Hull’s nursing team lands top national award for recruitment programme

Communications TeamNews

Nursing staff at Hull’s hospitals are celebrating this week after they won a prestigious national award in recognition of its work to recruit and support new nurses.

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (HUTH) won the Best UK Employer of the Year for Nursing Staff at the Nursing Times Workforce Awards 2022 this week.

Judges picked the trust for its “Grow Our Own” campaign to tackle the national shortages of nurses, resulting in the trust reducing its registered nurse vacancies by 95 per cent through initiatives including nurse apprenticeships and support for healthcare assistants and internationally educated nurses to gain UK nurse registration.

The judges said: “The holistic approach to support the growth of staff from school all the way through to post registration shone through. The judges acknowledged the breadth and depth of partnership working their social capital and their commitment to giving back to the community.”

Chief Nurse Jo Ledger said: “This is amazing news for our trust and our incredible nurses.

“It’s been a very challenging few years but we have always tried to put our people at the heart of everything we do so our staff in turn can focus on patient care.

“I am extremely proud of my teams and of all our nurses, midwives and healthcare staff and I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of them for everything they do.”

The trust’s practice development team, working with HR, nurse educators and its recruitment team, supported health care workers and nursing assistants to become fully qualified staff nurses and its apprenticeship programme to support school leavers to become trainee nurse associates. Staff who trained overseas were also helped to gain the necessary qualifications to work as nurses in the UK.

Members of the team including Practice Development Matron Karen Mechen, Senior Matron in Nursing Services Nicola Buckle, Practice Development Nurse Michio Schuck and HR Business Partner Sarah Addleshaw attended the glittering ceremony at the Hilton London Metropole on Tuesday night, along with more than 700 professionals from across the NHS and care sector.

Director of Workforce Simon Nearney said: “We are incredibly proud of everyone who works on behalf of the trust to support our nursing teams.

“This award is also testament to our nursing teams and everyone else who has made a massive contribution to our apprentice programmes, Remarkable People recruitment campaign, recruitment and retention and our international nursing programme.”

Editor of Nursing Times Steve Ford, who hosted the awards, said: “Our awards highlight nursing’s workforce achievements and some of the brilliant work being carried out during what continues to be an incredibly difficult period, due to enduring staff shortages, the aftermath of the pandemic and the approach of winter

“Once again, we have shone a light on those organisations and individuals that go the extra mile when trying to attract new nursing staff and, just as importantly, celebrated efforts to retain staff.”


Recruitment programme brings more newly qualified nurses to Hull’s hospitals

Communications TeamNews

Student nurses at the University of Hull are to be offered jobs at Hull’s hospitals before they graduate as part of our on-going recruitment programme.

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (HUTH) will offer jobs to third-year degree students, providing they achieve their degrees, as part of its “Remarkable People” recruitment campaign.

Around 90 per cent of student nurses at the University of Hull now come to work at Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital since the launch of the campaign five years ago.

Simon Nearney, Director of Workforce and Organisational Development at HUTH, said: “In the past, students completed their studies in Hull but then some chose to move away and work elsewhere.

“Our programme means we can offer local people jobs in their home city, giving them the security of knowing they have a job when they qualify. Instead of trying to find work, they can then concentrate on their studies knowing they will start their careers with us.”

Since the programme began five years ago, 564 newly qualified nurses have joined both hospitals from the University of Hull. While other hospital trusts around the country have struggled to recruit, Hull is bucking the trend and has a nursing vacancy rate of just one per cent compared to the national rate of 10.3 per cent.

Student nurses promised jobs with the trust are supported by nurse educators at the trust, given help with their studies to help them achieve the best possible results.

The trust will host a recruitment event at the University of Hull next month with the view to attracting future staff. Interviews will be held in February with job offers made to successful candidates well in advance of them sitting their final exams. They will then begin work at the hospitals as newly qualified nurses in September.

Board approval for group leadership model

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Board meetings at HUTH and NLaG yesterday resulted in formal approval to move to a single executive team, led by a Group Chief Executive.

