Hull surgeon who saves children’s faces presents his work to an international audience

Communications TeamNews

A Hull surgeon saving children whose faces have been destroyed by an infection caused by extreme poverty and malnutrition is to showcase his work to a global audience.

Mr Kelvin Mizen, a maxillofacial consultant at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, has spent more than a decade treating children in Ethiopia with Noma, a bacterial infection which can lead to gangrene.

Now, Mr Mizen has been invited to give a lecture to an international audience by the Head and Neck Academic Centre at UCL, the university in London rated the UK’s top university for research strength.

He joins a prestigious line-up of eminent maxillofacial surgeons from countries all over the world including Scotland, France, Ghana, Ethiopia, Germany and Brazil, who have been invited to outline their work.

His lecture – “A decade of experience with microvascular head and neck reconstruction in Ethiopia” – will take place on July 28 and is part of the international Head and Neck Webinar Series.

Mr Mizen’s work in Ethiopia was featured in Channel 5’s Extraordinary People series in 2018 when a documentary team filmed him saving two young women aged 14 and 20 after they developed huge tumours on their faces.

Noma, also known as cancrum oris, can be prevented with antibiotics and immediate nutritional support if detected early enough. However, when it goes untreated, it causes mouth ulcers leading to agonising swelling in the cheeks or lips. Gangrene sets in within days, leaving gaping holes in the faces of children. Around 90 per cent of people with Noma will die from sepsis.

The World Health Organisation estimates around 140,000 children, mostly under six, will develop the condition, present in 39 of the 46 countries in Africa, every year.

You can register for the free event, which starts at 7.30pm.

Covid-19 restrictions remain in force at Hull hospitals

Communications TeamNews

All patients, visitors and staff must continue to wear face masks and maintain social distancing when they come to Hull’s hospitals from next week.

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is advising people that they must wear face masks and keep two metres apart from others at all times in all hospital buildings.

Visiting restrictions will also remain in place, although they will be reviewed regularly by senior staff.

Chief Executive Chris Long said: “We thank the public who have followed our restrictions since the start of the pandemic and we thank them again for their cooperation now.

“Our priority remains the safety of our staff and patients and the need to stop the spread of Covid-19 throughout our hospitals.

“The virus is still circulating in our community and we are once again seeing a rise in hospital admissions, reflecting increasing infection rates in Hull and surrounding towns and villages.

“Restrictions will remain in force for now although we’ll be keeping them under constant review to make changes as soon as it’s safe to do so.”

The advice from Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust comes after England’s Chief Nurse Ruth May reminded the public that everyone accessing or visiting healthcare settings must continue to wear a face covering and follow social distancing rules.

She said: “Face coverings and social distancing measures will remain in place across healthcare settings so that the most vulnerable people can continue to safely attend hospital, their GP surgery, pharmacy or any other healthcare settings for advice, care and treatment.

“And it is important for the public to continue to play their part when visiting NHS and care settings to help protect our staff and patients, particularly those who may be more vulnerable to infections.

“As restrictions are lifted in many places on Monday, everyone has a part to play in helping to control Covid by getting vaccinated and acting responsibly.

“It is vital that in healthcare settings, we do all we can to reduce the risk of infection for those working in our services and those who need our care.”

Hull begins major research project to improve treatment for blood cancers

Communications TeamNews

Doctors in Hull are to undertake major research aimed at improving the treatment of people with blood cancers.

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Hull York Medical School (HYMS) and the Universities of Hull and York have been awarded £2.3m to help people with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) and High-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes (HRMDS).

Around 500 patients will take part in the study – funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), the research partner of the NHS, public health and social care – which aims to examine if blood tests can be used safely to identify serious fungal infections, reducing the use of antifungal drugs and safeguarding their future use.

Chief Investigator Dr Gavin Barlow, Senior Clinical Lecturer at the Medical School and an Honorary Consultant in Infection at the Trust is leading the project with Co-Chief Investigator Dr David Allsup, Senior Clinical Lecturer in Haematology at the Medical School and an Honorary Consultant at the Trust.

Dr Barlow said: “This research will place Hull at the forefront of the good stewardship of antifungal drugs so they remain effective for people developing life-threatening fungal infections in the future.

“Some patients diagnosed with AML and HRMDS can develop serious fungal infections while undergoing intensive chemotherapy. Because fungal infections are difficult to diagnose, patients are often prescribed antifungal drugs as a preventative therapy known as prophylaxis and then often receive more antifungal drugs on top if they become unwell.

“Our findings may prevent patients having to take prophylaxis drugs every day, which have potential side-effects and most patients don’t actually need. This reduction in use will hopefully decrease the risk of fungi becoming resistant to antifungal drugs, protecting them for patients who really do need them, both now and in the future.”

