radiotherapy Advanced Practitioner for Urology, will be available at the Macmillan Information Centre, within the entrance to the Queen’s Centre, Castle Hill Hospital (Cottingham) along with the usual team between 10am and 3pm on Tuesday 28th March. If you would like to speak to either Sue or Stephen, there’s no need to make an appointment; simply call in between 10am and 3pm for an informal, confidential chat.

At the same time, cancer experts over in Northern Lincolnshire will also be holding similar events in the Macmillan Information Centres at:

  • Grimsby – 10am-3pm, Diana Princess of Wales Hospital, Grimsby, between Amethyst Ward and Chemotherapy Day Unit. Urology expert, carers support and benefits advice will be available.
  • Scunthorpe – 10am-1pm, Scunthorpe General Hospital (turn left off main entrance). Urology expert, carers support and representation from the local Prostate Cancer Support Group will be available.

People are, again, encouraged to call in with questions or to seek advice at their convenience, with no appointment necessary.

Anyone who cannot attend on the day is encouraged to speak to their own clinical nurse specialist or medical team to discuss any concerns. General information and advice on prostate cancer and life beyond can be found on the Prostate Cancer UK website –


Note: *According to Cancer Research UK, prostate cancer accounts for 27% of all cancers in males, and is one of the four most common cancers in the UK along with lung, bowel and breast. More details:


Project offering easier access to maternity advice shortlisted for national award

Communications TeamNews

Midwives Sarah Collins on the left and Karen Sinaga on the right

A team of midwives whose work to support those expecting a baby has been recognised by the Royal College of Midwives.

‘Ask a Midwife’, the online service which responds to questions and requests for help through social media, has been shortlisted in the ‘Excellence in Midwifery for Public Health” category of the 2023 RCM Awards.

Hull Women and Children's Hospital signage

The service responds to over 500 contacts from people expecting a baby every month, including partners and family members, and is accessible via the ‘direct message’ function of the Hull Women and Children’s Hospital facebook page. There are also daily posts to social media covering health promotion advice, safety alerts, and key issues or concerns which are trending within the antenatal day unit, such as winter bugs or summertime swollen ankles.

The idea for Ask a Midwife was conceived in Hull in 2020, due the amount of questions received about the COVID-19 pandemic. The service has continued to evolve ever since; not only does the team now have an Instagram account to further extend its reach, but the midwives are starting to work with local employers with high numbers of non-English speakers to promote early access to antenatal care.

The service has been so successful, in fact, that the blueprint has been taken and used to help families in other parts of the region, including York, Harrogate, Scunthorpe and Grimsby, as part of the Humber and North Yorkshire Local Maternity System.

Sarah Collins, the Ask a Midwife project lead, has been a qualified midwife for over 27 years. She says:

“Pregnancy can be one of the most magical times in a person’s life, but can also be one of the most stressful.

Ask a Midwife team visiting local employers

Members of the Ask a Midwife team are now visiting local employers to promote antenatal care

“There’s so much to think about and plan for; everything from staying healthy during pregnancy and baby’s movements to bonding, feeding, and safety in the home.

“The Ask a Midwife service is there to help anyone who’s pregnant, or supporting someone who’s pregnant, with advice, information and crucially, reassurance where we can give it.

“Not everyone feels able to call their midwife regularly, especially if they think it’s something trivial, and not everyone has a support network around them, so sometimes we find people are more comfortable just sending a message.

“While the service doesn’t operate 24 hours, the fact that Ask a Midwife is social media based does mean that people can send us a message at any time, day or night, and we’ll pick it up and respond as soon as we’re back at work.

“There really is no question too trivial or too random; we’re happy to help answer them all and put minds at rest if we can, or otherwise refer people on to more specific sources of clinical or medical support.”

The Ask a Midwife team will make a presentation on their service to a panel of RCM judges later this month, before finding out if their project has been successful at the RCM Awards ceremony which takes place on 19 May.

No drop in demand for emergency care despite strike by junior doctors

Communications TeamNews

Ambulance parked outside the entrance to Hull Royal Infirmary's Emergency Care Department

Hospital workers are appealing to the public to use alternatives to A&E to ensure they can focus on the most seriously ill.

Staff in Hull Royal Infirmary’s Emergency Department have reported seeing almost 400 people yesterday. This figure, which is the equivalent of a new patient arriving every four minutes, is on par with normal Monday attendance figures despite junior doctors starting a 72 hour walk-out at 7am yesterday.

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has committed to maintaining essential services throughout the period of industrial action, including emergency care, critical care and neonatal services for seriously ill babies, but the industrial action is adding to an already pressurised system.

Dr Biju Cherian

Dr Biju Cherian

Dr Biju Cherian, consultant in emergency medicine for the Trust says:

“Mondays are always our busiest day in the Emergency Department, but unlike the recent ambulance strikes where there have been notable reductions in calls to the service on some strike days, the number of people attending for emergency care has remained very similar to a normal working day.

“Many patients told us they were unaware of the junior doctors being on strike when they arrived in the department, and others didn’t want to go to another health service even when told they’d be seen more quickly.

