Children’s nurse Liz retires after 35 years

Communications TeamNews

She had always wanted to join the police force but her hopes were dashed when she was 16 because she reached just five foot three tall and had poor eyesight.

Instead, Liz Hembrough concentrated on finding a career that involved working with people so opted to join the NHS.

Now, 35 years after she began her training at Hull School of Nursing, Liz has just retired from the paediatric high dependency unit on the 13th floor of Hull Royal Infirmary.

She said: “As the time came closer and closer, I started to think about how hard it would be for me to leave.

“I’ve loved my career and we have such a fantastic team here. I’ll be very sad to leave them.”

From left: Remy Toko, Tracy Butkus, Liz Hembrough, Danielle Fenty

Liz started her training on December 7, 1981, alongside Mike Wright, now the trust’s Executive Chief Nurse.

Qualifying in March 1985, Liz worked on Intensive Care for 18 months but decided she wanted to get some ward management experience and went to Ward 6, then general surgery.

She originally planned to stay just six months but ended up spending three years on the ward. However, she missed critical care nursing so joined the A&E team in November 1989.

She was there for almost 10 years until she moved into children’s A&E and it was here that she discovered a love of working with children.

She did her paediatric training in 2000, going on to complete her Registered Sick Children’s Nurse training in 2001. She remained in the paediatric emergency department until 2001 before moving up to the 13th floor.

“It’s the things the kids say,” she said. “They just don’t get that with adults. With children, they say it how it is and I like that.

“It can be heart-breaking too but it’s just such a rewarding area to work in.”

Although Liz is moving to Scarborough, she plans to continue to work for the nursing bank for paediatrics in the seaside town, ensuring her skills remain within the NHS for some time.

However, after 35 years in the NHS, she is hoping to find more time to pursue her hobbies of salsa dancing and photography.

Members of the PHDU team held a farewell event for Liz in the school room on the 13th floor of Hull Royal Infirmary, attended by her colleagues past and present.

Sister Anne Dalby said: “I’ve worked with Liz for 13 years and have never heard her say a bad word about anyone.

“She is very attentive to the children and families in her care and alleviates their stress at what can be an extremely difficult time.

“Liz is a valued member of the PHDU team and her experience and unique personality will be greatly missed by staff and patients alike.”

Patients take a virtual tour thanks to cancer charity donation

Communications TeamNews, Queen's Centre

Patients set to undergo a course of radiotherapy are receiving on-the-spot education thanks to the work of a local cancer charity.

Team Verrico has purchased a state of the art laptop worth more than £1,850 for the radiotherapy team at Castle Hill Hospital in Cottingham. It is being used to run the Patient Education And Radiotherapy Learning (PEARL©) programme, and VERT© (Virtual Environment Radiotherapy Training); virtual reality software designed by Hull-based Vertual Ltd.

PEARL gives patients a virtual tour of a treatment room and the equipment used within it before their treatment begins. The software also allows patients to see how the radiotherapy is planned to target their cancer and minimise side effects.

Becky Joyce, Therapy Radiographer for Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust says:

“Many patients can be worried or unsure what to expect when they’re told they need radiotherapy.

“Not everyone has an in-depth knowledge of anatomy, so by using PEARL we are able to show our patients what the linear accelerator looks like, how and where on the body it will deliver their treatment, and even how it sounds, which can help to reduce anxiety massively.

“Having this software on a high-tech laptop means we are able to move around the department to show patients what to expect, as well as on to wards and in to other health facilities to help with the training of staff, such as GP practice nurses and junior doctors.

“The PEARL programme can be tailored to the patient’s specific treatment site and show the precise organ or area in the body which is to be treated. This means patients can see how the beam from the linear accelerator will target the exact area while working to spare healthy tissue. We often describe it as ‘explaining the invisible’, and the laptop donated by Team Verrico has everything required to enable us to teach staff and patients more about radiotherapy treatment in order to improve understanding and quality of care.”

Over 170 patients receive radiotherapy treatment at the Queen’s Centre each day with courses lasting anywhere from 1 to 37 days depending on the patient’s individual circumstances.

Jackie McHale, Treasurer of Team Verrico says:

“It’s been a pleasure to help the radiotherapy team at the Queen’s Centre and hopefully many patients who will come through the doors too.

“The virtual tour is very visual and must be very reassuring. It’s great to see the laptop we’ve provided in use as it helps to make it so much more real for the patient.”

Hospital staff taking part in rainbow parade to celebrate Hull Pride

Communications TeamNews

Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital staff will be getting in the party spirit when they join thousands for this year’s Hull Pride celebrations.

