Further restrictions eased for appointments at Hull Women and Children’s Hospital

Communications TeamNews

Women will now be able to bring their partner or one adult to antenatal appointments and growth scans at Hull Women and Children’s Hospital from today (Monday, April 12).

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is bringing forward a relaxation of restrictions, originally planned to be introduced over the next few weeks, in line with national guidelines.

From today, women attending the Antenatal Day Unit will be able to bring one adult with them to the department.

Women attending scans to check on the growth of their baby throughout their pregnancy will also be able to bring their partner or another adult from today.

Women attending appointments at the Antenatal Clinic from today onwards will also be able to bring one adult to support them.

Restrictions for appointments with community midwives and GPs remain in place for the time being and the existing rules for visiting our antenatal and postnatal wards, as well as the measures in place for women in labour, are unchanged.

Head of Midwifery Lorraine Cooper said: “We were able to relax restrictions and allow women to bring one adult to their dating scan, usually around 12 weeks into their pregnancy, from last week.

“We’re now pleased to ease restrictions further to allow women to bring their partner or one adult with them for other appointments to reflect the lower Covid-19 infection rates in our city and across the country.

“We ask women not to bring children to their appointments to allow us to maintain social distancing and keep staff and all women attending our hospital as safe as possible.”


Helping get patients home during Covid-19

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They already had a challenging task, ensuring patients could go home from Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital with all the support they need.

But the Medical Patient Discharge Assistants have gone the extra mile during the pandemic, making sure people are tested for Covid-19 so they are well enough and safe enough to go back to care homes and their own homes.

Now, Patient Flow Managers Samantha Daintith and Ashleigh Jaffray are paying tribute to the 24-strong team, formed around six years ago.

Just some of our Medical Patient Discharge Assistants

Samantha said: “Before Covid-19, the role to maintain the flow of patients within the trust was challenging as we had to make sure people were not in hospital longer than they needed to be and to make sure we had enough beds for people who were so sick they needed to come into hospital.

“Then the pandemic took hold in the UK and the role became even more of a challenge but the team adapted and moved to different areas of the trust to suit the needs of the service.”

The team covers patients requiring care and treatment for medical conditions at both Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill, including specific specialties such as cardiology. Two new members of staff will be joining shortly.

Patients must be tested for Covid-19 before they can be discharged to care homes and some require the support of social services from Hull City and East Riding Councils, meaning an additional effort by the Discharge Assistants to get people out of hospital in the safest way as soon as possible.

Ashleigh said: “The Discharge Assistants have stepped up and gone above and beyond their duties and their roles.

“Staff throughout the trust have now recognised how much of a valuable role the Discharge Assistants are and we would like to thank the team for all the hard work they do, day in day out.

“They live out the true meaning of “TEAM” – Together Everyone Achieves More – at their jobs every day.”

Emergency Admin Department going the extra mile for patients throughout Covid-19

Communications TeamNews

Frontline hospital staff helping people in need of emergency care throughout the pandemic have been praised for their dedication to patients.

Staff in the Emergency Administration Department have worked around the clock in the Emergency Department (ED) at Hull Royal Infirmary, featured in Channel 5’s A&E After Dark, since the pandemic was declared a year ago.

Team leader Jo Hagues said: “I am so proud of how the team have worked over the past year.

“They have been flexible, professional and supportive of all their colleagues even when faced with distressing situations.

“They have gone above and beyond as a team ensuring patient and colleague safety at all times.”

Last Spring, in the run-up to Christmas and at the start of the third lockdown in January, the Emergency Department has seen an influx of patients with the virus as well as those with other severe illnesses and injuries.

Staff in the Emergency Administration Department have manned all areas of ED including Children’s A&E, Primary Care, Initial Assessment, the Acute Medical Unit, Majors – where those with the most serious illnesses and injuries are taken – and the newly built block behind the tower block, where patients suspected with the virus are taken for assessment.

Supporting emergency clinicians, the team process patients’ details, book people in to be seen by clinical staff and ensure each patient’s history is ready for the doctors beginning their care.

In full PPE and often working behind screens, staff in the Emergency Administration Department have gone out of their way to help patients by dealing with them in a timely and efficient manner, despite the pressures of working in a busy Emergency Department.

The team has also supported and trained new staff and those redeployed from other parts of the hospital to help on the frontline.

Jo said: “Our team have been on the front line of the pandemic since the very beginning and they have worked together to look after patients from the minute they arrive in the department. They are a credit to our organisation.”


Partners allowed to attend hospital appointments at Hull Women and Children’s Hospital

Communications TeamNews

A new “Pod” structure  has been installed inside Hull Women and Children’s Hospital to create additional safe space allowing partners to attend scans and appointments.

