HEY Baby Carousel returns to Hull Royal Infirmary

Communications TeamNews

The HEY Baby Carousel, a special event to support expectant parents and those involved in babies care has returned to Hull Royal Infirmary.

The monthly event took a break at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic will take place on Wednesday 13 September 2023 from 6.30pm to 8.30pm, offering a relaxed and informal opportunity for attendees to gather information, insights and receive support.

Pregnancy is a significant journey, and the HEY Baby Carousel aims to empower and educate people who are expecting babies and their families on the many aspects of childbirth and care.

Geraldine Hotham, Child Birth Educator Project Lead said: “We are delighted to bring back the HEY Baby Carousel to the Women and Children’s Hospital. The event is a valuable opportunity for expectant parents, new parents and those expecting a baby into the family to access important information, receive support and connect with other families in a friendly environment.”

“As well as being exciting, becoming a parent can be daunting, so any information that expecting parents and families might find beneficial is going to support them. A happy, healthy, comfortable, and positive parent is the best thing for any child’s health and wellbeing.”

At the event, attendees will have the chance to chat with the ‘Ask the Midwife’ team, and representatives from many of the services in the local area. Participants can meet staff from the Fatima Allam Birth Centre, Labour Ward and other wards in the hospital, gaining valuable insights into its facilities and services.

For those looking to explore birthing experiences in an innovative way, the event offers the use of Virtual Reality headsets, allowing participants to have a feel of the various labour wards and provide a better understanding of different birthing options.

The event extends beyond childbirth preparation, offering practical information for participants and families at every stage of pregnancy and parenthood. Demonstrations on how to correctly install baby car seats, an essential safety aspect, will be conducted alongside an accident prevention stall.

Participants will also find out about:

  • Feeding infants
  • Home birth
  • Safe sleeping
  • Oral health
  • Demonstrations of bathing and nappy changing
  • Hypnobirthing
  • Baby massage and many more

Claire Porteus, Charge Midwife, Maple Ward said: “We understand the importance of providing comprehensive support to expectant parents and families. The HEY Baby Carousel brings together a range of experts in one place for people to ask questions, gain advice and help ensure they’re ready to welcome their little one into the family.

“We believe that when families come together, the journey of parenthood becomes even more enriching and rewarding.”

A parent who participated in the previous event said: “The HEY Baby Carousel was a fantastic and informative event to attend while I was pregnant with my daughter. It was great to be able to get up front advice on health, safe sleeping, car seat safety, and even information on swimming lessons with my baby.”

“As well as a wide variety of information to take away, we were also given a tiny knitted hat that had been kindly knitted by someone in our community. This was the hat that we brought our daughter home in when she was safely delivered, and we have kept it to this day.”

The HEY Baby Carousel is more than just an informative event, it is a celebration of family and support. In addition, grandparents and other family members are welcome to share their skills or maybe learn something new.

The event is open to all and does not require appointments. Interested individuals can just come to the Women and Children’s Hospital on Wednesday, 13 September, anytime between 6.30pm and 8.30pm.

HEY Baby Carousel events are held every month at Hull Women and Children’s Hospital; more information and dates of future sessions can be found at https://www.hey.nhs.uk/heybaby/carousel/



New chief executive for region’s hospitals takes up his post

Communications TeamNews

Jonathan Lofthouse has started in post today (14th August, 2023) as Group Chief Executive at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (HUTH) and Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust (NLaG).

Formerly site Chief Executive as part of King’s College Hospitals, Mr Lofthouse will oversee the management of both organisations, after the two trust boards agreed to move towards a group leadership model, in November 2022. As well as five hospitals – Hull Royal Infirmary, Castle Hill Hospital, Diana Princess of Wales Hospital in Grimsby, Scunthorpe General and Goole – Mr Lofthouse will be responsible for some community services on the south bank of the Humber. He has previously held the position of Director of Improvement at Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

HUTH and NLaG will continue to be two separate organisations although they will, in future, share an executive team. While the two organisations already collaborate closely in the delivery of many key hospitals services, the appointment of Jonathan Lofthouse is the most significant step in enabling them to work more effectively on shared regional challenges.

Mr Lofthouse said:

“I am extremely proud to be joining two organisations each with their own unique, rich history, and looking forward to meeting as many of the staff as possible to understand what they are proud of and what support they need in the future.

