Christmas delight for Hull NICU families

Communications TeamNews

Hull Hospitals NeoFriends Group organises first ever Christmas party for families.

NeoFriends, a support group for parents and carers whose babies have been discharged from Hull’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), is hosting its first-ever Christmas party.

The party which is fully funded by NeoFriends will take place on Saturday, 9th December from 1pm to 3pm at the Victoria Dock Village Hall.

This festive event promises to bring warmth and joy to the families who have had to navigate the delicate journey of having newborns in intensive care during the year.

Sarah Sharp, Neonatal Nurse who leads NeoFriends expressed excitement about the upcoming event.

She said: “The NICU journey can be incredibly challenging, and the holiday season can amplify those challenges. This Christmas party is a wonderful opportunity for our NeoFriends families to take a break, connect, share experiences and have some fun during this season.

“We are thrilled to be part of this event, celebrating these beautiful babies and their families. We hope that this party will create lasting memories and bring a touch of joy to families who have shown incredible resilience.”

Jo Milns, Nursing Chaplain said: “The holiday season is a time of reflection and gratitude. Our NICU families have shown incredible strength and faith throughout their journey. This Christmas party is an opportunity to come together, not only in celebration but also in support. It is a reminder that, even amid challenges, a community is ready to offer support and understanding.”

The party will also be a celebration of the first year anniversary of the NeoFriends support group.

It will feature many holiday-themed activities, with a special visit from Santa who will be there in his grotto with his elfs. There’ll also be a bouncy castle, face paintings and Christmas crafts.

All families who have been in NICU during the year are invited to the party. To register, visit the NeoFriends page on trybooking.

HUTH Travel Team scoop top national award

Communications TeamNews

Congratulations to HUTH’s Travel Team after they beat off competition from around the country to scoop the title of “Team of the Year” at a prestigious national awards ceremony last night.

Transport Manager Dave Wilkinson and Allison Coggan of the trust’s health and wellbeing programme Up! collected the accolade at the Modeshift National Sustainable Travel Awards for our Getting to Work staff travel project.

HUTH held off competition from Leeds City Council, South Gloucestershire Council and the Bikeability Trust to claim the title at the National Modeshift Convention at York Racecourse  after being nominated by NHS England.

Dave said: “Our trust is now recognised at a national level for our efforts to help staff get to and from work in more affordable and sustainable ways.

“We are very proud to accept this award on behalf of the entire team and the wider trust.”

Dave and Allison, supported by Property Manager Katie Fry, Assistant Transport Manager Wayne Beedle and Marc Beaumont, Head of Sustainability and Social Value, launched the staff travel project as part of our Zero 30 campaign and the trust now offers staff a range of free bus services on routes to the north, south, west and east of the city to Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill.

Since we launched the project in 2022, we’ve achieved a 13pc decrease in the number of staff driving to work and we’ve saved an estimated 150,000 car journeys. We’ve also seen a huge uptake of 18pc in staff now using the free EYMS bus services 154 and 63 between HRI and Castle Hill.

Staff who are not on these routes can also benefit from the SmartCommute card offering discounts on fares and we’ve achieved a 30 per cent increase in applications for our Cycle to Work scheme.

Thanks to a £180,000 investment by our Capital Development Team, hundreds of staff have signed up to use our new bike compounds at both hospitals.

We’ve linked up with East Riding Council and Hull City Council as well as East Yorkshire Buses and Stagecoach for four Getting to Work travel events in May and both councils recently provided free bike lights and hi-vis clothing for our “Be Safe, Be Seen” events last month as the clocks went back.

The trust became the first organisation in the region to be awarded Silver in Modeshift’s accreditation scheme for our Getting to Work project and NHS England invited us to become one of their exemplar sites last autumn after learning of our success.

Curbing the impact of Norovirus 

Communications TeamNews

Within the last week, the Trust has seen an increase in outbreaks, mainly in medical elderly wards of the winter vomiting bug, Norovirus. Wards affected have been wards H9, H90, C20 and H100.  