Hull researchers consulted patients with the help of Leukaemia Care before submitting their successful bid for funding and they will continue to be consulted throughout the study, expected to be completed in February 2026.

Dr Allsup said: “Patients told us the number of drugs they have to take is a burden but they did not think blood tests will be a big problem.

“Instead, some were concerned fungal infections might become resistant if we keep overusing antifungal medications.

“The grant will also help develop research capability locally in the areas of haematology and infection.”

The Hull team will work with the York Trials Unit at the University of York, researchers at the University of Liverpool and King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, and the AML Supportive Care Sub-Group of the National Cancer Research Institute.

They will also work with other NHS hospitals to see if the regular blood testing approach is a safe and effective way of identifying and treating serious fungal infections in this group of highly vulnerable patients.


Choice of place of birth: what matters to you?

Communications TeamNews

A project has been launched today to discover what matters to mums-to-be and their families when choosing where to give birth.

Across the Humber, the NHS and other local partners are looking at ways to improve healthcare in the region and we want your input to help us make the best changes for you and your family.

We want to understand what’s important to you when choosing where to give birth so we can develop maternity and neonatal services for the future with you in mind.

Please take 5 minutes to complete this short survey to help us understand what is most important to you as we work to plan for the future: 

The survey will close on Friday 30th July 2021.

You can find out more about why we need to make changes, and keep up to date on this work and future involvement opportunities, by clicking here to sign up to the Humber Acute Services newsletter or by visiting the Humber Acute Services Programme website:

For more information on how your local maternity services can support you, please visit the Humber, Coast and Vale Local Maternity System’s website:

Fever doesn’t always mean a trip to A&E

Communications TeamNews

News outlets across the country are today reporting hospital services to be under a significant amount of pressure.

Here in Hull, it’s the same picture; we’re seeing really high numbers of people seeking treatment from our Emergency Department but more notably, and in line with the national picture, we’re seeing lots of parents with children who are running a high temperature or fever.

Dr Ben Rayner, consultant in emergency medicine working in Hull Royal Infirmary’s Emergency Department (pictured below) is appealing for parents to consider all the options before visiting A&E:

“The number of people attending A&E has been gradually rising for some time and we are now back to pre-Covid levels of around 300 to 400 people every day. This puts extra strain on the physical space in A&E as we still have to social distance and limit numbers of people in the department, but for many patients it also means a much longer wait to be seen.

“We’re seeing a lot of parents right now seeking help for children with a high temperature, and while it’s understandable for parents to be worried, it’s also important to realise that high temperature in children is very common.

“Since lockdown has ended and as social restrictions continue to ease, families are going out more and children are increasingly coming into contact with others. As a result, they will naturally pick up coughs and colds; it’s a normal part of childhood but perhaps not something they’ve been used to over the past 18 months and it’s causing extra concern for parents because it seems out of the ordinary.

“A high temperature is the body’s natural response to fighting infection. In the majority of cases, a fever; that’s a temperature of 38⁰C or above, is short term, it’s something that can be managed at home with a bit of advice and the contents of your home medicine cabinet.

“If parents don’t feel able to do this, they should get advice from their local pharmacy, GP, or one of the urgent treatment centres across the region which are also open 7 days ‘til late. NHS111 is also available round the clock without even having to leave home.”

Dr Rayner adds:

“Sitting in A&E for hours with a child who’s under the weather isn’t anyone’s idea of fun, so we’d really urge parents to think carefully and use the full range of NHS services which are out there.

“Parents should also familiarise themselves with the signs to look out for which suggest a child’s fever is something much more serious. We don’t expect parents to be the experts, but a little knowledge goes a long way and will help our A&E no end when it comes to prioritising the most seriously ill or injured children.”

Emergency care consultants in Hull have produced the information below to help reassure parents of children with a fever and provide guidance on when to seek more immediate medical help:


Specialist nurse receives MBE in Queen’s Birthday Honours

Communications TeamNews

A Children’s Respiratory  Specialist Nurse has received the MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours published this weekend.

Daryl Perkins received the honour for her services to St John Ambulance which stretch back half a century to when she joined at the age of nine and for services to young people.

Daryl, who is only now able to share her secret with friends, family and colleagues, said: “It’s a huge honour.

“I know I do a lot but so do a lot of other people who are part of St John Ambulance.

“I’m really proud to have been recognised for the contribution I’ve made over a period of time.”

Daryl qualified as a staff nurse in adult care in 1984 in Sussex and spent time in special care nursing for babies and looking after adults requiring intensive care. She then switched to GP practice nursing, developing a special interest in asthma.