“We all know how busy NHS services are and how much pressure services are under. We also know that following the pandemic many of the demands we are now experiencing across our hospitals and community services are really challenging and difficult to respond to. That’s true across all our north and south bank hospitals. We have emergency pressures, challenges in discharging patients and too many patients who have been waiting far longer than we would desire for our care, whether that be surgery, diagnostic or therapeutic.

“Now is the time for us to act creatively and courageously and innovate, focusing all of our efforts on making things better for patients and for staff. Through a group operating model we get to do that on a far bigger scale, and the power of that collective focus, the effect of coming together, I believe will allow us to create stronger, higher quality, better functioning services for our patients, and create more opportunities for our 17,000 staff.”

Former HUTH Chief Executive Chris Long informed staff earlier this year that he would be stepping down from his position and has now retired from the NHS. Meanwhile Dr Peter Reading, previously Chief Executive at NLaG, has taken up the post of Interim Chief Executive at Yorkshire Ambulance Service.

Hospitals prepare for fifth junior doctors strike

Communications TeamNews

Hospitals in East Yorkshire are preparing for the fifth period of strike action this year by junior doctors.

The BMA and HCSA unions have announced a 96-hour period of industrial action will begin at 7am on Friday 11 August and end at 7am on Tuesday 15 August.

The walk-out will affect services across Castle Hill Hospital, Hull Royal Infirmary, Hull Women and Children’s Hospital and the Hull and East Yorkshire Eye Hospital, where junior doctors collectively number almost 500.

Junior doctors are qualified doctors who have anywhere up to eight years’ experience working in hospitals. Accounting for half of all doctors in the NHS, they play a key role in the day-to-day running of hospital services and specialties.

While it is not clear how many junior doctors will support industrial action this month, previous waves across East Yorkshire have seen between two thirds and three quarters of all those eligible taking part.

Hospital managers are once again putting plans into place to manage reduced levels of medical cover, but the timing of action – during peak summer holiday season – does give some cause for concern.

Professor Makani Purva, chief medical officer for Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust explains:

“There is never a good time for hospital staff to go on strike, but as we are now in the main summer holiday period, we have higher numbers of staff with annual leave already booked for this period.

“Staff groups including our ACPs, specialist nurses and consultants have all stepped up to help cover the absence of junior doctor colleagues previously, but we know a fair number of those people will also be taking some well-earned leave and so this makes it even harder for us to operate ‘business as usual’.”

The Trust has committed to maintaining all essential services including emergency care, neonatal care, critical care and trauma services, but some routine appointments and procedures are, once again, having to be postponed.

“Our focus must be on providing safe services first and foremost, so we will be concentrating on ensuring we can deliver the essential services safely,” Professor Purva continues.

“Some routine activity will still go ahead, so patients with appointments who haven’t already heard from us should still attend as planned, however we are regrettably having to reschedule a number of other non-urgent appointments and procedures, and for this we apologise to anyone who is affected.”

Exterior signage at Bransholme Health Centre

Bransholme Urgent Treatment Centre is open round-the-clock

Demands on emergency care are also expected to be high, resulting in long waits to be seen, so the advice to anyone whose problem is not life-threatening is to seek advice and treatment using other local health services such as pharmacies, GP services or urgent treatment centres.

Walk-in care and treatment for minor injuries is available from the following centres across Hull and East Yorkshire, all of which are open late into the evening or round-the-clock:

  • Hull – Story Street walk-in centre
  • Bransholme – Urgent Treatment Centre within Bransholme Health Centre, Goodhart Road (open 24hrs)
  • Beverley – Urgent Treatment Centre within East Riding Community Hospital, Swinemoor Lane
  • Goole – Urgent Treatment Centre within Goole & District Hospital, Woodland Avenue
  • Bridlington – Urgent Treatment Centre within Bridlington Hospital (Entrance A), Bessingby Road

Information and medical advice is also available from NHS111, 24 hours a day, by calling 111 free of charge or by visiting www.111.nhs.uk

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is in the process of contacting patients whose appointments cannot go ahead during the strike period, with a view to rescheduling as soon as possible.

New Non-Executive Director Appointed

Jess SmithNews

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (HUTH) is pleased to announce the appointment of Jane Hawkard, as a Non-Executive Director.

