Time to get your flu vaccine to protect you and your baby

Communications TeamNews

Pregnant women can reduce their risk of miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight and stillbirth by taking up the offer of vital protection against flu from next month.

Ten midwives at Hull Women and Children’s Hospital have received specialist training to administer the flu vaccine to women attending antenatal appointments, admitted to the wards for monitoring or visiting the HEY Baby Carousel event on the last Wednesday of the month.

With around 5,500 babies born in Hull every year, pregnant women are particularly susceptible to flu which can cause miscarriage in the early stage or stillbirth in the later stages of pregnancy.

Protect your baby

Healthy lifestyle midwife Caroline Clark said: “Pregnant women are more susceptible to flu because their immune systems are more suppressed in pregnancy and it can make them really ill.

“But still, most people don’t realise how serious flu can be if a woman catches it during her pregnancy.

“Studies have found links between flu and miscarriage in the early stages or early labour, resulting in premature births. There are also possible links to stillbirth.

“It’s just not worth the risk and we’ve made it as easy as possible for women to get vaccinated when they’re coming to hospital anyway, without the hassle of making a separate appointment.”

Women who already received the flu vaccine earlier this year at the start of their pregnancies will require a second vaccination from September to protect them and their babies against the most current strain.

Caroline Clark said: “Different vaccines are produced every year to protect us from different strains of the flu virus so those in the early stages of pregnancy who receive a flu jab in March will need a second one now in the later stages of their pregnancies.”

Midwives can also give women the vaccine to protect them and their babies from whooping cough, also known as pertussis, from the 20-week scan.

Women will still be able to receive the flu vaccine in the community from pharmacies or from their GP.

‘Cheaper than the bus and quicker than walking’

Communications TeamNews

Driving round the country as a medical rep, Chris Jarratt piled on the pounds as he grabbed food on the go between client appointments.

By the time he’d decided to return to clinical practice as a physiotherapist at Castle Hill Hospital, he weighed 16 stone.

“I bought myself a cheap bike and thought it would be quicker than walking and cheaper than the bus so off I went,” he said.

“It was two and a half miles from my house to Castle Hill, it was all uphill but it got easier every day. Then I moved to Hull Royal and it only takes me 10 to 15 minutes.”

Now two stone lighter, Chris cycles to the hospital every day to start work on Ward 11 with patients recovering from strokes and those with neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and MS.

Cycling has become his passion so he’s traded up his bike through the CycleScheme and even raised £300 for the ward after taking part in the Humber Bridge sportive in June.

He said: “Cycling to work has huge benefits. It used to take me 40 minutes to drive home through the rush-hour traffic. Now, I’m home in 15 to 20 minutes, even at the busiest times.

“It’s a great way to wind down and you get half an hour’s exercise in your day, which is the Government’s recommendation, before you’ve even tried or had to think about going to the gym.”

Chris’s advice to anyone thinking about cycling to work is to build up their confidence on a bike first, especially if it’s been a while since you’ve been on one.

“Practise on quieter roads first to get your confidence up,” he said. “Traffic is the main reason why people don’t want to cycle because they’ll be in the middle of the road so practising will give you confidence to use the bigger road junctions.

“Most of the roads now have cycle pathways so that can help you if you’re planning your route.”

‘Do it once and you’ll want to keep doing it’

Communications TeamNews

She was used to cycling along Cornwall’s quieter, winding roads and thought cycling to work from Barton to Hull would be an ordeal.

But cycling over the Humber Bridge has become a highlight of her route when senior matron Trish Prady cycles to and from work at Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital twice a week.

Taking around 40 minutes each way, Trish, who heads a team of specialist nurses and works in gastroenterology, urology and endoscopy, started cycling to work a year ago after much thought.

She said: “I was nervous initially when I first moved here about a year ago because I was used to different kinds of roads.

“But, actually, I think it’s safer to cycle here because you have dedicated cycle pathways.”

Once she’s crossed the bridge, Trish heads towards Castle Hill or Hull Royal, depending on where she’s working that day.