Following meetings of the trust boards of HUTH and NLaG today, we have formally agreed to progress to implementation of a group leadership model for our two trusts. This is aimed at strengthening ongoing work to tackle shared challenges including recruitment and retention of clinical staff, ensuring sustainable services and improving patient environments.

We have undertaken a 21-day period of communication and engagement with key stakeholders prior to taking a finalised ‘case for change’ to today’s board meetings in public today. Many thanks to everyone who provided their feedback. Both boards discussed a paper which set out the responses we received from the engagement as well as the trusts’ response to them. You can read the paper here.

The group executive management model is increasingly being adopted across the NHS and the boards of both our organisations agree that it is the right approach for our two trusts. Both of us face similar challenges around tackling waiting times for patients, recruitment and retention of clinical staff and ensuring our buildings are modern and provide the best facilities. By working more closely together and with one executive team in place, we can more effectively tackle those issues with better, collective decision-making.

We would stress once again that this is not a merger and it is not a cost-saving exercise. There will not be wholesale changes at either trust and most staff will be unaffected by this move. The changes we are implementing are at executive management level and are designed to ensure we work in a more integrated way to improve the future provision of care for our patients. Adopting the group model will speed up our Humber Acute Services improvement journey, and provide better, more sustainable services for our patients and provide more attractive career development opportunities for many of you, our staff.

Now that we have board agreement to progress, the next step for us is to begin the process of appointing a Group Chief Executive. Alongside this both boards made a commitment to continue to speak to and listen to the views of stakeholders, including you as staff members, as we progress the implementation of the group model. As we implement the group structure we want to make sure we reflect on what has happened in the past when the trusts have worked together and that we learn from both trusts about the best way to do things in the future. Please look out for more information about how we plan to do this in the weeks ahead.

Kind regards,

Sean Lyons, Chair

Chris Long, Chief Executive

Construction of £180,000 bike compounds begin at Hull’s hospitals

Communications TeamNews

Construction work is under way on two modern bike compounds for staff cycling to Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital.

Each purpose-built cycling compound will have capacity for 100 bikes, with a gas-assisted higher tier, similar to the cycle parking at York Train Station.

The secure compounds, only accessed by trust staff, will have mixed gender shower blocks with changing areas and will be based in the central location in both hospital grounds, allowing easy access for staff working in all wards and departments while remaining under the watch of security surveillance and patrols.

Alex Best, Head of Capital Development at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (HUTH), said: “These fantastic facilities will be a major asset to the growing number of our staff now opting to leave their cars at home and cycle to work.

“They will be able to lock up their bikes, knowing they are in the safest place possible, instead of running the risk of finding their bike has been taken by gangs of thieves known to have targeted our hospitals in the past.

“The shower and changing facilities blocks will mean all staff now have access to changing facilities at all times of the day and night, regardless of where in the hospitals they work.”

The new compounds, costing £180,000, are part of HUTH’s Getting to Work project to encourage staff to find alternative ways of travelling to their jobs instead of taking the car.

Part of the trust’s Zero Thirty campaign to achieve major environmental improvements, three free park-and-ride services have been introduced for staff along with discounted bus travel on Stagecoach services with the SmartCommute card to help those not on the park-and-ride routes.

The trust has teamed up with East Riding of Yorkshire Council to hold bike events to encourage staff to cycle to work, including “Be Safe, Be Seen” events to give away free bike lights and hi-vis backpack covers, safer route planning to help staff find the best way from their home to work and security marking events with Humberside Police.

Free bike maintenance events have also been held at Castle Hill with Cottingham-based charity R-evolution and for staff at Hull Royal with Hull charity Giroscope.

As a result of the project, the same number of applications for HUTH’s Cycle to Work scheme were received in the first three months compared to the whole of 2021.

For those staff who do not qualify because of Government rules on minimum take-home pay, the trust has worked with East Riding of Yorkshire Council and R-evolution to provide free bikes for loan.