Jane has held recent posts as Director of Finance and Planning at Humber Coast and Vale North Yorkshire and York, as well as Chief Executive at NHS East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). She has a strong background in NHS finance with almost 30 years’ experience in senior NHS finance positions. Among her most significant achievements was the delivery of three Urgent Treatment Centres across the East Riding of Yorkshire as part of a transformation of the urgent care system in the region. Jane has also been responsible for the successful financial merger of three CCGs during the development of the regional Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Partnership.

This appointment comes at the same time as Non Executive Director for the Trust, Tracey Zepherin, has announced she will be stepping down from her role, effective as of 31st July.

Jane Hawkard says: “I am delighted to have been appointed to this important position with the Trust, where I spent the first part of my NHS career working in the finance team. I am looking forward to working with the board at HUTH as we tackle the significant challenges ahead of us. The people of Hull and East Yorkshire rightly expect us to be able to deliver services to the highest standard within the NHS and we will continue in our efforts to do that.”

HUTH Chair, Sean Lyons, said: “We are extremely pleased to have Jane joining us as a Non Executive Director. She has a significant amount of board level experience working with commissioning teams in this region and was, at one time the Assistant Director of Finance at this Trust. Her knowledge and experience will be a tremendous asset to our organisation and ultimately to our patients. We are delighted to have her as part of our team, “At the same time I would like to pay tribute to and thank Tracey Zepherin for her eight years of service to our Trust. Tracey has been a stalwart supporter of HUTH and our patients, bringing a wealth of financial experience with her over the years. We will miss her and we wish her the very best for the future.”

Jane Hawkard has been appointed from 21st August, 2023 and will receive remuneration of £13,000 per annum.

Hull Hospitals’ staff raise £4,500 to support WISHH ‘Space to Grow’ appeal

Communications TeamNews

Caring staff from across Hull Hospitals have come together to raise over £4,500 towards the WISHH Charity’s Space to Grow Appeal, to support Hull’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Hull Royal Infirmary.

A team of thirteen cyclists from all corners of the hospital, including members of staff from Estates, Theatres, Oncology, IT Systems, Anaesthetics, Transport, and Support Services, took part in an epic four day 350 kilometre cycle from Southport to Hornsea.

Starting with a minibus journey from Castle Hill Hospital to Southport, the journey took them the 88km from Southport to Sale (day 1), Sale to Barnsley (87km, day 2), Barnsley to Selby (85km, day 3) and then from Selby to Hornsea and home, to round off the trip (94km, day 4).

There were plenty of hills littered throughout the route which took the cyclists along a mixture of roads, gravel tracks, river and canal paths as they followed the old, disused railway line.

Perioperative Support Worker, Richard Northage, felt compelled to support the Space to Grow appeal after a close colleague sadly found themselves in need of both medical and emotional support from the NICU team. Richard and his colleagues set out to raise £500 but have smashed that figure by raising in excess of £1,200. The fundraising page is still open for anyone who would like to show their support Richard Northage is fundraising for WISHH (justgiving.com)

Hospital staff celebrate 75 years of the NHS to support appeal

Helping mark 75 wonderful years of the NHS, WISHH encouraged staff across Hull Hospitals to hold their own WISHH NHS Big Tea parties, with a little help from WISHH’s good friends at Cartwright and Butler, who kindly provided treats for staff as part of a party planning kit. Over 60 wards and departments across Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital took part in celebrations, raising over £3,300 towards the Space to Grow appeal, and making this one of WISHH’s best NHS Big Tea celebrations to date!

Space to Grow Appeal

The Space to Grow Appeal, launched by WISHH in June, will raise £100,000 to support the enhancement of Hull’s Neonatal intensive Care Unit (NICU), based at Hull Royal Infirmary. Funds raised will enable WISHH to create a Sensory Room, develop a siblings play area, create a family ‘Haven’ to discuss sensitive issues regarding their premature baby’s care, and to develop a specialist staff learning facility.

The appeal builds upon the Hull University Teaching Hospital Trust’s expansion of Hull NICU by an additional five cots. Hull NICU provides care for over 500 babies each year.

Some stay for hours or days, whilst others stay for weeks and months. The unit cares for babies from 22 weeks gestation up to 49 completed weeks.