She said: “I’m used to exercising every day and I suppose it’s now a lifelong habit. I’m a runner originally but now we do triathlons and sportives so I suppose I’m confident on a bike.

“Still, I cycled to work for the first time with my husband so I could get used to the route and I was worried about cycling in the winter months.

“But I’ll be cycling this winter without a doubt. “

Although Trish has a key to one of the cycle sheds at work, she is hoping facilities for cyclists, like showers, lockers and cycle schemes, become more common in all businesses and workplaces.

Working in the NHS, she knows cycling is a major benefit in her everyday life.

She said: “We all do really stressful jobs and cycling to work is a really good beginning and end to the day. I love cycling over the bridge.”

Her best advice for anyone thinking about cycling to work is to find themselves a cycling buddy to make the journey together.

“If anyone is thinking about cycling over from Barton, I’m happy to link up. It’s just getting over the hurdle of doing it the first time because once you’ve done it, you’ll want to do it again.”


Hull physiotherapists help you get on your bike

Communications TeamNews

It will help you get into shape, it won’t wreck your joints and your purse or wallet will get a welcome boost.

Around 7.6m people jump on their bikes at least once a month and with high-profile events like May’s Tour De Yorkshire and Welshman Geraint Thomas winning this year’s Tour De France, cycling has never been more popular. But you don’t have to wear head-to-toe lycra to get wheely fit.

Today, to mark National Cycle to Work Day, the physiotherapy team at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is outlining the benefits of getting on your bike.

Just how popular is cycling?

According to national statistics published by the Government in January, around 7.6m are getting on their bikes to cycle at least once a month.

In Hull, 19.2 per cent of people get on their bikes at least once a month with those in the East Riding not too far behind at 17.7 per cent.

However, Hull people are more likely to jump on their bikes to head to work as 14.4 per cent use their bikes at least once a month for travel compared to 6.4 per cent in the East Riding.

People are now cycling 26 per cent further than they were in 2006. But there’s a big difference between men and women, with men going on three times as many trips and cycling four times further than woman.

And more than one third of all cycling trips – 38 per cent – are people cycling back and forth to work.

Cycling is most popular in Cambridge and Oxford, with 56.9 per cent and 38.8 per cent of the population cycling. Just over 27 per cent of people use their bikes in York.

What are the health benefits of cycling?

Trust physiotherapist Kit Wilson said: “Cycling is a low-impact exercise so it’s much easier on your joints than other more high-impact activities such as running or aerobics. There’s less pressure on your knees and ankles because you’re not bearing your weight.

“It’s known as an aerobic activity stimulating and improving your heart, lungs and circulation which, in turn, reduces your risk of cardiovascular diseases such as strokes and heart attacks.

Research has shown a link between cycling and reduced chances of contracting bowel cancer and there is some evidence that cycling reduces the risk of developing breast cancer.

Hull has some of the country’s highest rates of Type 2 diabetes and researchers have discovered people cycling more than 30 minutes a day have a 40 per cent lower risk of developing the condition.

“But that’s not all. Your body fat levels will decrease so you’ll be slimmer, your mental wellbeing will get a boost and your stress levels are likely to fall.

“It’s a win-win.”

The NHS’s Live Well campaign suggests cycling for 150 minutes over the court of a week can boost your cardiovascular fitness. That’s the equivalent of three days’ commuting for many people so you’re clocking up the benefits and the miles while achieving the practical purpose of getting to work.

Cyclists find their joints get stronger and more flexible the more they cycle and they’ll have improved joint mobility. They’ll also benefit from better posture and stronger bones.

You can burn up to 300 calories an hour so, combine it with a healthy eating plan and watch the weight fall off.

“Cycling is a great way of preventing you becoming ill in the first place because of the known health benefits,” said Kit, who is one of the trust staff cycling to work regularly.

“However, even if you’re already living with illness or musculoskeletal complaints like osteoarthritis, it can still be a great way to managing your condition. Just check with your GP, nursing team or physiotherapist first to make sure you’d benefit.”