Patients and staff have been affected prompting the temporary closure of the areas affected to help curb the spread.  

These types of virus often originate from the community and can spread quickly when a number of people spend time in close proximity. 

Greta Johnson, Director of Infection Prevention and Control said:  

“It is not unusual for hospitals to experience cases of viral gastroenteritis, such as Norovirus, at this time of year. These types of virus often originate in the community and can spread quickly when a number of people spend time in close proximity, such as in schools or on a hospital ward.  Norovirus is infectious and is usually quite mild, lasting for about 48 hours, however people who have had symptoms can remain infectious for a further 48 hours after the symptoms have gone away. Symptoms include headache, nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting and diarrhoea, often sudden in onset.

Patients and visitors will notice in areas affected, measures to control the spread which include nursing patients in isolation or together if a bay is affected. Clinical staff will wear surgical facemasks and comply with prudent hand washing and wearing personal protective equipment e.g. gloves and aprons when appropriate. An increase in cleaning in areas affected reduces the risk of spreading the virus from the environment to patients and staff.

Other control measures can include the temporary closure of affected areas, and the polite reminder for people not to visit whilst the area is closed. Visitors are reminded to speak to the nurse in charge, in some circumstances visiting can be facilitated at the discretion of the ward sister. Visitors are reminded not to visit any patients in the hospital if you have had D&V and to let the ward sister know if you have developed symptoms and recently visited patient(s) on the ward, only visiting again when you have been symptom free for 48hrs.

It’s important we all play a part in reducing the impact of Norovirus for patients, staff and visitors.  

For further information, please use the NHS Choices link below:

Hull A&E team scoops national award for patient safety

Communications TeamNews

Emergency care staff standing on a stage. One woman in the centre of the group is holding a winner's trophy.

Staff from Hull Royal Infirmary’s A&E Department have won a national award for patient safety.

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust’s Emergency Department was awarded the 2023 Health Service Journal (HSJ) Award for Patient Safety, arguably one of healthcare’s most sought-after titles, at a special awards ceremony last night.

Emergency Department staff received the award for their project: “Improving the diagnostic detection of thoracic aortic dissection in the Emergency Department.” The category was intensely competitive with over 100 applications and 9 short-listed projects.

Driven forward by three Emergency Medicine Consultants; Dr Austin Smithies (pictured, right), Dr Jehad Abed, and Dr Audrey Fox, along with Advanced Clinical Practitioner Leigh Norman and information services manager, Stuart Leadley, the project is already helping to improve the care delivered to patients in Hull Royal’s A&E, as Dr Smithies explains:

Dr Austin Smithies, smiling and standing in the emergency department.

Dr Austin Smithies, Emergency Medicine Consultant

“Acute Aortic Dissection (AAD) can affect adults of all ages, but can be difficult to diagnose as it only accounts for around 1 in every 1,000 cases of atraumatic chest pain, so misdiagnosis is not unusual.

“Eighteen months ago, a young man tragically died after he was misdiagnosed and sent home from our Emergency Department. We were keen to take steps to reduce the chances of this happening again for him, for his family, and for other members of our community who are affected by AAD.

“It is estimated that each hour of delay in diagnosis could equate to a 2 per cent increase in mortality but when the diagnosis of AAD is made early, survival rates could be better than 80 per cent.

“Our project involved data monitoring, ensuring timelier access to CT scans and investigations, and creating an open and honest forum for discussion with staff, bringing in knowledge and experience from colleagues in radiology, vascular and cardiothoracic surgery. The proactive involvement of the Thoracic Aortic Dissection Charitable Trust was also considered invaluable.

“As a result of this work, we’ve now developed a new Trust guideline, “Diagnosis and early management of Acute Aortic Syndrome” to support clinical decision making. Our work has also been shared regionally as an example of good practice and, crucially, clinical staff in Hull are now more confident when it comes to diagnosing and treating AAD.”