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is inviting members of its 9,000-strong workforce to join the event as the city erupts in a rainbow of colour on Saturday, July 21.

As a silver sponsor of the event, local NHS services will also set up a marquee in the Pride Village in the city centre after the parade to promote national NHS health screening programmes, including cervical screening, breast screening, and AAA screening.

Two NHS delivery vans have also been given the rainbow treatment for the second year running and can be seen travelling between Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital.

Pride Van

Lucy Vere, the trust’s Head of Organisational Development, said: “This is a fantastic event and we’re so pleased to be showing our support and friendship to the Pride community.

“It’s a double celebration for us as we will also be marking the 70th anniversary of the NHS this year.

“We really hope as many staff as possible join us for the parade. People can dress up, cover themselves in glitter or just come as they are and they won’t look out of place. It’s an event for everyone.”

The trust set up its LGBT Staff Network earlier this year to support workers of any sexual orientation or gender identity, ensuring the organisation is a welcoming place for everyone to work.

Staff will be offered up to four wristbands so family and friends can join them for the parade.

The trust will team up with Hull and East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Groups to promote changes to urgent care services, which now offer people a faster and more appropriate way of getting medical attention to ease the pressure on Hull’s A&E.

City Healthcare Partnership, which provides a range of health and care services across Hull and East Riding, will also be joining the NHS trusts.

Bonnie Gray, representing the LGBT Staff Network, said: “This will be the third year the trust has taken part in Hull Pride but the first since the formation of the network.

“It’s a fantastic atmosphere and it’s a great way of showing Hull is a diverse, friendly place for people of all backgrounds, cultures, identities and orientations.

“I believe the same can be said for the NHS as a place to work and to receive healthcare.”

Winter vomiting bug hits hospitals in July

Communications TeamNews

A virus normally seen during the winter months has led to temporary ward closures at Hull Royal Infirmary in recent days.

Wards 11 and 110 have been closed to new admissions due to the winter vomiting bug, Norovirus, and further bays have been closed on ward 31 at the Queen’s Centre, Castle Hill Hospital, due to an outbreak of diarrhoea and vomiting.

Both hospitals are continually busy, and the unwelcome news comes as Hull Royal Infirmary saw A&E attendances top 500 in a single day last week.

In light of this unseasonal outbreak, hospital staff are now appealing for the public’s help in limiting the spread of the virus and keeping patients safe.

Greta Johnson, Lead Nurse for Infection Control at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust says:

“It’s very unusual for a virus which is normally at its most prevalent in the midst of winter to be doing the rounds in July.

“In healthy people, Norovirus can be unpleasant but is generally quite mild, with symptoms such as sickness and diarrhoea lasting for a couple of days. For patients in hospital however, many of whom will already be weak or susceptible to infection, Norovirus can be much more serious.

“In order to limit the spread of the virus, we have temporarily closed two of our wards to new admissions, and staff are doing a great job in containing it, but we also need the public to play their part.”

Bugs such as Norovirus often originate in the community and can spread quickly when a number of people spend time in close proximity, such as in schools or on a hospital ward.

“As a temporary measure, in order to try and prevent further spread of the virus, we are asking people only to visit Wards 11 and 110 at this time if absolutely necessary, because Norovirus can be passed on so easily,” Greta continues.

“People who have had symptoms can remain infectious for up to two days after the symptoms have gone, so we would ask patients, visitors and staff who have experienced diarrhoea or vomiting to stay away from hospital until they have been symptom-free for 48 hours to help minimise the spread of the virus to others.”

Anyone experiencing sickness, vomiting or diarrhoea should not come to hospital but should seek advice first from their local pharmacy, or telephone their local GP or NHS 111. Attending the GP surgery or Emergency Department is strongly discouraged as this risks spreading the illness to other people who may already have weakened immune systems.

Regular, thorough handwashing, especially after using the toilet, can also help to reduce the risk of viruses being passed on to others.

A&E staff seeing record numbers of patients with minor complaints

Communications TeamNews

Stories of A&E departments under pressure have become commonplace during the winter months but staff at Hull Royal Infirmary have seen record numbers of patients in the first week of July.

Over 500 people attended Hull Royal Infirmary’s A&E on Monday 2nd July, many with illnesses and conditions that should have been seen and treated at their local urgent care centre, GP, pharmacy or minor injuries unit. Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust which manages Hull Royal Infirmary is urging people to stay away from A&E unless they have a serious illness or emergency medical condition and warning that the increase in minor attendances is putting lives at risk.