Right, I’m convinced cycling to work is a good idea. What do I need to do?

Check and see if your workplace offers a Cycle to Work scheme where you can repay the cost of a bike through a salary sacrifice scheme.

If you’re a bit worried about getting back on your bike after a long absence, Hull City Council offer “Rusty Rider” courses in Adult Cycle Training to improve confidence and safe riding skills. Visit www.firststep-cycle.co.uk to book one of the three free sessions open to the public before the end of the year.

Find out where you can keep your bike at work. Hull Royal Infirmary has cycle lockers, sheds and shelters.

Plan your route to work. Cycle Streets lets you put your own location to work out your route to either Hull Royal or Castle Hill.

Get yourself a bike helmet which can help prevent a serious head injury or worse if you fall off your bike. Make sure it meets the British Standard BSEN 1078:1997 and it’s a snug fit, sitting squarely on your head. It needs to sit just above your eyebrows, not tilted back or forward.

It needs to be fastened securely with straps. You should only have room for two fingers between your chin and the strap. Don’t buy a second-hand helmet as it might already be damaged and offer you little or no protection.

If you’re cycling at night or when it’s still dark in the morning, make sure you’ve got lights on your bike.

Speak to the staff in the cycling shop for help in choosing your bike. Listen to the advice of the experts but keep in mind what you’ll be using the bike for most often. There’s little need for a mountain bike with off-road tyres if you’ll be cycling mainly in town.

You’re more likely to stick at it if you fit it into your daily routine.

Still swithering about cycling to work?

  1. You’ll save a fortune on petrol and help the environment
  2. You’ll save on wear and tear on your car
  3. It’s cheaper than catching the train or bus every day, there and back
  4. Getting on your bike for an early or day shift will give you the head space to prepare for the day ahead
  5. The ride home will give you time to clear your mind, ready to enjoy home life when you walk through the door.
  6. You’ll avoid the hassle of battling through traffic, using Hull’s network of cycle lane to whizz through the jams and queues
  7. You won’t get stressed trying to find a parking space around Hull Royal Infirmary or Castle Hill Hospital as the seconds tick ever closer to clocking-on time
  8. You’ll arrive fully-awake, alert and with your senses heightened, ready to put first-class effort into your job
  9. You’ll make new friends, bonding with fellow cyclists from other departments, wards and buildings as you pass in the bike sheds
  10. You’ll get fitter, slimmer and, chances are, happier.

Children’s ward to receive a new four legged visitor

Communications TeamNews

Staff on Acorn Ward at Hull Women and Children’s Hospital are preparing to welcome a new teammate of the four-legged variety.

Hull-based charity, Nice2bNice has teamed up with staff on the children’s surgical ward to provide young patients with weekly visits from Lewis, the therapy dog.

Lewis, a black Labrador, has undergone months of training and visited more than 3,000 children in schools, colleges and activity groups across the area in readiness for his role.

David Freer, Founder of the Nice2bNice charity and Lewis’s owner, will accompany him on the visits. He says:

“Nice2bNice is such a big part of my family’s life that when we decided to get a dog last year, we wanted him to be able to play a part in the charity too.

“We looked at lots of dogs but when we went to visit Lewis, we knew he was the one.

“The idea is to take him on to the wards and allow him to serve as a distraction for children who are feeling poorly or upset, and to bring a bit of enjoyment for them and their families at a difficult time.

“He began training as a puppy, and now he’s at a stage where he’s ready to start visiting the wards and bringing smiles to the faces of the young patients there.”

Visits are expected to take place weekly in the first instance, with a view to extending the meet and greet sessions to the Paediatric Outpatients department and the young patients on Hull Royal Infirmary’s Ward 130 in due course.

Lewis has been independently assessed by a qualified dog behaviourist, he is fully insured for work in hospitals, and all visits are carried out in accordance with the respective health and hygiene policies.

On a recent introductory visit to the ward, Lewis was quick to draw attention, with hospital staff, patients and visitors all making a beeline to give him a stroke and say hello.