Dr Smithies and his colleagues were presented with their trophy at the national HSJ Awards ceremony in London last night. Speaking about the success, he says:

“Winning this award means everything to us. I submitted an application because I wanted to showcase the passion and ability of my colleagues in Emergency Medicine. Winning the award means that we can now implement a region wide initiative to improve detection of AAD. It will also provide impetus for the ambitious programme of Quality Improvement being undertaken in our department.”

Dr Richard Owen-Smith, medical director for the Trust’s Emergency Care Health Group, says:

“We are immensely proud of the team for their achievements and what this means for the patients of Hull and surrounding areas. Any opportunity to improve outcomes for our patients must be seized upon and developed, and this is a perfect example of work coordinated across a multi-disciplinary team resulting in positive outcomes. Well done to the ED team.”

We’re better than that: Hospitals’ commitment as new Zero Tolerance to Ableism Framework is launched

Communications TeamNews

It’s a form of discrimination that often goes under the radar; the use of stereotypes about a person, lack of suitable facilities or provision, or judgements made about a person based on their physical appearance or perceived abilities to do a job.

Ableism comes in many forms, affecting people with both overt and hidden disabilities across our region on a daily basis. Despite at least 1 in every 28 Hull University Teaching Hospitals employees saying they have some form of disability, sadly ableism is experienced as much in our hospitals as anywhere else; somewhere where people with disabilities should arguably feel most supported.  But that’s all set to change.

In an ongoing effort to build a more inclusive and understanding workforce, Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (HUTH) has launched its Zero Tolerance to Ableism Framework.

The framework reinforces the Trust’s commitment to creating an environment where staff members, irrespective of any disability or impairment they may have, can expect to be treated with dignity and respect by their patients, visitors and colleagues they work with.

Like our Zero Tolerance to Racism Framework, the Zero Tolerance to Ableism Framework reflects the Trust’s dedication to eradicating this form of discrimination and ensuring every staff member feels valued and supported.

A number of hospital workers who have been subject to ableism across Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital have supported the launch by sharing their own experiences in this short video.

Elaine Hillaby, Organisational Development Practitioner and Chair of the Trust’s Disability Staff Network said:

“At HUTH we want to create a safe and accessible work environment for everyone irrespective of their circumstance. We firmly believe that no one should face discrimination or barriers to their work based on other people’s actions or perceptions. This framework is a significant step towards building a system that serves all members of our community, regardless of their individual circumstances.”

A key feature of the Zero Tolerance to Ableism Framework is the Reporting Tool. This tool, easy to access via QR code empowers individuals to report instances of ableism, discrimination or accessibility concerns.

A dedicated team known as the “Circle Group” will meet to look at reports, work with those reporting, and take action to support affected individuals. In addition, the “Circle Group” will monitor reports for trends helping the Trust to improve its accessibility culture. The aim is to eliminate the day-to-day incidents of discrimination experienced by members of staff.

By providing a streamlined mechanism for reporting such incidents, the Trust aims to ensure accountability, continuous improvement and cultivate trust.

Elaine adds:

“It’s not just a reporting tool, it’s a promise to staff members that their concerns will be addressed, and their experiences will drive the change we need to create truly inclusive workplace where everyone feels respected and valued.

“Our message is very clear, and that is that ableism or discrimination against anyone with any form or disability, overt or hidden, will not be tolerated.”

While the framework is primarily for staff members, patients are also welcome to use it to ensure their voices are heard.

The Trust firmly believes that every staff member, irrespective of their abilities, should arrive at work prepared to deliver excellent services to our patients. They should not encounter obstacles stemming from insufficient access or micro-aggressions from colleagues or patients.

Read the framework: Zero Tolerance to Ableism Framework – Accessible

Free NHS Targeted Lung Health Checks launches in East riding of Yorkshire

Communications TeamNews

An NHS service offering potentially life-saving lung health checks has launched in East Riding of Yorkshire

Around 350 past and current smokers in the Withernsea area have become the first people in the East Riding of Yorkshire to take up the offer of a free NHS Lung Health Check.