The trust was named finalists in two national awards by Modeshift, leaders in sustainable travel in the UK, recently for its Getting to Work project and its ongoing partnership with East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

Work has been started on the construction of both compounds, which are expected to be open to staff by the end of the year.

Trust named finalists in national sustainable travel awards

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Windows at Hull Royal Infirmary reflecting the sun

Hull’s hospitals have been named finalists in national awards for a project to help staff travel to work.

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust launched its Getting to Work project in May as part of its Zero Thirty campaign to tackle climate change, introducing three free park-and-ride services and discounted bus and rail travel for staff.

HUTH has also worked with East Riding of Yorkshire Council to host regular cycling events such as “Be Safe, Be Seen” events, safer route planning and tips on security to encourage staff to leave their cars and cycle to work.

Now, the trust has been named finalists in two awards – Business Engagement Project of the Year for its Getting to Work project and Best Project Under £1000 for an event run with East Riding of Yorkshire Council to offer staff the chance to try an e-bike.

Marc Beaumont, Head of Sustainability at HUTH who leads the Zero Thirty campaign, said: “We’re really grateful to East Riding of Yorkshire Council for nominating us for these awards in recognition of the work the team has done to persuade staff to leave their cars at home or for at least part of the journey.

“The team has done an amazing job, getting staff out of cars and giving them alternative options to travel to work.

“Since we launched the services in the summer, we’ve already saved more than 3,000 car journeys and that’s great news, not just for our staff but for pollution levels in the city.

“East Riding of Yorkshire Council has been a fantastic support to us and our staff and we look forward to continuing that partnership.”

The national awards are run by Modeshift, the UK’s leading sustainable transport organization, and the winners will be announced at a black tie event in Leicester on Thursday.

Donation will help train doctors in robotic surgery

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We’d like to say a big “thank you” to members of East Yorkshire Caravan and Motor Home Club who have donated £3,700 to fund new equipment for our Da Vinci Robotic Suite.

(left to right) Mr Nicholas Smith, Mr David Woolley, Ron Warner and Matthew Simms.

Club member Ron Warner contacted Wendy Brooksby, medical secretary to Consultant Urological Surgeons Matthew Simms and Nicholas Smith, about making a donation to fund their vital work to save lives.

Each year, the club raises money for a different charity and members had chosen to raise money to support treatment of prostate cancer.

The club raised £3,700 and met members of robotic surgery team at a special reception in the seminar room at Urology at Castle Hill to hand over the cheque.

The donation will pay for audio visual monitor screens to help the training of robotics surgeons in a range of life-saving procedures for patients with diseases including prostate cancer, bladder cancer, colorectal conditions and gynaecological problems.

We’re really grateful to all members of the East Yorkshire Caravan and Motor Home Club for raising such a fantastic amount and thank them on behalf of all of us at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.


Life-saving service extended to help more patients having strokes

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She was enjoying her fish and chips on the seafront at Bridlington when a seagull swooped and knocked them onto the ground.

But as Helen Corns, 84, returned to the chip shop for more, her family realised something was seriously wrong. Her face started to droop, her speech was slurred and her left side became weak.

Realising she was having a stroke, Mrs Corns’s family called an ambulance and she was rushed to Hull Royal Infirmary where an expert team of Interventional Radiologists performed a procedure known as ‘mechanical thrombectomy’ to restore her brain function and save her life.

Just one day later, Mrs Corns was well enough to continue her holiday after she was discharged from hospital with no lasting neurological damage.

Now back home in Scotland and able to walk her dog Max and go to her weekly exercise class, Mrs Corns said: “If I’d been taken to another hospital that didn’t do this procedure, maybe I wouldn’t have made it.

“But they were absolutely wonderful and I know how lucky I am.”

Dr Paul Scott and Dr Hamed Nejadhamzeeigilani removed the clot less than three hours after Mrs Corns first experienced symptoms.

Dr Nejadhamzeeigilani said: “We are glad to see her improvement following the thrombectomy procedure and pleased to hear that she was able to continue with her holiday.”

