Hull programme team shortlisted for Macmillan Excellence award

Communications TeamNews

A Hull Macmillan Programme team has been shortlisted for a prestigious award recognising their inspirational work supporting people affected by cancer in the area.

Helen Sowden, Programme Manager and Lucie Osborne, Project Manager who work on the Macmillan Cancer Support Improvement Programme for Brain Tumour and Central Nervous System (CNS) Cancers, were nominated by colleagues in the Integration Excellence Award category. The Integration Excellence Award is awarded to individuals who have successfully developed integrated cancer care services through creating exciting new initiatives, products and services.

The Macmillan Improvement Programme for Brain Tumour and CNS Cancers is the first Macmillan redesign project to focus on improving the patient experience for people with rare and complex cancers.

Helen and Lucie, who are hosted by Scarborough and Ryedale Clinical Commissioning Group took the approach to continually co-create and integrate patient experience when shaping service re-design.

By articulating complex patient needs through patient stories and films alongside comprehensive evidence, the team have influenced providers and commissioners to deliver transformational change.

They continue to work with determination to highlight the issues relating to brain tumours and CNS cancers and identify opportunities where there are similarities with other health conditions.

Helen Sowden, Programme Manager, said: “The complexity of this cancer type means there are no off-the-shelf solutions. We’ve had to be really innovative and novel in coming up with suitable solutions for this cohort of patients.”

A surprise celebrity guest will be hosting the awards ceremony at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel on Thursday 17 November, where the winners will be announced for the first time.

The awards, which are now in their fifth year are a perfect opportunity for Macmillan to recognise and thank pioneering teams and individuals who deliver the highest standards of care for people affected by cancer.
Last year more than 300 Macmillan professionals as well as representatives from Macmillan and leading healthcare institutions attended the awards ceremony.

No one should face cancer alone. For support, information or if you have any questions, call Macmillan Cancer Support free on 0808 808 00 00 (Monday to Friday, 9am–8pm) or visit

Students step inside the Pathology lab to unlock the secrets of food allergy and intolerance

Communications TeamNews

What’s the difference between a food allergy and an intolerance? They can both have a big impact on a person’s health and well-being, but how far do we really understand what causes them and how are they identified?

Year 10 students from across Hull will be seeking to discover the answers to these questions and more, as they go behind the scenes with the Pathology Team at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust next week.

To celebrate National Pathology Week (7-13th November), the doors at both Castle Hill Hospital and Hull Royal Infirmary will be thrown open to Sirius Academy, Newland High School, Malet Lambert and Kelvin Hall pupils, in order to shine a light on the work of pathology staff, who are instrumental in 70% of all NHS diagnoses.

With support from the Royal College of Pathologists and various other hospital departments including Dietetics, Immunology, and Infection Control, students will be able to:

• Learn the difference between allergies and intolerances, and then use this learning to make a range of special recipe smoothies on a ‘smoothie bike’
• Examine blood cells through a microscope and use UV light to show where hands have not been washed properly
• Take part in competitions, including ‘Pin the organ on the teacher’ and a race to ‘scoop the poop’ (chocolate cake mixture!) into test tubes
• Tour the pathology labs and learn about the various specialties within pathology, including immunology, haematology, biochemistry, histopathology, microbiology, and virology
• Browse a range of stands and information displays
• Compete in a quiz to determine who has learned the most during the day

Clinical Scientist, Nicola Svenson, is amongst those organising the week’s celebrations. She says:

“National Pathology Week is themed around allergies and intolerance this year, with the aim of showing how pathology teams can help in their diagnosis and how our clinical teams work together to support people with these kinds of issues.

“Whilst young people may not feel they know much about our area of work, they probably will know someone who has an allergy or is intolerant to a certain kind of food, so this is our way of connecting what we do with their real life experiences, and showing how pathology can be part of a solution.”

Nicola and the team are keen to use the day to inspire more young people into scientific careers. She continues:

“The image many people have of pathology is one which the media have built for us through TV programmes such as CSI or Silent Witness, but pathology is about much more than finding cause of death! In fact, the vast majority of our work is focused on keeping people well; diagnosing illnesses, solving problems, and helping other teams across the NHS to provide the right care and treatment for our patients.

“At a recent NHS careers event, many of the students told us they want to know more about pathology, so today is all about inspiring young people, showing them how pathology underpins much of the care the NHS provides, and how varied and satisfying a career in pathology can be.

“Pathology is an exciting and rewarding area to work in, and one which is constantly changing as new techniques and equipment are introduced. By creating a buzz about science and showing how pathology can help in the real world, we’re hoping to be the inspiration for the next generation of local healthcare scientists.”

Pupils from Sirius Academy and Newland High School will visit the Pathology Team at Castle Hill Hospital in the morning of Wednesday 9th November, whilst pupils from Malet Lambert and Kelvin Hall will spend their day at Hull Royal Infirmary in the morning of Thursday 10th November.

For more information, to request interviews or photo/filming opportunities, please contact the Communications Department at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust on (01482) 674486.