A lung health check can help to identify lung cancer and other respiratory diseases early, often before symptoms have occurred and when treatment could be simpler and more successful.

Current and former smokers, aged between 55 and 74, who are registered with Holderness Health or Eastgate Medical Group and live in Withernsea, Grimston, Welwick, Albrough, Fitling, Skeffling, Hilston, Easington, Ottringham, Roos, Winestead, Kilnsea, Flinton, Patrington, Patrington Haven, Weeton, Owstwick, Sunk Island, Tunstall, or Holmpton, are being invited to book a telephone assessment with a respiratory nurse.

Following the assessment, some participants will be invited for a low dose CT scan onboard a high-tech mobile unit, which arrived at Withernsea Leisure Centre on Wednesday, 8th November 2023.

It is expected that 40,000 eligible participants living in the East Riding of Yorkshire will be invited for a lung health check as the mobile unit moves around the region in phases.

Dr Tami Byass, a GP at Eastgate Medical Group in Hornsea, said: “I welcome the news of lung health checks starting to invite eligible patients in the East Riding of Yorkshire.

“Lung cancer can often be difficult to detect in its earliest stages, as there are less noticeable symptoms until stages three or four, so I would urge anyone invited to take up the opportunity of a free lung health check – even if you feel fine.

“If you are worried about symptoms of cancer, such as a cough for three weeks or more, please contact your GP as opposed to waiting for a lung health check invitation.”

Dr Kanwal Tariq, Consultant in Chest Medicine at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust said: “Anyone invited for a CT scan as part of their lung health check can be assured that it is a quick and painless procedure, which can help us spot any potential issues early.

“Early detection of lung cancer and other respiratory diseases can make a world of difference in the effectiveness of treatment. The lung health checks could be a lifeline for some people.”

Dr Stuart Baugh, Programme Director for NHS Targeted Lung Health Checks in Humber and North Yorkshire, said: “This service is a vital step towards better outcomes for people at highest risk of respiratory diseases. Not only does it help to provide most people with reassurance that their lungs are currently healthy, but it also supports people to stop smoking, if they wish to do so.

“Quitting smoking is the best way to prevent lung cancer and referrals to stop smoking services by the lung health check service has already provided many people with the support needed to quit.

“The NHS Targeted Lung Health Check programme was first launched in Hull in January 2020, and then in North East Lincolnshire in January 2023. Around 17,500 telephone assessments have been carried out so far, and we look forward to seeing even more people benefit from the service as eligible participants in the East Riding of Yorkshire take up their invitations. It is expected that the service will be available in all parts of Humber and North Yorkshire by 2028/29.”

Find out more about lung health checks in East Yorkshire at


Trust receives £251k grant to upgrade heat infrastructure

Communications TeamNews

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (HUTH) has been awarded more than a quarter of a million pounds to improve heating systems at its hospitals.

The Trust is among several organisations to successfully bid for a share of £13.9m from the second round of funding from the Heat Network Efficiency Scheme (HNES).

The £251,381 Government grant will enable the Trust to undertake critical upgrades to its heating infrastructure which will not only enhance patient experience but improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.

At Castle Hill Hospital, the allocated funding will be channeled towards a comprehensive overhaul of the heat network, some parts of which are more than 35 years old. The plans include the installation of advanced monitoring and management controls, the replacement and enhancement of insulation, and the introduction of additional meters and heat exchangers.

Hull Royal Infirmary will undergo similar improvements to its heating network which dates back to 1973, including an upgrade of the control system and replacement of insulation.

By modernising this infrastructure, the Trust which will fund part of upgrade, aims to improve the energy efficiency of both hospitals and reduce wastage.

Marc Beaumont, Head of Sustainability said “We are happy to receive this funding through the HNES. It is a significant step towards our commitment to reducing carbon emissions and embracing a more sustainable future. The upgrades to our heat networks will not only make us a more energy-efficient and cost-effective operation but also reaffirm our dedication to providing exceptional care in a responsible and environmentally conscious manner.”