Lisa Whitton, WISHH Charity Manager said, “With a heartfelt thanks to the wonderful staff across Hull Hospitals and members of our community, we have now raised just over £42,800 towards our appeal. Each and every day we see hospital staff go above and beyond the call of duty, delivering great care, and then to become personally involved in helping us towards our fundraising appeal, they are a sheer inspiration. We cannot thank everyone enough who have been involved in the appeal to date for their fantastic support.”

If you would like to support our Space to Grow Appeal, as a fundraiser, local business or community group, we would love to hear from you.  Please contact Lisa Whitton on 01482 622299, email lisa.whitton3@nhs.net or visit our appeal page to find out more:  https://www.wishhcharity.org.uk/get-involved/help-with-our-latest-appeals/space-to-grow-appeal/

Hospitals prepare for two-day strike by consultants

Communications TeamNews

Outside main entrance of Hull Royal Infirmary

Hospitals in East Yorkshire are preparing for the impact of fresh strike action, just days after a five-day strike by junior doctors has ended.

Consultant members of the British Medical Association will begin a 48-hour walk-out from 7am on Thursday 20 July, concluding at 7am on Saturday 22 July. This will affect services at Castle Hill Hospital and Hull Royal Infirmary, as well as Hull Women and Children’s Hospital and the Hull and East Yorkshire Eye Hospital.

The BMA has advised that an ‘emergency only’ level of consultant cover, equivalent to that employed on Christmas Day, will be guaranteed.

Consultants are senior doctors and decision-makers who not only see patients themselves, but who are responsible for supervising the work of junior doctors and other hospital staff to ensure it takes place safely.

Chris Long sitting at his desk

Chris Long, chief executive

Chris Long, Chief Executive of Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust explains:

“In the most recent junior doctors strike, we had to reschedule hundreds of routine appointments but thanks to the flexibility of some of our other staff groups with the skills and experience to provide cover, we were able to maintain essential services and continue running some routine clinics and appointments.

“This time, with the guarantee of only an emergency level of consultant cover, it is much more difficult to try and plan non-urgent work. We have been working closely with our consultants to understand and potentially mitigate the impact on patients, but as consultants are the most senior and most experienced clinicians in the organisation, there is bound to be an impact, whatever the level of participation in the strike.

“We are still in the process of reviewing our lists but we have already begun rescheduling some patients where it’s clinically safe to do so. We know this is not ideal, especially for patients who have been waiting a long time to be seen, and I would like to apologise in advance to anyone who’s been affected by this activity.”

At the current time, it is not clear how many consultants from the Trust are intending to take part in industrial action as doctors are not obliged to declare in advance whether they plan to strike or not.

Chris continues:

“It’s fair to say we are concerned about the impact of the consultants strike, and in particular the fact that it comes so soon after five days of industrial action by our junior doctors which has already led to delays for many patients.

“While we know we’ll have a ‘Christmas Day’ level of consultant cover available, we also know that demand from patients for emergency care in particular will not be on a par with Christmas Day, but will in fact be much higher. We will be putting additional staffing in to support in areas such as A&E, but waits for emergency care will be significant. Now is the time we really need the public to make use of community services, such as GPs and Urgent Treatment Centres, to help us focus the expertise we do have on the most serious and life-threatening cases.”

Where to get help

Medical advice is always available, 24hrs per day, through NHS111 online at 111.nhs.uk or by calling 111, free of charge.

A list of local pharmacies can be found on the NHS website, while walk-in care and treatment for minor injuries is available from the following centres across Hull and East Yorkshire, all of which are open late into the evening or round-the-clock:

  • Hull – Story Street walk-in centre
  • Bransholme – Urgent Treatment Centre within Bransholme Health Centre, Goodhart Road (open 24hrs)
  • Beverley – Urgent Treatment Centre within East Riding Community Hospital, Swinemoor Lane
  • Goole – Urgent Treatment Centre within Goole & District Hospital, Woodland Avenue
  • Bridlington – Urgent Treatment Centre within Bridlington Hospital (Entrance A), Bessingby Road

Summer graduation party for premature babies

Communications TeamNews

Over 150 people will come together next weekend to celebrate some of the region’s miracle babies.

Hannah Hoff

Hannah Hoff, senior staff nurse

Staff from Hull’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit will be hosting a special summer ‘graduation party’ for babies and families who have been through a neonatal care journey.

Once described as ‘the loveliest place you never want to be’, the unit cares for babies born prematurely, some as early as 22 weeks, and supports whole families through what can be the most difficult time of their lives.