Deborah Bristow, Junior Sister on Acorn Ward, says:

“Even from the early visit to the ward, it was clear how much pleasure Lewis was bringing to the children.


“For many youngsters, just having a few minutes stroking or playing with the dog will really make their day. It can help to reduce their anxieties, serve as a calming influence, give them something positive while they’re in hospital, and help to take their minds off their surgery.

“We know not all children will be comfortable around dogs and some will not be able to see Lewis for infection control reasons, so we’ll always do a review of our patients on the ward ahead of each visit to see if they’re comfortable, to check for any allergies and so on.

“What was lovely to see on the early visit was the children taking Lewis for a little walk around the ward. For some whose mobility needs to improve after their operation, he’ll be a great incentive for them to get up and get moving, and even for those who can’t get out of bed, the visits will just be a lovely surprise.

“He certainly gets people talking and I think the staff are looking forward to the visits beginning just as much as the children!”

David adds:

“We’re looking to make weekly visits to fit in with my regular job and according to what suits the ward, so for some children it will be an unexpected surprise, and for those who may have to stay in hospital a bit longer, it will give them something to look forward to if they meet Lewis and know he’s coming back again in a few days’ time.”

For more information on Nice2bNice, visit www.nice2bnice.org.uk

Cook frozen sweetcorn before adding to salads, advises head of midwifery

Communications TeamNews

Pregnant women are being urged to stop adding uncooked frozen sweetcorn to their salads after an international outbreak of food poisoning.

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is supporting Public Health England by advising people to stop adding frozen sweetcorn to salads or other ready-to-eat foods unless it has been cooked or heated properly.

Pregnant women, older people and adults with weakened immune system are at particular risk of listeriosis, with 11 confirmed cases and two deaths in the UK.

Janet Cairns, the trust’s Head of Midwifery, said: “Pregnant women want to give their babies the best start in life and embrace the “five-a-day” healthy eating message.

“But we need to remember frozen sweetcorn and other frozen vegetables are raw food, so are not ready to eat, and we need to make sure they are heated or cooked adequately before they are eaten or added to salads.

“We know the incidence of severe listeria infection is around 13 times higher in pregnant women than in the rest of the population.

“Older people and adults with weakened immune systems are at particular risk of contracting listeriosis so they should take extra care.”

Last month, Greenyard Frozen UK recalled a number of frozen vegetable products due to the possible presence of listeria monocytogenes.

Although the majority of people in good health will have no symptoms or experience mild diarrhoea and stomach cramps, pregnant women, those over 60, people with pre-existing medical conditions like cancer, liver or kidney disease and are at higher risk.

They can experience symptoms such as fever, severe body ache, headaches and febrile gastroenteritis.

Pregnant women may experience flu-like symptoms, fever, backache and headache along with diarrhoea or other gastrointestinal symptoms.

Janet Cairns said: “We don’t want women to worry unnecessarily if they have consumed uncooked frozen sweetcorn or frozen vegetables recently.

“But if you are experiencing these symptoms or even if you’re worried, speak to your midwife or see your GP who can help you.”

Small token, huge comfort

Communications TeamNews

What started out as a small gesture by a local charity is now providing huge comfort to patients with a brain injury.

PAUL for Brain Recovery has arranged for comfort bags, known as recovery care packages, to be made available to any patient receiving care on neurosurgical wards 4 and 40 at Hull Royal Infirmary. The bags contain essential toiletry and personal care items for people who may have been brought into hospital unexpectedly or who have no friends or relatives to bring such items in for them.

Paul Spence, founder of the PAUL for Brain Recovery charity who suffered a brain injury himself back in 2012 and spent almost two months recovering in hospital, is the driving force behind the idea. He says:

“I’ve been volunteering on the wards for some time now, offering the benefit of my experience to people with a brain injury and their relatives, and showing that there can be light at the end of the tunnel.