Alex Best, Deputy Director – Major Developments said “This funding is a testament to the Trust’s proactive approach towards achieving our sustainability goals. Upgrading the infrastructure is essential to creating a more resilient and efficient heating system and will help us continue to deliver first-class healthcare while preserving our planet for future generations.”

The funding received by the Trust is part of the £288 million Green Heat Network Fund run by the Government since 2022 to support the creation of new heat networks that use a low-carbon heating sources such as heat pump, solar or geothermal energy.

The UK’s independent Climate Change Committee has recommended growing heat networks so that they meet 18% of UK heat demand by 2050, up from a current baseline of around two percent.


Hospitals nurses winners of prestigious UK award for staff support scheme

Communications TeamNews

A team of nurses delivering an innovative programme to improve nurse numbers and patient care has won one of the profession’s top accolades.

The nursing workforce and education team at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has been selected from 920 entries as winners in the Workforce Initiative category of the RCN Nursing Awards 2023. The award was sponsored by NHS Professionals.

The team found out it had won at a ceremony on Friday 10 November at Liverpool Cathedral.

Staff survey results and feedback sessions showed nurses did not feel valued, supported or empowered to improve their service or give care to the standard they aspired to. Nurse vacancies were high.

However, the nursing workforce and education team has hugely reduced them. Its innovative Grow our Own programme supports the trust’s existing and future workforce to ensure it is able to give great care.

The team focuses on demonstrating that it values staff by supporting their development and career progression, looking after their health and well-being, and providing pastoral care.

Nursing support workers and internationally educated nurses have been supported to become registered nurses.

When asked how the team felt winning this award, practice development matron Karen Mechen said: ‘This is such an honour and an outstanding achievement, not just for the Practice Development Team who have moved these projects forward, but also for the wider teams who have been instrumental in supporting, delivering training, providing funding and allowing the team to use their own initiative and developing the project to meet the needs of the service, investing in our staff and providing future development.’

‘Not promoting our successes is something we have been guilty of in the past, therefore being recognised for the great work we are quietly achieving is amazing.’

Chair of the judging panel Joanne Bosanquet, chief executive of the Foundation of Nursing Studies and Fellow of the RCN, said: ‘The Hull nursing team’s recruitment and retention programme really stood out. At a time when there is a workforce crisis it has managed to turn their vacancies around through investing in local and international recruitment, supporting existing staff to progress and retain essential skills. The nursing team has transformed lives as well as improving outcomes for patients due to the reduction of supplementary staffing. This could be replicated in other organisations and have a huge impact UK-wide.


WISHH National Elf Service Appeal returns with the help of Santa!

Communications TeamNews

A charity appeal to bring the magic of Christmas to the area’s sickest children and older patients spending time in hospital is back! This year we have a little added help from Santa, courtesy of our friends at Holderness and Humberside Rotary Club.

WISHH, the official charity of Hull Hospitals, would like to invite members of our community, schools and local businesses to get involved, helping us to spread the festive cheer to patients across Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital.

Lisa Whitton, WISHH Charity Manager said, “We love bringing festive spirit to patients looked after across Hull Hospitals. This year we have teamed up with the fantastic Rotary Clubs of Holderness and Humberside to be part of their Santa Fun Run, taking place on the 10th December at Pickering Park.  We are encouraging as many people as we can to get involved in the event to support our appeal.

“The Hull Santa Run will then kick start our WISHH National Elf Service Week from the 10th to the 17th December, as we encourage budding elves to discover their ‘Inner Elf’ and take part in a range of themed activities to support Hull Hospitals. From festive bake sales and elf-themed days, to festive wear and crafting, there are plenty of ways to join in the festivities!”