Hannah Hoff, senior staff nurse within the Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) explains:

“Families who come to the neonatal unit don’t usually expect to be here and it can be an incredibly stressful and upsetting time, not only for parents but for siblings and their wider families too.

“We see and support families through some of their darkest times, but there are so many stories of hope and achievement that we wanted to do something to celebrate those who have come through this.

“It’s a great opportunity for parents who have been in similar situations to meet and share experiences, but it will also be wonderful for staff to be reunited with their patients, some of whom they have spent weeks and months caring for, and to see just how well they are doing now.”

Anna Smith

Anna Smith, senior staff nurse

The NICU team will be hosting the graduation party on the afternoon of Saturday 22 July at Victoria Dock, east Hull. The event has been supported by a swathe of local companies and businesses who are providing games, food, bouncy castles, mascots, face painting and other activities on the day.

Anna Smith, senior staff nurse on NICU says:

“We understand it is an emotional rollercoaster being on NICU, so the graduation party will be a great way for our families to celebrate this important milestone and for the children to have some well-deserved fun.

“We are so grateful for the support of local businesses in helping us provide the very best celebration for these families and their babies, and we hope that this can become an annual party so that families can continue to meet and celebrate their neonatal journeys together.”

Hull Hospitals celebrate 10 years of Apprenticeships success

Communications TeamNews

The Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is proud to announce and commemorate its 10th apprenticeship anniversary, marking a decade of exceptional achievements and unwavering commitment to nurturing local talent.

HUTH has been at the forefront of healthcare education and training, providing valuable opportunities for young people who aspire to pursue careers in various roles available in the Trust. The apprenticeship programme also enables the Trust to grow its own staff while training health professionals for the wider local communities.

Apprenticeship programmes at the Trust cover a wide range of levels, starting from Level 2, equivalent to GCSE, and extending to up to Level 7, equivalent to a Master’s degree. In the past decade, the Trust has supported over 900 individuals, including staff as they embarked on apprenticeships across a variety of disciplines such as, nursing, pharmacy support, healthcare science and clinical support. Currently, there are about 201 staff actively studying for their apprenticeships.

The success of the apprenticeship programme is evident in the stories of the apprentices themselves.

Five years after joining the Trust as an apprentice, Jack Lister notes that the programme “gave me a great opportunity to learn the skills needed to strive in a workplace environment and the NHS. I still use many of those skills now in my current role. The apprentice programme allowed me to grow as a person, expand my knowledge and gain full-time employment. I am now a Team Leader for Gastroenterology.”

Chloe Smart-Lee, a former apprentice who is now a Learning and Development Technician, reflects on her journey: “Throughout all stages of the apprenticeship, I received mass amounts of support from my colleagues, managers and even people from different departments. I have learned new skills and processes that I can use both inside and outside of work. I am now able to problem-solve and use my innovative skills to develop new technologies for and my department.”

These successes can be attributed to a combination of factors, including the commitment to excellence in education and patient care laying a foundation for these apprenticeships.

By providing a supportive and stimulating learning environment, apprentices have been able to acquire the skills, knowledge and values necessary to thrive within their perspective fields.

Anne Burdis, Widening Participation Manager said: “The 10th anniversary of our apprenticeship programme is a significant milestone for HUTH. We are immensely proud of the countless individuals who have benefitted from our apprenticeship initiatives over the past decade. Their contributions to the healthcare and other sectors have been truly inspiring.”

“The apprenticeship programmes have been instrumental in shaping the careers of countless individuals while significantly enhancing the quality of care we provide. In an era of rapidly evolving healthcare challenges, we recognise the importance of innovation and adaptability,” Anne added.

The Trust’s emphasis on collaboration and mentorship has also played a pivotal role in shaping the apprenticeship experience. Apprentices are paired with experienced staff who act as their mentors, guiding them through the intricacies of their professions.

This hands-on approach fosters a strong sense of camaraderie and encourages the transfer of expertise from one generation to the next.

Through these apprenticeships, individuals have been given the chance to embark on rewarding careers in healthcare, irrespective of their socioeconomic status or educational background.

One of the hallmarks of the Trust’s apprenticeship programmes is its inclusivity. By actively seeking candidates from diverse backgrounds and communities, the Trust has opened doors to those who may have traditionally faced barriers to entry.