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has been working for months on potential solutions to allow partners to accompany women to scan and antenatal appointments in line with new national guidance.

Head of Midwifery Lorraine Cooper said: “Our focus has been on keeping the women and babies in our care, as well as our own staff, as safe as possible in line with social distancing measures to prevent the spread of this deadly virus. For women not to have their partners with them at every appointment has caused some women and their partners great distress and we’re sorry for that.

“We have worked with our Estates teams and have created extra space which would allow one named partner to be with women for future scan and antenatal appointments.”

Maternity services at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust are pleased to announce some relaxing of restrictions for visiting the ultrasound department and the outpatient department.

  • From today (Tuesday 6th April), women attending the Women and Children’s Hospital will be able to bring one adult to their dating scan (usually undertaken around 12 weeks of pregnancy) and to scan appointments at the Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit
  • From Monday 19th April, women attending the Antenatal Day Unit will be able to bring along one adult to the department
  • From Thursday 29th April, women attending for growth scans throughout their pregnancy will be able to bring one adult to accompany them to their scan
  • From Monday 17th May, women attending the Antenatal Clinic at the hospital will be able to bring one adult

These changes are possible due to the falling number of cases of Covid-19 in our area along with some extra precautions in place such as extra screens and the use of a remote buzzer system, similar to those used in some restaurants, to allow women and the person with them to maintain safe social distancing whilst waiting in the hospital.

Partners or the person with the woman is asked to continue to wear a face mask or covering and to wash your hands regularly.

Currently, the visiting arrangements on the Labour Ward, the Fatima Allam Birth Centre, Maple Ward, Rowan Ward and appointments in the community setting remain unchanged.

Lorraine Cooper said: “We will continue to monitor the effectiveness of these changes but if there is a rise in cases locally we may need to review these measures. We will continue to inform the public of any changes through all our normal channels.

“We encourage women not to cancel any appointments based on the relaxing of these restrictions.

“Thank you to everyone for being patient and understanding to support our staff to provide safe care.”


How Captain Sir Tom has helped staff at Hull’s hospitals

Communications TeamNews

Work has begun on the construction of a £150,000 Health and Wellbeing Centre funded by some of the £33m raised for the NHS by Captain Sir Tom Moore and hospitals’ charity WISHH.

The centre next to Nightingales Restaurant at Castle Hill Hospital will be open by the end of May to offer hospital staff a safe haven to relax and recuperate.

Supporting the work of Up, the trust’s health and wellbeing programme, the new centre will also feature flexible space for exercises classes including Pilates and yoga, Tai Chi and toning as well as other activities including craft and woodwork sessions and foreign language classes.

Simon Nearney, Director of Workforce and Organisational Development, said: “Our staff have endured a huge amount in the past year because of the pandemic and this is just one of the many things we’re doing to look after them while they’ve been looking after everyone else.

“Our new health and wellbeing centre will be a place for them to reflect, recharge and reset, whether that’s having some time to rest and unwind in one of our relaxation pods or taking part in a sunrise yoga session.

“We’d like to say a huge thank to WISHH, all those who fundraised to support our hospitals during the pandemic and the family of Captain Sir Tom for allowing us to develop such a wonderful facility for our staff.”

Captain Sir Tom, who died earlier this year, won the hearts of the nation and the gratitude of all of us in the NHS after he walked 100 laps of his garden at his home in Bedfordshire before his 100th birthday, eventually raising £33m for NHS Charities Together during the first national lockdown.

NHS Charities Together, the charity supported by Captain Sir Tom, allocated £72,000 to the trust while WISHH’s Covid-19 Appeal, supported by the public, businesses and charities in Hull and the East Riding, will fund the remaining £78,000 as one of its long-term legacy projects to support staff at Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital.

Sue Lockwood, Chair of the WISHH Charity, said: “Since WISHH launched the fundraising campaign at the start of the pandemic, we have worked closely staff to see how we could support them during and beyond Covid-19.

“We rely heavily on them for our healthcare and never more so than in recent months.

“This new facility will give the staff much-needed space and opportunity for rest and relaxation, and provide ways to address their own wellbeing.”

Mrs Lockwood said the long-term aim was to create a second health and wellbeing centre at Hull Royal Infirmary.

She said: “The Castle Hill project would not have been possible without the generosity of our local communities and that put us in the position to be able to secure an additional £72,000 through NHS Charities Together.

“We are immensely grateful to NHS Charities Together for the grant and to our local supporters helping us to make a difference to the outstanding people who provide our care.”

Hospital teams unite to help patients needing surgery during Covid-19

Communications TeamNews

They came together as one team to provide the best possible care to patients requiring surgery in the midst of a pandemic.