Hull University Teaching Hospitals (HUTH) has been offering a Regional Mechanical Thrombectomy Service to patients since 2018 at its Comprehensive Stroke Centre, based at Hull Royal Infirmary.

Saturday marks World Stroke Awareness Day and HUTH is announcing it is now extending the service from 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday, to help more patients.

Patients having strokes are “blue lighted” by ambulance from all over North and East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire for minimally invasive Mechanical Thrombectomy in the Interventional Radiology Theatres.

Performed under local anaesthesia or sedation, the Interventional Radiology team gains access to the blocked artery in the brain via a small puncture made in an artery in the groin or arm. Various devices known as guide wires, catheters, stent retrievers and suction devices are used to remove the blood clot and restore blood flow to the affected part of the brain thus enabling patients to recover mobility, speech and other faculties damaged by an acute ischaemic stroke.

Improvements can be so dramatic, Mechanical Thrombectomy has been called a “Lazarus procedure” because of its ability to reduce the risk of long-term disability or death.

Mrs Corns was on a caravan holiday to Filey with her daughter Aileen and son-in-law Alec when they decided to go to Bridlington for the day.

She said: “I didn’t even realise anything was wrong until they got me in a chair. I heard someone say they were calling for an ambulance and I remember thinking ‘What for?’

“I don’t remember arriving at the hospital but I remember them taking me upstairs and telling me what they were going to do.

“All I could think about was my brother, who we’d lost to a stroke just a year ago.

“But then, in no time at all, I was back on the ward, phoning the rest of my family to tell them I’d had a stroke. They couldn’t believe that I was talking fine to them, although I wasn’t allowed to get out of my bed at first.”

When she was well enough to be discharged from hospital the following day, Mrs Corns decided to continue her holiday to be with her family and is now back at home.

“There was something with my grip at first and I dropped a cup of coffee but I think I was just tired,” she said. “My head sometimes feels a bit heavy but it’s nothing.

“People can’t believe it when I tell them I’ve had a stroke.”

Dr Paul Maliakal, Consultant Interventional Neuroradiologist and Director of the Imaging Division at HUTH said the service, which initially ran from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, is now being extended to 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday, from today so the team can help even more people.

He said: “Mechanical thrombectomy is the most effective medical procedure ever invented. patients with stroke who are treated with mechanical thrombectomy have a significantly better outcome than other treatment options.

“Pioneering efforts from the interventional radiology team at HUTH has succeeded in training many more colleagues in this procedure.

“We are pleased to extend the service from 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday , from October 3. This will enable us to treat many more suitable patients, reducing disability and death.”

Dr Maliakal said the long-term aim was to extend the service to weekends before rolling it out to 24/7.

Hull team leads study to reduce serious illness in babies

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Baby Oscar is taking part in the HARMONIE study

A research team from Hull is taking part in an international study that investigates whether it’s possible to reduce the chance of babies becoming seriously unwell with Respiratory Syncytial Virus.

Commonly known as RSV, this common virus causes cold-like symptoms in older children and adults, but can cause inflammation in the lower airways (bronchiolitis) in babies, which makes them short of breath. They can also have difficulties feeding and develop a rattly cough and /or wheezing.

Many areas of the country saw a notable rise in RSV associated hospitalisations of babies and children last year, thought to be linked to restrictions put in place to limit the spread of Covid-19. Fewer infections in young people meant they were unable to build up as much immunity, leaving them more susceptible to viruses such as RSV, and this may still be the case to some extent this year.

In Hull, doctors normally expect to see over 130 children hospitalised with RSV each year during the winter months.

Baby Oscar smiling, laying in his pram

Baby Oscar is taking part in the HARMONIE study

Through the HARMONIE study, a dedicated paediatric research team from Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is now assessing the benefits of giving a drug – called Nirsevimab – to healthy babies aged under 1 year during the winter, when RSV is most common.

One person who understands the importance of this research work is mum-of-two, Sophie.

In 2019, Sophie’s daughter Harriet was born at just 24 weeks and spent her first three months in hospital under the care of the neonatal team.