A mum-of-two, her family moved to Hull in 1992 and she worked as a bank nurse first before spending three years working as a staff nurse in cardiology, then on the eighth floor of Hull Royal Infirmary.

She landed her role as a specialist nurse in children’s respiratory conditions in 1998 and has worked alongside Dr Mary Barraclough and the respiratory team, working with the education system and schools across Hull and East Riding to transform the care of young people with asthma.

Although she has an office in Alderson House, Daryl’s role is mainly community based and she holds clinics for children from 0 to 18, conducting lung function tests and helping with the day-to-day management of their conditions.

Alongside her career, Daryl has dedicated her spare time to St John Ambulance. She was Chief Officer Youth for England between 2009 and 2015, travelling all over the world including New Zealand and Hong Kong as part of her role to support young people.

Currently, she is District Manager for the Humber and East Riding District, working with children and adults and she played an integral role in the service’s contribution to the country’s response to the pandemic.

In the first few months, she supported St John Ambulance’s efforts by supporting and helping to train volunteers for additional roles in hospitals and community services. Since Christmas, she has been involved in the training of 26,000 volunteer vaccinators countrywide to support the vaccination project and has been delivering the vaccine to people locally and regionally.

The Queen’s Birthday Honours lists recognise the achievements and service of people across the UK, from all walks of life and Daryl received a call from the Cabinet Office a few weeks ago to tell her of the honour.

She said: “I didn’t believe it so I called them back to make sure it was genuine.”

Since then, she’s sworn her immediate family to secrecy and celebrated with family and friends at a pre-arranged birthday party for one of her two grandchildren this weekend.

Daryl said: “It was perfect timing because it’s our wedding anniversary and our grand-daughter’s birthday. We’ve just invited more people along to help us celebrate.”




Lateral flow testing introduced for antenatal care

Communications TeamCOVID-19 Update, News

People attending antenatal appointments and scans are being asked to start self-screening for Covid-19.

The Government has recently made twice weekly rapid testing, also known as lateral flow testing, available to everybody, as up to 1 in 3 adults have Covid-19 without any symptoms but can still infect others.

Pregnant women and their birth partners are advised to carry out the test twice a week during pregnancy for their own peace of mind, and to ensure any Covid infection is picked up early and managed.

Now from Friday 11th June, women and support partners attending antenatal appointments and scans at Hull Women and Children’s Hospital will be asked to bring proof of a negative lateral flow test with them to their appointment. For appointments on 11th June, this means taking a lateral flow test today.

For planned appointments such as scans and clinic appointments, women should self-administer a Covid test 24 to 48hours before an appointment. If the woman wants a support partner to accompany her to her appointment, the partner should also take a test 24 to 48 hours before the appointment.

Twice weekly lateral flow tests are readily available in many community locations including local pharmacies, selected supermarkets, leisure centres and other council-run buildings, free of charge. They can also be ordered online via GOV.UK or by calling 119. The test is undertaken at home prior to the woman and support partner attending.

Proof of a negative test result should be brought to the antenatal clinic or scan appointment. Anyone returning a positive result must not attend the hospital, but should contact the appropriate department as soon as possible to cancel and reschedule their appointment, while following all other relevant NHS instruction on testing and self-isolation.

Lorraine Cooper, Head of Midwifery for Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust says:

“In line with national guidance, all hospitals will be asking women and their support person to carry out a lateral flow test before coming to hospital for routine antenatal care.

“This will help us identify people who may be Covid positive and unaware of it, so that we can manage their care appropriately, but it should also prevent them attending hospital and so reduce the risk of transmission to others.”

The requirement follows the recent relaxation of rules which previously prevented partners from accompanying women to their antenatal scans and clinic appointments.

Lorraine continues:

“We were pleased to be able to allow partners back to antenatal appointments and scans; for many pregnant women we know their partners’ support is vital and they also want to share in the joy and excitement that a new baby brings. At the same time, we know many people have had Covid-19 and shown no signs or symptoms, so completing a quick lateral flow test just prior to the appointment date is an easy way to show you care and reduce the risk for everyone.”

Anyone returning a positive result whose appointment is rescheduled will still be assessed at that point to ensure any delay is still clinically safe.

More details can be found in our patient leaflet: 

Find out how and where to get free lateral flow test kits at

Hull earns surgical training accolade

Communications TeamNews

Hull is set to play a key role in training surgeons of the future.

The Royal College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (RCOG) has approved applications from Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and its partner, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, to become a urogynaecology subspecialty training centre.

Together, the two trusts represent one of just 15 centres across the country to deliver this particular course.

This means surgeons from both Trusts are now able to deliver a two-year training programme to equip aspiring surgeons with the skills they need to perform both routine and complex procedures.