“Funds raised from this appeal will enable WISHH to buy gifts for children cared for in the Children’s Emergency Department, Eye Hospital, Anlaby Suite, Woodland Ward, Paediatric High Dependency Unit, Acorn Ward, and other specialist areas across our hospitals.

“We would also like to provide gifts for older patients, to include slippers, toiletries, arts and crafts, and reminiscence gifts for dementia patients. These gifts and other items for the wards will help make their hospital stay more comfortable. Some older patients may not receive gifts or have visitors if family live far away, and we want them to have something to open on Christmas day.”

Wendy Page, Interim Deputy Chief Nurse said, “We remain under pressure trying to support all patients who require our services. By supporting the National Elf Service appeal, funds donated will enable WISHH to give patients a bit of extra Christmas cheer. WISHH will take the strain out of buying and delivering gifts for you as they work alongside the wards to select ideal gifts for patients in their care. It’s a great way of helping local clubs, businesses and other members of the community make a difference to patients in our care.”

Other ways to support the appeal include our Christmas WISHHes, in lieu of writing Christmas cards. For a £5 donation a WISHH star can be personalised with a message and displayed on trees at Hull Royal Infirmary or Castle Hill Hospital, at home or in the workplace, to support our Christmas appeal. Get in touch with us if you would like to buy a star or discuss how your workplace or organisation can become involved. WISHH Festive Greetings posters are also available, for workplaces to leave messages for colleagues as a card alternative!

To become involved in the Hull Santa Run visit: (Entry includes Santa outfit!)

To help us make this Christmas special and to get involved, visit our website Call Lisa Whitton or Abby Wardill on 01482 622299 or drop us an email at and we will send you a fundraising pack full of festive fun ideas to get involved in.

Donations can be made online via our Just Giving page or by cheque made payable to “WISHH Charity” and posted to us at, WISHH Charity National Elf Service Appeal, WISHH Office, First Floor Administration Block, Castle Hill Hospital, Castle Road, Cottingham, HU16 5JQ.  We also accept bacs transfers. Call us for details.

Your support will enable WISHH to brighten the hospital experience for both young and old this festive season.

Two day road closure on Castle Hill site for essential works

Communications TeamNews

Red sign saying 'road closed ahead'

Essential works will be taking place on Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th November 2023 to repair a water leak on the Castle Hill Hospital site. To carry out these works, we will need to close the main road at the top of the Castle Hill site which forms part of the main East Yorkshire bus route; the exact location is just to the rear of the Cardiology Building  (no.90 on the map below).

The location of the forthcoming two-day road closure

The road will be closed to traffic on both Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th November, all day. This means there will be no vehicular access at all through this part of the site. Bus companies and ambulance service colleagues have been informed.

At the current time, the work is scheduled to take no longer than 2 days, with the road due to reopen and access restored from Friday 10th November.

Bus service users

Please be aware that no service buses will be able to access the site on either day. Without the through road around the top of the site, there is no practical location on site for buses to turn around. This means that all bus stops on the hospital site will be out of use on the 8th and 9th, and all journeys will start and end at the bus stops outside the hospital on Castle Road.

Bus companies have been advised and service updates will be provided to passengers e.g. through the East Yorkshire Buses app.

Specific bus services will be affected as follows:

East Yorkshire

  • 154 (from HRI) – will drop passengers off outside CHH and then changes to service 104
  • 154 (to HRI) –  board at the bus stop on the opposite side of the road to the hospital, in the lay-by between Green Lane and Entrance 3 (as it changes from service 104)
  • 63 (from HRI) –  bus will use the roundabout at top of Castle Road to drop off outside CHH
  • 63 (to HRI) –  bus will stop outside CHH
  • 105 – bus will simply use the roundabout at the top of Castle Road and drop off/pick up outside CHH


  • C83 – bus will simply use the roundabout at the top of Castle Road and drop off/pick up outside CHH

Staff shuttle (Mercure park and ride) users

Please see the staff intranet (Pattie) for details of drop off/pick up points in use during this period.


Thank you for your patience and understanding while these essential works take place.