Debbie Elton, Widening Participation Practitioner said: “We have been able to create opportunities for people from a wide range of backgrounds, ensuring that our workforce is diverse and inclusive. Our apprenticeship programme has enabled us to engage with our local community and provide a platform for people to gain the skills they need to succeed. We encourage everyone to apply, there are many apprenticeship opportunities available within the Trust.”

Apprenticeships are advertised throughout the year. There is more information on the Trust’s apprenticeships website and everyone is welcome to apply.


Say hello to RITA!

Communications TeamNews

A new computer-based activity system is helping to improve safety and provide more tailored care to scores of patients in hospital.

Thanks to a £4,000 donation from the Hull Old Grammarians Masonic Lodge, £3,000 from hospital charity WISHH, and a further £7,000 from the Pears Foundation #IWill Fund, RITA – also known as Reminiscence Interactive Therapy Activity – has been introduced to Hull Hospitals.

Nurse showing visitor standing in front of RITA screen demonstrating how it works

Karen Harrison demonstrates RITA to Geoff Branton of Hull Old Grammarians Lodge

“Full sized RITA” is a trolley-mounted system which can be moved around and used with multiple patients to promote group activities, stimulate conversation, encourage hand-eye coordination, and engage patients in reminiscence therapy. “Baby RITA” is a tablet-based version which is more suited to one-to-one activity, and can be particularly useful if a patient is bedbound, withdrawn or, on the contrary, presents behaviours that may be challenging.

Karen Harrison, Lead Matron for Dementia and Delirium for Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust explains:

“There are two full sized RITAs in use at the moment, one on Ward 80 at Hull Royal Infirmary and another on Ward 20 at Castle Hill Hospital. Both of these wards are caring for patients who are ready to be discharged home but are still awaiting packages of care or other arrangements to be put in place before they can safely leave hospital.

“Spending time in hospital can be difficult for anyone, but for older people, some of who may have dementia or other cognitive difficulties, the days can be very long and they can also find it confusing or frightening. What’s been great is to see how the Sisters on both wards 20 and 80 have embraced RITA and now use it as a tool to promote positive interaction between ward patients, and to help build trust and rapport between patients, staff and volunteers.”

RITA comes pre-loaded with a wide range of entertainment shows and programmes, puzzles, activities and games to help maintain cognitive function, support social interaction and aid reminiscence. From old Western films and radio programmes voiced by Kenneth Williams through to electronic jigsaws based on family photos and games of pig racing or whack-a-mole, RITA offers something for everyone. But it’s not just there to pass the time either.

“There’s lots of research to show that RITA helps to reduce falls among older people as it engages those who have a tendency to want to get up and wander in alternative activities,” Karen continues.

“Instead of walking around the ward, we can encourage a patient to sit with us and use Baby RITA on a one-to-one basis, perhaps finding an old radio station they might like to listen to, or getting to know more about a patient through a TV programme they watched as a child. RITA also has easy to follow chair exercises that we use to promote physical movement to prevent deconditioning which can help to reduce falls and pressure ulcers.

Ward 20 staff standing behind the RITA screen

Michelle Robertson (far right) with RITA and Ryan Rands, Exercise Practitioner and Charlie Harrison, Junior Sister

“RITA also helps to improve nutrition and hydration in our patients as the stimulus helps keep the natural wake/sleep cycle and the activities can improve a person’s appetite. Patients become more aware of their environment, participate in conversation and more willing to engage with staff during mealtimes.”

RITA is easy to operate, and is being used by a wide range of nursing and therapies staff on the wards, as well as by the Trust’s growing army of young volunteers, who give their time to support older people with dementia across both hospital sites, encouraging interaction and activity.

Michelle Robertson is the Sister on Ward 20 at Castle Hill Hospital, and has been regularly getting her patients together with RITA for a day at the races. She explains:

“One of the RITA activities which has been particularly popular on C20 and proven really successful in bringing people of out their shells is the horse racing.

“We always have patients on the ward who either enjoy a little flutter, who used to go to the races when they were younger or still enjoy watching it on TV now, so we started getting patients together, once a week, to host our own race afternoon.

“We’ve made mock betting slips so patients can try and pick the winners, and there’s a real air of excitement and anticipation in the day room when we show each race. Even if patients don’t take part, often just listening to the commentary can help take them back to a certain time or place in their lives and bring back fond memories.