“While I was on the ward one day, a nurse mentioned to me that some patients didn’t always have the personal items with them which many of us take us for granted to make them feel comfortable; a razor for the men, sanitary items for the ladies, deodorant for the hot weather, and even things as simple as a comb or a hair bobble. The nurses had been giving out rubber bands to patients to help keep their hair off their faces; that’s not great and it’s not very dignified for people at a time when they may already be anxious, confused or upset.

“I managed to find a sponsor and through the PAUL for Brain Recovery charity, we’ve now provided neurosurgical wards 4 and 40 with a supply of comfort bags to give out to anyone who might need them.”

The ladies bag contains a hairbrush and hairbands, shampoo, shower gel, deodorant, sanitary towels and a toothbrush, while the men’s bag contains a razor, shaving cream, a comb, toothbrush, deodorant and shower gel. All bags contain a leaflet providing more information on the PAUL for Brain Recovery charity.

Paul continues:

“When you come into hospital, especially with something like a brain injury, there may not be time or you may not be well enough to even think about what to bring with you.

“Patients will always get great care here at Hull Royal, but it’s important for them to know that they can get support throughout their recovery too. At PAUL for Brain Recovery, we provide a place where people can just be themselves and get support, advice and guidance. The comfort bags are just a small token of our support at the start of their journey to recovery.”

Sisters buying a VR headset to help Hull’s poorly children

Communications TeamNews

Two sisters are devoting their summer holidays to helping sick children about to undergo medical procedures at Hull Women and Children’s Hospital.

Amiee Hilton, 11, and her sister Millie, 10, are selling sweets at Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital to raise ÂŁ500 for Acorn Ward.

The sisters will use the money to buy a virtual reality headset to distract youngsters on the children’s ward who are about to undergo medical procedures as part of their treatment.

(From left) Millie Hilton, Sally Hilton, Emma Chaffer and Amiee Hilton

Amiee, who starts Malet Lambert School after the holidays, said: “The headset can make you feel like you’re on a rollercoaster or swimming with dolphins to help you calm down if you’re worried about having an injection or something.”

The girls’ mum Sally is a Health Care Assistant on Acorn Ward and, together with Clinical Support Worker Emma Chaffer, is supporting the girls in their Lifestyle Project run by Humberside Police.

She said friends and family have donated money so the girls can buy boxes of sweets to make up into 1,000 bags to sell to staff and visitors to reach their target.

Millie Hilton, left, and sister Amiee

Sally said: “It can be hard for children coming into hospital who feel a little bit anxious about their treatment and this headset can be used to distract them and give them something fun and exciting to look at while they’re undergoing the procedure.

“We’re really grateful to the staff and visitors who have already bought bags of sweets and hope people will support the girls when they head across the Castle Hill.

“I’m very proud of the girls.”

As well as setting up a stall to sell sweets in the reception of Hull Women and Children’s Hospital, the girls are also using their pocket money to buy sweets to give to patients and staff at the Queen’s Centre at Castle Hill Hospital.

A&E porter thanks security officer and staff for saving his life

Communications TeamNews

A hospital porter told how a security officer helped to save his life after he suffered a cardiac arrest near the main entrance to Hull Royal Infirmary.

Shaun Marshall, 49, went outside for a breath of fresh air when he began to feel unwell during his morning shift at Hull Royal’s emergency department.

However, security officer Josh Woolhouse rushed to help with two nurses after they spotted Shaun falling to the floor just inside the main entrance.

A defibrillator was used to restart Shaun’s heart before he was rushed round to A&E on a trolley where emergency staff were able to save his life.

Shaun, left, with Josh

Now back on the road to recovery  and about to return to work, Shaun said: “If it wasn’t for Josh, I wouldn’t be here.

“We’d had a few people off and I’d offered to change my shift so I shouldn’t really have been here.

“The doctors told me if this had happened to me at home, I wouldn’t have made it.”

Shaun joined the trust as a porter in April and was asked to cover the early shift instead of his normal work pattern on May 30.

He started to feel unwell as his shift progressed and by the time he was sent to A&E, he had to sit down and rest for a few minutes. Not feeling better, he headed towards the front of the tower block to get some fresh air but collapsed as he reached the lift lobby.