Thanks go out to all members of staff on Ward 9 at Castle Hill for their work as the trust faced the pressures of Covid-19.

Before the pandemic, staff on the 34-bed unit cared for patients required orthopaedic surgery from replacement hips and knees to damaged shoulders.

However, with most of our elective work cancelled during the first wave last March, some of the team were redeployed to other wards  – including some to Covid wards – to lend a helping hand.

In the second wave after schools returned following the summer holidays, staff on the ward stepped up to the task of emergency trauma work as part of the trust’s work as the Regional Major Trauma Unit.

And just after Christmas, Ward 9 became a Covid ward as the numbers of people infected with the virus increased.

Ward PA Paula Butcher paid tribute to her colleagues on the ward who responded so well to everything that was asked of them as the ward returns now to its original purpose as an orthopaedic unit.

She said: “There was no complaining, no moaning – everyone just did what was asked of us and it was all hands on deck. This is our NHS.

“Our team brought together some remarkable people from so many different departments, some that had never worked on a ward before.

“All I can say is I am very proud to have worked with them all. The effort and determination and our ability to work together as a team was outstanding.”

Paula, who was herself redeployed to Ward 15 for a time, made special mention of Ward Manager Kerry Wheeldon who managed to unite her existing team with new, redeployed staff at various stages during the past year.

She said: “We’ve shared tears of joy and sadness, we’ve felt overwhelmed and out of control at times but we did it as a team.

“We have made some lovely new work friends along the way and this is what makes it so rewarding.

“Kerry took all of the redeployed staff under her wing and made everyone feel valued in what is such a stressful time in our lives.

“To the  Ward Manager, Junior Sister, Auxiliary Nurses, Staff Nurses, Matron, Clinical Support Worker, Frail Team, Consultants, Physiotherapist, O.t. Doctors, Specialist Nurses, Ward Clerk, Ward Housekeeper, Ward Hygienist, Domestic Cleaner, Catering Staff, Stores Ladies, Linen Room, Estates Department, Post Room, Phlebotomist, Dieticians, Porters – a massive well done to everyone.”

Therapists swap skills to be there for their patients and each other

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Hospital therapists have taken on new roles during the pandemic to ensure patients with cancer can return home to their families as soon as possible.

Occupational therapists, physiotherapists and therapy assistants make up the Oncology Therapy team looking after patients undergoing treatment for cancer at the Queen’s Centre, Castle Hill Hospital, Cottingham.

Clinical Lead Physiotherapist Vijo Mathew has paid tribute to his team for their flexible and willing approach in response to the demands of the pandemic.

Vijo said: “We play an important role in patient rehabilitation and making sure  patients have everything they need to live well at home once they are ready to leave hospital. Helping patients with cancer achieve that quality of life is the main factor driving us forward.

“During the pandemic, we’ve faced staff shortages but we’ve managed to overcome that by sharing out our skills so occupational therapists have been able to do basic physiotherapy assessments and physiotherapists have helped with occupational therapy assessments

“All this means we’re making sure the process of getting patients back home goes as smoothly as possible.”

The Oncology Therapy team, working with patients diagnosed with the virus on Ward 30 as well as patients with other serious illnesses on Wards 31, 32 and 33, has also been the link to families when visiting restrictions were in place to protect patients and staff.

Vijo said: “I am privileged to lead an amazing team which is efficient and dedicated but we couldn’t do our job without the help of wonderful nursing staff, doctors and support staff at the Queen’s Centre.

“The team has supported each other throughout the pandemic and during lockdown restrictions. Whether we’re at work or at home, we’re there for each other.”

‘Administrative backbone’ of Hull Hospitals thanked for pandemic efforts

Communications TeamNews

Scores of hospital staff have been thanked for being the “administrative backbone” of Hull’s hospitals during Covid-19.

Around 70 Ward Clerks have been redeployed to wards throughout the tower block, Hull Women and Children’s Hospital and Hull Eye Hospital for the past 12 months.

And 37 Ward Clerks have stepped forward to work on different wards throughout Castle Hill Hospital as the trust has dealt with three separate waves of the virus since March 2020.

Just some of our amazing ward clerks

In full PPE, they have dealt with an increase in calls from worried relatives, coped with new roles and undertaken new tasks in unfamiliar surroundings as part of Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust’s response to the pandemic.

Tracey Tuck and Jenny Hart, who lead a team of almost 70 Ward Clerks at Hull Royal Infirmary, thanked their team for all they’ve done in the past year – and continue to do – for staff and patients.

Tracey said: “During the pandemic the Ward Clerks have been the admin backbone of the wards.

“Some have had to work on Covid wards wearing full PPE while others have trained new starters, swapped shifts and even wards, away from the clinical staff they have been used to working with.