In February, Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust reported that people had been turning up at Hull Royal Infirmary’s A&E department to ask emergency staff to remove acrylic nails, provide second opinions and manage chronic problems already under the care of specialist team. Others have turned up in the department with simple viral stomach upsets, running the risk of spreading the bug throughout the hospital. We would advise these patients to take rehydration supplements and anti-diarrhoeal available from any pharmacy.

Dr Jacquie Smithson, medical director for medicine at the trust, said: “We are seeing far too many people in our A&E department who should have been seen and treated elsewhere. The staff working in our emergency department must be free to deal with people facing life-threatening emergencies. By attending A&E with complaints that could be seen outside of hospital it is diverting our medical teams away from patients who require more urgent care and treatment.

“We are trying our best to cope with the demand we have seen this week and we are asking for the public’s help to ensure our staff are there to help those most in need of our attention by using alternative services if they do not have a medical emergency.”

The Trust launched an advertising campaign “A&E: It’s Serious Stuff” to urge the public to use alternative health services such as their GP, pharmacies, minor injuries units and the urgent care centres at Bransholme, Beverley, Bridlington and Goole.

Calling all school-leavers: Come and see what the NHS can offer you

Communications TeamNews

Leaving school this summer? If you think working in the NHS is only for nurses and doctors, it’s time to reconsider your options.

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is helping young people aged 16 to 24 find out more about the 322 different careers on offer in the health service.

The trust running Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital has set up three projects to give young people from different backgrounds an insight into opportunities in the NHS.

Rachael Pearce, the trust’s Senior Patient Experience and Engagement Officer, leads the Young Volunteers scheme, the Young Health Champions and the Pathway to Medicine scheme.

She said: “The NHS has so much more to offer young people. Young people are surprised when they find out about the fantastic opportunities available to them right here on their doorsteps.

“We can help anyone, from any background, and these schemes are about giving them that introduction and insight into careers they may not have considered in the past for whatever reason.”

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has helped 260 school-leavers as part of its “Young Volunteers” programme since it was set up three years ago.

Many young people have since taken up apprenticeships at Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital or have gone into other health-related careers.

The programme, which pays young people travelling expenses as they gain vital work experience, has attracted national attention since it was launched three years ago and has now been introduced by other hospitals around the country.

A further 50 people aged 16 to 24 have also been signed up as Young Health Champions as part of a project reaching out to young people with depression, anxiety, social issues or conditions such as autism and ADHD.

Provided with a daily £3 lunch voucher and travel expenses, the young people attend a work placement three days a week in their chosen field in the hospital and go into a classroom setting to improve their skills in English, maths and IT one day a week.

They also spend a further day learning techniques to improve communication skills, team-working or motivation.

The Pathway to Medicine course supports young people from disadvantaged backgrounds who have the desire and ability to train as doctors.

Rachael Pearce said: “Many of these young people are more than capable of going to university to study medicine but it may be a path they have not been encouraged to take.

“We can show them their ambitions can become a reality and can provide that vital support in the early stages to help them take those first steps towards achieving their goals.”

Anyone interested in taking part in any of the three schemes should contact Rachael Pearce on 01482 675189 or Lynn Jickells 01482 674668


Hull choir chosen to sing at prestigious NHS 70th anniversary celebrations

Communications TeamNews

Hospital staff have been chosen to sing at a prestigious national celebration to mark the 70th anniversary of the NHS next week.

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust NHS Choir will open the ceremony at York Minster, attended by Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt, on Thursday with their rendition of Adele’s Make You Feel My Love.

Trust web developer Bonnie Gray, one of the choir’s founding members, said: “It is a massive honour for the choir to be part of such a wonderful occasion.

“This is something we will never forget and we’re so proud to fly the flag for Hull and for the trust.”

National services will be held at Westminster Abbey and York Minster for around 3,000 NHS staff working for organisations around the country, alongside representatives of charities, local authorities and organisations with close ties to the health service.

Singer Linda Nolan, currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer, will host the concert at York Minster.

She will be joined by 15-year-old Eve Senior, a survivor of the Manchester terror attack who wants to become a nurse, and Amen Dhesi, who became a carer at 13 for his dad who has bipolar disorder.

Hull’s choir was founded in 2014 as a way of combining staff’s passion for singing with their passion for the NHS. It was set up as a health and wellbeing project, with no auditions necessary before members were allowed to join.

Today, the choir has more than 50 members working in almost every area of Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital, including midwives, nurses, doctors, radiographers, biomedical scientists, office staff and occupational therapists.

Lucy Vere, Head of Organisational Development and another founding member of the choir, said: “Our choir is so proud to be part of the NHS and every time they sing, you can see their passion for what they do.