Horse racing game displayed on RITA screen

Horse racing is among the activities offered through RITA

“No money changes hands on our race days, of course, but on days like these, RITA really is priceless. The technology allows us to support patients’ needs on a more personal level, rather than just addressing their clinical care, and more social interaction can really help to boost patients’ sense of wellbeing and even promote faster recovery.”

Geoff Branton, Charity Steward for the Hull Old Grammarians Lodge says:

“The Hull Old Grammarians Freemason’s Lodge, together with the Freemasons Charity for Yorkshire North & East Ridings, is proud to support the introduction of RITA.

“Working with the WISHH charity is exactly the type of initiative to which we like to offer help, on the basis that people from the Hull and East Riding areas will, ultimately, be the beneficiaries. The feedback from the staff is very positive and we have been delighted to be involved.”

Bridget Kohner, Deputy Director at The Pears Foundation says:

“RITA has clear benefits for hospital patients from a clinical, personal and social perspective. Helping to engage members of the local community in enjoyable, meaningful activities with others very much aligns with the ethos of the Pears Foundation, and for this reason we’re happy to have been able to lend our support.”

Hospitals prepare for five day strike by junior doctors

Communications TeamNews

Junior doctors working across Hull and East Yorkshire will begin five days of industrial action later this week.

Members of the BMA and HCSA are set to begin their longest period of industrial action yet at 7am on Thursday 13 July. The 120 hour strike will run across the weekend and conclude at 7am on Tuesday 18 July.

Services across Hull Royal Infirmary, Castle Hill Hospital and Hull Women and Children’s Hospital are expected to be severely impacted by the action, as several hundred junior doctors have the potential to walk out.

Junior doctors are qualified doctors who have anywhere up to eight years’ experience working in hospitals. Accounting for half of all doctors in the NHS, they play a key role in the day-to-day running of hospital services and specialties.

Professor Makani Purva, Chief Medical Officer for Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust says:

“We are doing everything we can to ensure services can continue to be delivered safely throughout the upcoming strike period. However, five days of strike action by our junior doctors, closely followed by two days of action among our hospital consultants*, does place a significant amount of pressure on our staff and our services, certainly more than any previous action has to date.”

The Trust has committed once again to maintaining essential services such as trauma, critical care, neonatal and emergency care, but those considering using the Emergency Department during the strike are asked to do so only where there is a genuine threat to life or limb.

Professor Purva continues:

“We are reliant upon, and grateful for, the support of staff groups such as allied health professionals, advanced practitioners, specialist nursing staff and consultants stepping in to assist during the strike, but services will not be able to operate ‘business as usual’, especially over such a sustained period.

“For this reason, we would really urge members of the public to consider whether their healthcare needs can be met through community services such as urgent treatment centres, Story Street walk-in centre, local pharmacies or GP services, or with advice from NHS111 online or over the phone. Waits for emergency care will be lengthy, so the Emergency Department should only be used by those with a serious need, and patients could find themselves being redirected to other services where it’s appropriate to do so.

“Once again, the strike does regrettably mean we are having to rearrange some non-urgent work such as outpatient clinics and routine surgical procedures. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes and will look to reschedule all those who are affected as soon as possible.”

Patients with appointments currently scheduled to take place between 13th and 18th July are asked to attend as planned. In those cases where appointments need to be rearranged or changes made, a member of staff will be in touch with patients directly to discuss.

Alternative health services

Medical advice is always available, 24hrs per day, through NHS111 online at 111.nhs.uk or by calling 111, free of charge.

A list of local pharmacies can be found on the NHS website, while walk-in care and treatment for minor injuries is available from the following centres across Hull and East Yorkshire, all of which are open late into the evening or round-the-clock:

  • Hull – Story Street walk-in centre
  • Bransholme – Urgent Treatment Centre within Bransholme Health Centre, Goodhart Road (open 24hrs)
  • Beverley – Urgent Treatment Centre within East Riding Community Hospital, Swinemoor Lane
  • Goole – Urgent Treatment Centre within Goole & District Hospital, Woodland Avenue
  • Bridlington – Urgent Treatment Centre within Bridlington Hospital (Entrance A), Bessingby Road

* The Trust has received notice from the BMA that its consultant members will also take industrial action for a period of 48 hours, beginning at 7am on Thursday 20th July and concluding at 7am on Saturday 22nd July.