Baby Harriet then enjoyed a month at home with her family before being hospitalised again for a week after contracting RSV which led to bronchiolitis.

Now Sophie is keen for Harriet’s new baby brother Oscar, aged 10 weeks (pictured, right), to take part in the HARMONIE study in order to prevent other families going through the experience that her family shared.

Sophie says:

“Harriet spent her first few months in the neonatal care unit. It was such a relief to finally get her home after all that time, so then to have her hospitalised again because of RSV a month later was just awful.

“When I heard about the HARMONIE study after having Oscar, I was keen to be involved. The requirements of the study are pretty straightforward and involve keeping an e-diary about Oscar’s health and progress, which I can do at a time to suit me, rather than having to attend clinic.

“If we can prevent just one family going through the upset and the worry that we did with Harriet, it will be well worth it.”

Hull's HARMONIE study research team

Dr Khan (third left) and the paediatric research team working on the HARMONIE study

Dr Khan, the Principal Investigator for the HARMONIE study at Hull Women and Children’s Hospital, said:

“Bronchiolitis is the most common cause of hospital admission in infants in developed countries and Respiratory Syncytial Viral is the most common viral cause of bronchiolitis.

“No parent wants to see their baby in hospital, to be dependent on oxygen, to require tube feeding or even intensive care. This study doesn’t just have the potential to prevent children from catching this nasty virus and becoming seriously ill, but it could also reduce the impact on families, save them unnecessary heartache, and reduce admissions to children’s wards during our busiest months of the year.

“Please, if you have a child aged under 12 months, consider taking part in the HARMONIE study. With your support and that of your little one, you could be helping many thousands of others like you in years to come.”

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is seeking to recruit a minimum of 50 participants in total, part of an international effort to recruit some 28,860 children to the study overall.

If you or anyone you know is interested in taking part in the study, please visit the HARMONIE website:

Alternatively, if your child is aged under 12 months and you visit hospital regularly, please ask for details and a member of the paediatric research team at Hull Women and Children’s Hospital will be pleased to discuss the benefits of being involved in the study with you.

Falklands veteran Barrie “proud” to be chosen for honour

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He saw the horrors of war with the eyes of a 17-year boy.

Just five months after passing out as a Royal Navy Sonar rating, Barrie Smith was sent to the Falkland Islands onboard HMS Alacrity after 600 Argentinian Commandos overpowered 57 Royal Marines on the islands they called “Islas Malvinas” to claim sovereignty.

Sent into battle repeatedly during the 74-day war between Britain and Argentina in 1982, Alacrity, a type 21 frigate, and her crew sunk an Argentinian supply ship, survived torpedo attacks and rescued survivors and bodies from the sinking Atlantic Conveyor.

Barrie Smith, centre, with two of his naval friends

Now, Barrie, a clerical officer with the Hospital Discharge Liaison team at Hull Royal Infirmary, has been chosen as one of the Falklands veterans to take part in Remembrance events on the Falklands next month to mark the 40th anniversary of the conflict which claimed the lives of 255 British personnel.

When asked how he feels to have been chosen for the massive honour, memories and emotions overcome Barrie. “Pride,” he says, quietly.

The Falklands War began on April 2, 1982, with then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher sending a naval task force of 127 ships, including HMS Alacrity, to the South Atlantic following the invasion. Altogether, 30,000 sailors, marines, soldiers, airmen and merchant mariners took part in the first military action since the Second World War to be fought by all sections of the Armed Forces.

The Task Force reached the Falklands on May 2, a month after the start of the invasion

Barrie, a sonar operator on the ship, remembers being sent to open fire on Port Stanley Airport in broad day light, coming under attack from Argentinian Mirage fighter jets, with only the quick thinking of Commander Christopher Craig to move the ship by feet saving them from disaster on that first day. Alacrity became known as “HMS Lucky”.

“Everybody was scared,” said Barrie. “But we hadn’t realise we were in a war until that particular day. Up until that point, we thought we’d be heading down there but they’d move off the island when they saw what was coming.

“They didn’t. They dug themselves in.”