“They have also had to deal with extra phone calls as restrictions on visiting had to be put in place to protect patients and staff as well as dealing with an increase in admissions and discharges.

“ We would like to say a big “thank you” to all the Ward Clerks for their help and dedication in the last 12 months.

“We are proud of each and every one of them.”

Ward Clerk Manager Zoe Mapes, who looks after the Castle Hill team, said: “We’ve had wards closing and changing over to look after Covid patients and yet our staff have done absolutely everything we’ve asked them to do.

“They’ve been working right next to bays where Covid patients are being treated and they’ve been absolutely fantastic. They’ve just cracked on with it.

“We are just so proud of them and what has been a horrible situation has been so much easier to manage because of such a dedicated and willing workforce. I can’t thank them enough.”

Hospital ward moves twice as Hull Royal infirmary responds to pressures of the pandemic

Communications TeamNews

A team at Hull Royal Infirmary has been praised for helping to move their entire ward twice during the pandemic just so they could care for patients.

Staff on Ward 500 at Hull Royal Infirmary were caring for people with respiratory problems such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and breathing difficulties associated with Motor Neurone Disease before the pandemic.

However, their entire ward moved to the floor above in the tower block twice and their task changed to look after patients with general medical conditions when the number of patients with the virus continued to increase.

Sarah Bennett, Junior Sister on Ward 500, said members of the team came in on their days off to help with the move to the new ward to make sure there was no adverse impact on patient care.

She said: “Ward 500 moved an entire ward to Ward 60, changing from respiratory patients to general medical patients.

“Staff came in to help move equipment and patients on their days off to assist with this move.

“Once we’d moved, staff then came in on their days off again to help with unpacking the ward to make sure we were organised.

“During the lockdowns, we have done this twice and staff went above and beyond helping with these moves.

“I am proud of our Team 500. Their hard work is truly appreciated!

Some members of the team were redeployed to Covid wards and the Intensive Care Units because of their expertise in dealing with patients experiencing breathing difficulties, a common symptom of the virus. Other members of staff working in other services at Hull Royal and Castle Hill Hospital were redeployed to work with the Ward 500 team.

When the team were able to return to Ward 500, they had to contend with construction work to create a new six-bed respiratory high dependency unit for seriously ill patients who did not have the virus but required a high level of care.

Sarah said: “We have all develop our skills and knowledge regarding caring for patients in an HDU setting.

“We have staff from other areas re-deployed to us and also our own staff deployed elsewhere.

“I would like to thank all of my team on ward 500, including staff who are currently redeployed to us. We couldn’t give the safe, excellent care our patients receive if it wasn’t for every single one of them.”

Plea to parents as ED attendances rise

Communications TeamNews

As national lockdown restrictions look set to ease, a hospital doctor is appealing for parents to show the same prudent use of health services as they did during the Covid pandemic.

Dr Liz Herrieven, consultant in paediatric emergency medicine, says that as life begins to return to ‘normal’, so does the number of people using the Emergency Department (ED) for non-urgent or routine healthcare.

Dr Liz Herrieven, consultant in paediatric emergency medicine

“Parents did so well coping with minor injuries and illnesses during the first lockdown. People were worried about the threat that Covid posed, they listened to our advice, and many families were able to manage their healthcare needs without having to come to hospital.

“What we’re finding now is that ED attendances are on the rise again, and we’re seeing many more parents and children presenting with basic health problems, such as ingrowing toenails or scuffs and scrapes, which could just as easily be managed at home or with the help and advice of a GP.”

Dr Herrieven says attending A&E when it’s not an emergency has knock-on effects:

“A busy department means children will be waiting longer to be seen, and unnecessary use of ED could potentially divert staff away from children whose needs are more urgent or potentially life threatening.

“Bringing your child into a hospital where we are still treating patients with Covid-19 also potentially puts you and your child at risk of catching the virus. Where you can, it’s a much better idea to stay at home and call 111 for advice on what to do next, and if you need to come to hospital, the 111 team will be sure to tell you.”

NHS111 is open 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year. Call handlers can offer general advice, arrange for a medical professional to call you back, or refer you to local sources of care and treatment including pharmacies, out of hours GP services or urgent treatment centres.

Should a hospital visit be needed, the NHS111 team is currently allocating times to attend A&E as part of a national pilot. Please note that due to the unpredictable nature of emergency care, they indicate the time you should arrive at hospital, not necessarily the time you will be seen. Patients will still be seen in order of clinical priority, and further waits should be expected during peak hours or where serious cases are being prioritised.

Dr Herrieven continues:

“Parents have shown over the past 12 months that they can get by using health services closer to home, and we’d really like to ask those people to stick at it, to use the full range of NHS services available, and help us keep our time free for the children who really need us most.”