“While the junior doctors strike is ongoing, we will of course ensure that we maintain emergency care services, and we have senior consultants and other experienced healthcare practitioners working alongside us to ensure those service remain safe.

“However, at a time of significant pressure and as the major trauma centre for the region, it’s important that we dedicate the resources we have to caring for the most seriously ill and those with life threatening injuries.

“Roughly one in five patients attending ED yesterday presented with a problem which was not immediately urgent or could have been managed within a primary care setting such as an urgent treatment centre, GP service or a local pharmacy – services which are not affected by the junior doctor industrial action.

“We always need patients to make best use of the community health services available to them, but it’s especially important at the current time.”

Patients arriving at Hull Royal Infirmary’s emergency department with non-urgent health needs over the coming days may be invited to seek treatment elsewhere as staff continue to juggle service demands. Anyone who chooses to stay in the department will face significantly lengthy waits.

Patients seeking medical advice can go online to NHS111 – or call 111, 24 hours a day.

A list of local pharmacies can be found on the NHS website, and walk-in care/treatment for minor injuries is available from the following centres, all of which are open late into the evening or round-the-clock:

  • Hull – Story Street walk-in centre
  • Bransholme – Urgent Treatment Centre within Bransholme Health Centre, Goodhart Road (open 24hrs)
  • Beverley – Urgent Treatment Centre within East Riding Community Hospital, Swinemoor Lane
  • Goole – Urgent Treatment Centre within Goole & District Hospital, Woodland Avenue
  • Bridlington – Urgent Treatment Centre within Bridlington Hospital (Entrance A), Bessingby Road

Hull team leads rare cancer study thanks to the late Dr Assem Allam

Communications TeamNews

Doctor and nurse preparing equipment for endoscopy

Groundbreaking research into one of the most aggressive forms of cancer is being spearheaded in Hull, all thanks to one of the city’s most ardent supporters.

In April 2018, Dr Assem Allam donated £402,000 to a local research team seeking to improve the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and potentially prevent some patients from undergoing unnecessary or debilitating surgery.

Dr Assem Allam

Dr Assem Allam provided funding to support the study into pancreatic cancer

The research team, which includes clinical, academic and research staff from Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Hull York Medical School and the University of Hull, devised a project, which stands unrivalled globally in both scope and ambition.

Part one of the TEM-PAC* research project has recently produced its first set of exciting results, which were presented for the first time at the prestigious ASCO-GI meeting in San Francisco last month. The findings have been so promising, in fact, that the team has received Cancer Research UK’s Early Detection and Diagnosis Primer Award, a further £98,500 research grant to support phase two and ensure vital research into this field continues in the years ahead.

Professor Anthony Maraveyas, Honorary Consultant in Oncology at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Professor in Cancer Medicine at Hull York Medical School, University of Hull, has been leading the research team as its chief investigator. He explains just how significant the work is for patients affected by pancreatic cancers, cysts and lesions across the world:

“Pancreatic cancer is one of the rarer forms of cancer, with around 15 people per 100,000 being affected, but has one of the highest mortality rates; only five to eight per cent of those with this type of cancer survive beyond five years.

“Unlike the more common types of cancer such as breast, prostate  or colorectal, pancreatic cancer has not generally been prioritised for funding or research, nationally or internationally, due to the relatively low number of people affected. We’re proud to be leading the change right here in Hull by bringing together experts from the Trust, the Medical School and the University.

Professor Anthony Maraveyas

Professor Anthony Maraveyas

“Dr Allam was a very generous man. He was well known for the support he showed and the financial backing he provided to both our hospitals and our academic institutions, so we were thrilled when, after speaking with our surgeons, he offered to fund some of the research which has been so desperately needed in this field.”

The team’s research project has focused on the investigation of pancreatic lesions called ‘cysts’, in particular being able to spot changes in cells which would support a more accurate diagnosis of cancer and enable surgeons to operate accordingly.

The most commonly used diagnosis methods are still somewhat crude, making it difficult for a clinician to determine the exact nature of a lesion or cyst and, crucially, whether it is cancerous or likely to turn that way. As a result, many patients undergo major surgery on larger cysts, only for a surgeon to find the lesion was not cancerous, yet the patient can then be left with long term effects such as significant pain or difficulty absorbing food for the rest of their life.

The team has already recruited 168 patients to the study, with an overall target of 180 people across the lifetime of the project.

“Our aim is to be able to identify changes in cells which will give a more accurate picture of what’s happening in a minimally invasive way,” Professor Maraveyas continues.

“The team uses conventional radiology techniques, including endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), to look at cysts and take small samples of fluid to test for biochemical changes, known as tumour ‘markers’. The presence of the markers could help to detect cancer early, and conversely, their absence could help prevent unwanted surgery.”

The study also incorporates the use of platform technologies, a form of cell research which is being championed by the University of Hull and which is very much seen as the future of cancer diagnostics worldwide. Using these platform technologies, the ambition is to obtain cyst fluid ‘signatures’ that will provide an accurate diagnosis of the type of cyst the surgeon is dealing with. In turn, this will enable treatment to be tailored specifically to each patient and is likely to reduce the number of patients undergoing avoidable surgery.