“We’re also so honoured to represent our trust and our city. To be part of the NHS’s 70th celebrations is just the icing on the cake.”

Celebrations to mark the special anniversary will be held up and down the country, with thousands expected to attend a Health Expo at the Double Tree by Hilton from 10am to 4pm.

Seventy years of innovation in the NHS, with uniforms, artefacts and old photographs dating back through the decades on display until 7pm.

A tea party for long-serving members of staff who have contributed to the health and wellbeing of people will also be part of the event, running from 10am to 4pm.

People interested in working in the NHS will be able to find out about jobs in all different areas of the health service at a careers fair at Double Tree by Hilton.

Health Expo has been organised by the trust, Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust, City Health Care Partnership, Hull Clinical Commissioning Group and East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group.

The Allam Medical Building at the University of Hull will be one of dozens of landmark buildings to light up blue on Thursday evening to mark the anniversary. The gardens at Hull Royal Infirmary, the York Minster, the Blackpool Tower, the Gateshead Millennium Bridge, the London Eye and Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park will also be lit blue.

Professor Julie Jomeen, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Hull, said: “To shine a light on this special day on the Allam Medical Building is a fitting way to pay tribute to our outstanding graduates – midwives, nurses, operating department practitioners, clinical psychologists, social workers and doctors – already working for the NHS

“It also celebrates the birth of one of the world’s most incredible organisations, the NHS, as it marks 70 years of providing healthcare for all.”

Midwifery Assistants Pat and Janet, both in 70s and still pulling night shifts

Communications TeamNews

They were little girls when the NHS was created, offering universal health care to everyone whether they could afford it or not.

Today, Pat Watts, now 77, and Janet Harley, 76, pull on their striped uniforms two nights a week to work as midwifery assistants at Hull Women and Children’s Hospital.

Pat, a mum of two from Beverley with four grandchildren and one great grandchild and another on the way, said:  “I can’t imagine not doing this because it’s been part of my life for so long.

“When people see me, they don’t ask me how I am. Nowadays, the first thing they say is ‘Are you still here?’

“My husband does mention to me from time to time about retiring. But that’s because he has to drive me to work so it means he wants to watch the cricket or go swimming.”

Janet, who has two children and two grandchildren, said: “I reduced my hours from 30 to 20 a couple of years ago with views of trying to wean myself off work. But I’m still here.

“It has been a privilege to work for the NHS all these years. I’ve seen so many changes but I’m still smiling.”

Pat (above left) was born in 1941 and became a nursing cadet at Beverley Westwood. She started nursing training at 18 but it halted when she married husband John a year later.

She worked as an auxiliary until her first daughter Sharon was born in 1962. Pat wanted to return to the Westwood after Sharon was born but there were no vacancies so she went to work instead at a local hospital in Brandesburton.

Pat Watts, when she started her training

She had second daughter Deborah in 1965 and returned to the Westwood Hospital in 1966, working nightshift on the wards.

She transferred to the Cottage Hospital annexe, looking after women on gynaecology wards and working alongside a night sister.

The introduction of the State Enrolled Nurse changed the tasks of an auxiliary. Pat was moved back to the Westwood when the annexe was closed and joined the maternity team.

When maternity services moved from Beverley, Pat transferred to Castle Hill as a midwifery assistant, supporting women in the labour and postnatal wards.

Pat worked in the Jubilee Birth Centre, supporting midwives to look after women and training in baby massage before the centre closed in 2012.

She then transferred to Hull Women and Children’s Hospital and now works two nights a week on Maple Ward, the antenatal ward for women requiring additional care or who are due to be induced, and Rowan Ward, which looks after women after their babies are born.

Pat supports the midwives and medical staff looking after the women, helps the women through the night and is a vital support to the younger, less experienced staff who can rely on Pat’s vast knowledge.

“I’ve done all my NVQs,” said Pat. “I know it’s important to keep up with my training online.

“I just really like looking after the women and their partners. This is such a friendly team and it’s really nice to be part of it.”

Janet (above right) started her orthopaedic training at Bridge of Earn Hospital in Scotland and, even as a student nurse, took charge of a busy Nightingale ward at night, with the night sisters visiting twice or three times a night to check all was well.

She married husband Robert, who was in the forces, and they moved south, with Janet joining maternity services at a cottage hospital in Aldershot and then Frimley Park Hospital in Hampshire.

Robert got a posting in Yorkshire and Janet visited Beverley Westwood Hospital to see about a job.

Janet Harley, earlier in her career

“I got an interview and was asked by Matron if I could start that night as they were short of staff on the baby care unit,” she said.