Miss Pooja Balchandra, consultant surgeon (urogynaecology) and obstetrician for Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (pictured, top left) says:

“There are only a handful of training centres able to deliver this course around the country, so to be approved as one of them is a matter of great pride and huge responsibility.

“It is also reflective of the high calibre of staff we employ that we are considered suitable to deliver the course, and really demonstrates our commitment to teaching excellence and to training surgeons of the future.”

Urogynaecology is a sub-specialty of Gynaecology. It covers services that provide assessment, investigations and treatment for women with urinary incontinence, vaginal prolapse, recurrent urinary tract infections, bladder pain and pelvic floor injury after childbirth.

Trainees will normally spend a year working in Leeds and a year in Hull, working alongside various teams and specialties including urology, colorectal services and physiotherapy to ensure a full understanding of surgical procedures and aftercare.

While in Hull, trainees will complete their primary training within the theatres and clinics of Hull Women and Children’s Hospital, but as their learning progresses, they will go on to train and learn within other areas of the trust such as urology and colorectal clinics and theatres.

Now that the application to become a urogynaecology subspecialty training centre has been approved, the team is working towards accreditation from the British Society of Urogynaecology (BSUG). It is hoped that such accreditation will help to reinforce Hull’s reputation for expertise in this area, generating further national interest and helping with recruitment.


Photo (L-R): Miss Pooja Balchandra, consultant surgeon (urogynaecology) and obstetrician; Laura Rimmer, urogynaecology specialist nurse; Mr Jagdish Gandhi, consultant urogynaecologist; and subspecialty trainee Dr Kamala.

New ‘eco’ hospital sheets to help staff, patients and the environment

Communications TeamNews

Wards at Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital will be among the first in the country to use patient safety equipment made from recycled materials as part of our mission to reduce our impact on the environment.

The new eco-friendly ‘slide sheet’ will be used to move patients safely in their beds and protect their skin from tissue damage caused by friction and shear.  The ‘slide sheets’ also reduce effort required to move the patients, decreasing the risk of injuries to staff.

The new sheet, made from recycled plastic and wrapped in biodegradable packaging, will help staff move people with mobility problems including bariatric patients, those recovering from surgery and patients with frail or fragile skin.

Chris Richards, Manual Handling Lead at the trust, said: “We’ve been using various types of ‘slide sheets’ for decades but want to standardise with something that will help protect our patients, staff and the environment.

“‘Slide sheets’ are disposed of when the patient leaves the hospital for infection prevention and control reasons but they will end up in landfill or incinerated if required for infection control purposes.

“We’ve been working with the company for some time and they’ve informed us they have developed this new product which is far more eco-friendly.

“Although the product is not totally biodegradable , it is made from recycled materials with biodegradable packaging so it’s definitely a step in the right direction.”

Plans for solar panel field to power Castle Hill Hospital

Communications TeamNews

Hospital bosses have unveiled plans to create a solar panel field to power Castle Hill Hospital in Cottingham and reinvest savings in health care for future generations.

Known as a “ground mounted solar photovoltaic array”, the solar panels will be created on fields owned by Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, south of Castle Road.

All energy generated by the solar panels will be used to power the hospital as part of the trust’s commitment to reduce its impact on the environment, minimise carbon emissions and enhance the sustainability of trust land, buildings and properties.

Savings in energy costs will then be reinvested in hospital services to tackle waiting lists hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Chief Executive Chris Long said: “We have begun a major programme to reduce our impact on the environment, benefiting the health and wellbeing of everyone working or living near our hospitals as well as those who need our services.

“Using trust land to generate power for our hospitals is a major achievement that represents a huge leap forward in securing our future energy needs in a responsible and sustainable way.

“We know, better than most, how climate change has an adverse effect on people’s health and future generations will pay the price if we fail to act now.

“Doing nothing is no longer an option. We must lead by example and take action now to tackle the climate emergency we all face.”

The trust, which runs Castle Hill Hospital and Hull Royal Infirmary, declared a climate emergency recently. It wants to balance the amount of greenhouse gas it produces and the amount it removes from the atmosphere, known as carbon net zero, before 2040, ahead of the target set by the wider NHS.

As well as improving the environment, the entire environmental programme will also help the trust achieve its long-term goals of exceptional health care and clinical services, high standards of research and innovation and financial sustainability to ensure we can provide health services over the next decades.

A planning application for the ground-mounted solar photovoltaic array will be submitted to East Riding of Yorkshire Council shortly. The trust is also writing to residents living near the hospital to inform them and invite their comments about the plans.

Marc Beaumont, Head of Sustainability and Social Value at the trust, said: “We hope residents and the wider community will see the benefit of our plans and help us achieve our aim of improving health care and our services while minimising our impact on the world around us.”