The innovative nature of the TEM-PAC study has attracted support from the National Institute for Health and Research, which has placed two academic clinical fellows (ACF) in the oncology department at Castle Hill Hospital, and a clinical lecturer post will also start in September 2023. This is the first time the oncology department has ever hosted such roles.

The second phase of the project will see the team recruit more participants and team up with other cancer research units across the UK on the next stage of research.

Members of the Endoscopy

The Endoscopy Team at Castle Hill Hospital are playing a crucial part in the research

Phase two is being progressed thanks to a further generous donation of £250,000 made by Dr Allam just before he passed away in December 2022, supplemented by funding from the University of Hull and charitable funding from the Hospitals Trust. Total funding amounting to £550,000 will, over the next three years, support the development of upcoming laboratory researchers studying the transformation of pancreatic cancer cells from normal to malignant, and some of the other exciting biological mechanisms to emerge through the TEM-PAC project.

The appropriately named Allam Clinical Fellowship has been set up as a recurring three-year clinical post working jointly across the University of Hull and Hull Hospitals to support pancreatic cancer research, through which each clinical fellow will study for their PhD. It is envisaged that this fellowship will continue in the years ahead in order to promote Hull as a specialist centre for oncology research and to aid recruitment and retention within local hospitals. The fellowship further builds on the long-term partnership between the Trust, the Medical School and the University, all contributors to this fellowship, to lead research on cancer and other health issues pertinent to the health of the region’s population.

Speaking about his support for the project last year, Dr Allam commented:

“Having seen the impressive progress made by the dedicated team of clinical and scientific staff over the last four years, one could not fail to be impressed by their commitment and dedication to this research related to pancreatic cancer. In addition to increasing our level of understanding of the disease, it is in line with my desire for the Hull University Teaching Hospitals and University of Hull to attract and retain high calibre clinical and academic staff.”

Professor Maraveyas adds:

“We are in the process of conducting a world-leading study, the likes of which we could only have dreamt of without the support of Dr Allam. We’re incredibly grateful to him for giving us a platform through which to launch this research, to generate broader interest in and support for the work we’re doing, to retain some of our best researchers, and to attract collaborators across the country.

“The outcomes and potential benefits of this work for patients, not just in the UK but across the globe, could literally be life changing.”


TEM-PAC = Study of Tumour Regulatory Molecules as Markers of Malignancy in Pancreatic Cystic Lesions.

Forthcoming industrial action by junior doctors, 13 to 16 March 2023

Communications TeamNews

Hull Royal Infirmary tower block

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has been working alongside staff side colleagues and other healthcare partners to prepare for junior doctors industrial action next week.

A planned period of strike action by junior doctor members of the BMA and HCSA is due to begin at 7am on Monday 13th March 2023 and finish at 7am on Thursday 16th March.

Our hospitals will continue to provide emergency care throughout the strike period, so anyone with a serious illness or injury, or whose life is at risk, will still be able to access care through Hull Royal Infirmary’s Emergency Department.

However, members of the public are being advised to use community health services and NHS111 wherever possible to ensure hospital staff are able to prioritise the most seriously ill.

Professor Makani Purva, Chief Medical Officer for Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust says:

“Patient safety and care for our most seriously ill patients will remain our priority during the period of strike action.

“To enable us to continue providing essential services such as emergency and intensive care, we will be asking suitably skilled and experienced clinical staff such as advanced clinical practitioners and specialist nurses to support in key departments.

“Regrettably, in order to redeploy staff, this does mean we will need to reschedule some routine outpatient appointments and non-urgent procedures which were due to take place next week. We will be in touch directly with anyone affected to provide further details and we will seek to rebook those appointments as soon as possible.

“Anyone who is due to attend a clinic or hospital appointment who does not hear from us should assume their appointment is still going ahead and attend as planned.

“While essential services will be maintained, we would strongly encourage members of the public whose medical needs are not urgent to use the full range of community healthcare services available. Local pharmacies, urgent treatment centres, walk-in centres and NHS111 will all be open and able to help with a range of different illnesses and injuries. Anyone attending the Emergency Department for non-urgent medical needs during the period of industrial action should expect a significant and lengthy wait.”

Advice for the public during the upcoming period of strike action

Please take extra care at this time and look out for vulnerable family members, friends or neighbours.

Anyone with non-urgent care needs should first seek help from NHS 111 online or call 111.

If you are unwell and need assistance, you should also consider alternatives such as:

  • Local pharmacies
  • Your GP practice
  • Story Street walk-in centre, Hull
  • Local Urgent Treatment Centres (Bransholme, Beverley, Goole and Bridlington), all of which are open into the evening with the exception of Bransholme which remains open 24hrs/day.

Regardless of any strike action taking place, it is really important that patients who need urgent medical care continue to come forward, especially in emergency and life-threatening cases – when someone is seriously ill or injured, or their life is at risk.

For more information on when to call 999 and when to go to A&E, you can visit the NHS UK website.