Barrie with wife Julie

Over the coming weeks, Barrie, who also manned the 20mm anti-aircraft guns, and the rest of the crew found themselves in the thick of it.

They were sent on missions in and out of the Falkland Sound, dropping off SAS and checking for mines. It was only years later, when his father read a book about the ship, that Barrie discovered they’d been fired on by an Argentinian submarine, two torpedoes just missing them.

He was on the bridge when his ship fired on the ARA Isla de los Estados on May 11, igniting her jet fuel and ammunition cargo with seven hits. Only two men of the 24-crew survived.

And he was there when Exocets hit SS Atlantic Conveyor, a 15,000 ton container ship, on May 25, killing 12 men.

“One of the big things I remember is my friend went in the water to pull this bloke out and we were on the ropes to help. The bloke turned to our friend, said something and just died. It was horrific.”

Eventually, after long and deadly battles, the island’s capital Stanley was surrounded by British, forcing the Argentinians to surrender on June 14, 1982.

Barrie was due to take part in the Remembrance Sunday parade in London this year as part of the Falklands 40 commemorations but was chosen by the Royal British Legion to fly to the Falkland Islands for their own special services.

He and wife Julie, who works in the control room at Castle Hill, will take the 19-hour flight to the islands, staying with a host family, and joining in official visits to Bluff Cove and Goose Green, scenes of some of fiercest fighting.

On November 11, the British party will lay wreaths at the islands’ Cenotaph before a Poppy Day Dinner with invited dignitaries.

Barrie will take time out to lay crosses at the memorials of both the Atlantic Conveyor and the Isla de los Estadoes, remembering the young lives lost on all sides.

“I’m going to visit the penguins too,” he says. “You have to go and visit the penguins.”

After the official parade for Remembrance Sunday on November 13, Barrie and his wife and the rest of the veterans’ party will attend an official reception at the Governor’s Residence before the flight home.

“I do feel pride to be chosen,” he said. “But I hope, too, that it will help clear away some of the ghosts. So many of us have post-traumatic stress disorder but I still see most of my friends at reunions every year and we are always there for each other.”



New front entrance to Hull Royal Infirmary nears completion

Communications TeamNews

A famous Hull landmark is entering the final stages of a two-year multi-million pound transformation.

Photographs by Jasmine Lee

Hull Royal Infirmary has undergone a £19.3m overhaul to create a new three-storey entrance with an assessment unit, modern pharmacy, multi-faith area and restaurant and shops for patients, visitors and staff.

A new children’s ward is being created on the second floor with direct access over the link bridge to Hull Women and Children’s Hospital. As well as the very latest and best in modern health care facilities, the ward includes facilities for parents of sick children who wish to stay overnight.

A much larger and self-contained assessment unit provides better facilities for patients with views over the front gardens and natural light. Pharmacy has moved to the back of the ground floor of the hospital, with a new robotic arm installed to pick prescriptions.

Duncan Taylor, Director of Estates, Facilities and Development at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, said: “We needed more flexible space to deliver our services and we’ve now got this fantastic facility more suited to the delivery of modern health care.

“Our patients, visitors and staff will benefit from this major transformation of Hull Royal Infirmary and we thank everyone for their patience while we were busy creating these amazing hospital facilities.”

The new front entrance on Anlaby Road transforms the front of the tower block, a landmark building in Hull City Centre which has remained largely unchanged for more than 50 years.

It’s part of a £60m major capital development project undertaken at Hull Royal Infirmary since the start of the pandemic.

As well as the new front entrance, a special block has been created behind the Emergency Department with an additional 52 beds, including isolation facilities for patients with confirmed or suspected cases of Covid-19, other infectious diseases and seasonal illnesses more common during winter, including flu.

A new 24-bedded Intensive Care Unit costing £8m for critically ill and injured patients from all over Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire was opened at the end of last year.

Visitors may still experience some disruption over the next few weeks as the retail units are fitted out and the lift lobby, complete with two new lifts directly to the second floor to ease congestion at busy visiting times, is refurbished.