Shaun said: “I’d never met Josh before but I owe him everything. He was first to reach me and he started chest compressions. I know two nurses came to help but if it hadn’t been for Josh reacting so quickly, I wouldn’t have made it.

“I didn’t know a thing about it until I came round a while later in resus but I’m just so grateful to everyone who helped me, especially Josh.”

Josh, 23, joined security firm OCS three years ago and operates the CCTV and transports blood from the pathology labs to theatres as part of his role at Hull Royal Infirmary.

He had just left the security office on the third floor at the start of his shift when he saw Shaun collapsing in front of him near the lift lobby.

“I realised straight away he wasn’t in a good way,” Josh said. “He wasn’t responsive, wasn’t breathing properly and was really pale so I immediately put out a crash call.”

With an emergency crash team on the way, Josh lay Shaun on his side to clear his airway and ripped open Shaun’s shirt to begin chest  compressions as other members of staff checked but couldn’t find a pulse.

The crash team had raced to the lobby and took over while Josh then switched back to his day job and cleared the lobby of onlookers.

He said: “People ask me about what I did and I can’t explain it. I just did it. The whole adrenalin thing kicked in but when they put the defibrillator on him and I heard him groaning, I just thought ‘Thank God for that’.”

Shaun has nominated Josh for one of the trust’s internal staff awards known as Moments of Magic after meeting up with Josh again to thank him.

Josh said: “I’m not an emotional guy but when I saw him for the first time and he welled up, I’d to tell him to stop because that would have set me off.

“I’m not a hero or anything. I was just in the right place, at the right time, doing my job.”

OCS Contract Manager Joe Moore has also recognised Josh’s outstanding efforts in the company’s internal awards scheme ‘MyThanks’.

He said: “I am extremely proud of Josh and the way he has conducted himself. He is a credit not only to OCS but also himself. Due to Josh’s actions, Shaun can continue to return home to his family.”

Midwifery team get support from new advocates

Communications TeamNews

A new support role is being introduced to empower midwives and midwifery assistants in Hull to take small steps to improve maternity services and feel happier in their careers.

Professional Midwifery Advocates (PMAs) at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust will support staff in their roles to make sure women have the best care and staff are cared for as well.

Head of Midwifery Janet Cairns said the team of 12 PMAs will support the trust’s 230 midwives and the midwifery assistants to achieve the most out of their jobs.

She said: “This is about their health and wellbeing, given them a safe space to reflect on what has gone well, what could have gone better and what could they change to improve the service in the future.

“But it’s not just about the difficult situations our staff sometimes have to face, it’s about when things go really well that could be shared more widely to improve the service.

The new role is being introduced at hospitals throughout the country as part of the national maternity transformation aimed at improving maternity services.

The Hull team aim to build resilience, enable professional development and make time to check on the health and wellbeing of midwives and midwifery assistants.

They also see the role as providing the time and space to celebrate successes, offer time for reflection on any challenges facing the service and support midwives to make changes.

A key part of the PMA role is also to make staff feel valued.

PMAs will be given two days a month to work with midwives and midwifery assistants at Hull Women and Children’s Hospital and those working in the community, either in group sessions or in one-to-ones to offer support to staff.

As well as listening to staff, the PMAs can offer staff advice on how to handle difficult conversations, such as discussing a woman’s birth options when her preferred choice wouldn’t be safe for her or her baby or when the mother chooses lifestyles that may impact on the health of her baby, such as smoking and drinking alcohol.

Instead of their normal midwifery uniforms, the PMAs will wear pink tops to ensure they are freed up from their clinical roles to work with their colleagues.

Lorraine Cooper, part of the PMA team, said: “Research shows that if health care professionals feel supported in their roles, they will, in turn, improve standards of care so this has major benefits for women too.

“Not only will our midwives feel more supported, we hope this new role will help achieve the most out of their careers and come up with ideas which can benefit everyone.”

The PMA team will be launched at the trust on August 10 and midwifery leaders will welcome other members to staff to sign up to the new role in the future.