Janet moved to Castle Hill Hospital and worked on the special care baby unit and on the labour and delivery ward before transferring to the new Hull Women and Children’s Hospital in 2003.

She worked on the labour and delivery ward for 14 years before moving to Maple Ward and cut her hours back last year, working just two night shifts a week.

“I still continue to do labour ward, theatres and work in the midwifery-led unit and I keep myself up-to-date with all the study days and online training,” she said.

“I enjoy the teamwork. I was asked many times over the years if I wanted to do my midwifery training but my priorities then were my two children and childcare was difficult in those days.

“I’ve been on nights for 59 years now and they fit well into my lifestyle.

“People call me the ‘lovely little lady’. I always say I was six foot when I started nursing, now I’m down to four foot nothing.”

Cliff Richard ‘Pink Lady’ meets idol to help breast screening service

Communications TeamNews

A Cliff Richard fan has raised hundreds of pounds for a breast screening service after wearing a bright pink wig to meet her idol.

Jenny Dickinson, 68, is one of a group of women calling themselves “Cliff’s Pink Ladies” on Facebook because they wear pink to every one of the superstar’s concerts to raise awareness for breast cancer.

Now, after undergoing surgery twice to remove cysts, Jenny has raised £300 for Humberside Breast Screening Unit, based at Castle Hill Hospital, after she was sponsored to wear her bright pink wig to meet Sir Cliff during his “Singalong with Cliff” at his vineyard in Portugal.

Jenny Dickinson with Sir Cliff Richard

Jenny said: “Cliff knew exactly what I was doing and why I was wearing the wig. He’s heard all about it because it was posted all over Facebook and he reads all about what we get up to.

“When he saw me, he just said I looked edible and I got three photographs taken with him.

“I’m glad to have raised the money for the unit but it seems so little after all you have done for me.”

Lesley Peacock, programme manager at Humberside Breast Screening, said: “We’re really grateful to Jenny for her support.

“Not only has Jenny raised some much-needed funds for us, she’s also helped us raise awareness of the importance of women coming for regular screening.”

Jenny, who lives in Stoneferry, east Hull, with husband Ron, has seen Sir Cliff hundreds of times in concerts, travelling all over the country to watch him in action.

“He’s just the perfect package,” she said.

In the 1980s, Jenny underwent surgery at the Westwood Hospital in Beverley to remove a cyst.

She discovered a larger lump in her breast three years ago and doctors discovered it was a Cyst of Montgomery, a benign breast mass, and she underwent an immediate biopsy. Tests showed the cyst was calcifying so she had surgery to remove it from her breast.

Keen caravaners, the couple spent much of their time at Allerthorpe Lakeland Park just outside Pocklington and Jenny came up with an idea to raise money for the unit after one of their friends from the site underwent a mastectomy after being diagnosed with breast cancer.

“Every year, Cliff has a signing for his fans at his vineyard in Portugal where you can go and get your photograph taken with him,” she said.

“Our friends at the site said they’d sponsor me if I wore my pink wig to go to the signing so that’s what I did.

“There were 1,400 people and he posed for photographs with all of us again.

“I’ve had photographs of me with him but never one showing my face. Now, I’ve got one face-on with him.”

New £1.7m linear accelerator to help in the fight against cancer

Communications TeamNews, Queen's Centre

A second machine to help patients in the fight against cancer has been installed at the Queen’s Centre.

The Varian TrueBeam linear accelerator, or linac, will be used to deliver radiotherapy to scores of patients each week, and has been paid for through the national £130m Cancer Modernisation Fund. This is the second linac to be installed at Castle Hill Hospital in Cottingham which has been paid for via the fund. It has taken a mere eight weeks to commission and get ready for use; four weeks faster than would normally be expected, according to the manufacturer.

Chief Executive, Chris Long, has welcomed the department’s latest arrival. He said:

“Radiotherapy can often be a long course of treatment, sometimes daily for up to seven weeks, which is a huge amount of time for patients to be spending in the department.

“Being able to offer treatment with the most modern equipment provides patients with confidence and a much better experience, but it’s also more rewarding for staff as they can see the benefits for their patients first hand.”

Joining Chris were a number of radiotherapy and medical physics staff, plus colleagues from other teams who have played an important role in getting the second linac to the Queen’s Centre.

Also joining them to see and hear first-hand how the kit and the team are working to benefit thousands of cancer patients every year were Cllr Jonathan Owen and Cllr Jane Evison from East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s Health, Care and Well-being Overview and Scrutiny Sub Committee.