Hull parents ‘dare to share’ their IVF stories…

Communications TeamNews

Parents in Hull are being ‘dared to share’ their fertility success stories as part of a new campaign by the Hull IVF Unit, supporting National Fertility Awareness Week (31st October to 6 November 2016).

Based within the Hull Women and Children’s Hospital at Hull Royal Infirmary, the Hull IVF Unit is encouraging couples across the region who have been successful in having a family to share their news openly to give hope and confidence to others who are due to embark on fertility treatment.

The #DareToShare campaign, set to run on social media, will involve former patients sharing photos of their babies conceived through treatment, using the hashtag #DareToShare, in order to help remove the stigma of IVF and other fertility treatments that assist with conception. One in every six couples in the UK (approx. 3.5 million people) are affected by infertility, and Fertility Network UK’s aim this year is to highlight the unseen, intimate, and day to day reality of fertility issues.

The Hull IVF Unit will also be holding an open evening on Friday 4th November, 4.30pm – 7.30pm, at the Mercure Grange Park Hotel, Willerby, to encourage couples who are considering fertility treatment to meet the team in informal surroundings and ask any questions.

Caroline Frost from the Hull IVF Unit says:

“We always support National Fertility Awareness Week and this year, we are asking our former patients to help us with our campaign. It is a brave, bold ask, we know that, and we understand it may have been a potentially painful time, but we hope people join in, celebrate their success, and help us change perceptions about fertility issues. We have a wall full of photos of wonderful babies in our waiting area and would love it if their parents would share their photographs on their social media pages, suing the hashtag #DareToShare, and not be afraid to talk about their treatment.”

Caroline adds:

“There are many reasons a couple may consider fertility treatment and it is great news that Fertility Network UK is focusing on those stories that aren’t stereotypical. The whole aim of the campaign and our open evening is to help couples who might be contemplating treatment, and we would encourage anyone to come along on the 4th November to ask any questions they may have.”

Helen Davies, 42, of South Newbald, successfully conceived twins after four rounds of IVF through the Hull IVF Unit. She now promotes the issue of Secondary Infertility through her website,, and her book about the journey, More Love To Give, was the first to back the #DareToShare campaign.

Helen says: “There was a time when I was ashamed that we had treatment but it was the silence of people like myself, who have now been successful, that reinforced that ridiculous stigma around fertility. Infertility is hugely common, with many causes, it is tremendously stressful and often painful, and I really believe it is the responsibility of all of us who have been successful to share our stories to help it become more accepted in society.

“I would hate for my precious children to feel any stigmatism and would like to think that, by talking about it, I can ‘normalise’ all treatment available for their sakes too.”

Members of the Hull IVF Clinic team will also be baking and preparing fertility friendly foods, and sharing ideas at the clinic and on social media during National Fertility Awareness Week, to help educate people how they can help themselves via nutrition.

Fertility Network UK is the leading patient charity helping people with any aspect of fertility problems. National Fertility Awareness Week runs from 31 October to 6 November 2016 and the focus for the national campaign is to reveal #HiddenFaces struggling with fertility problems, examining those who aren’t stereotypically infertile by shining the spotlight on untold fertility stories.

Susan Seenan, Chief Executive of Fertility Network UK says:

“National Fertility Awareness Week is about raising awareness and changing perceptions of fertility issues, as well as providing support for the one in six couples, and others, who struggle to become parents. This year we are revealing fertility’s #HiddenFaces – the real people behind fertility struggles; we hope their stories and images will help others experiencing fertility problems and help turn around common misconceptions about fertility. We would like to thank the Hull IVF Unit for supporting our campaign and the awareness week.”


Students to spend ‘A day in the life of the NHS’

Communications TeamNews

Scores of local students will take a peek behind the scenes at Hull Royal Infirmary today as part of a large-scale NHS careers event.

More than 70 students from Withernsea High, Trinity House School and St Mary’s Academy will walk through six individual scenarios designed to showcase NHS job roles which support people from birth through to end of life. Students will also don their scrubs to spend time in a mock theatre complete with high-tech simulation mannequin, and receive a motivational speech from local boxer and former WBC Silver International lightweight champion, Tommy Coyle.

The event is being held for the second time after the 2015 Day in the Life event drew excellent feedback from students taking part, and helped many young people to choose their GCSE/ A level options based on their areas of career interest.

Health managers are now hopeful the event will spark interest amongst the students again, and inspire a whole new generation of NHS staff.

Paula South, Director of Quality & Integrated Governance / Executive Nurse for NHS East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group explains:

“A Day in the Life of the NHS’ is designed first and foremost to showcase the wide variety of NHS careers available and to help young people make the right academic choices based on the careers which are of interest to them.

“Many people assume the NHS is just doctors and nurses, but there are literally hundreds of different job roles available, from pathologists to play specialists, psychologists to school nurses, and it’s some of these roles which we’re hoping to introduce students to on the day.

“We seem to be hearing more and more about staff shortages and NHS vacancies these days, so as well as tackling the problem directly, local health organisations are working collectively on events such as these to hopefully inspire the next generation of NHS professionals.”

In addition to scenario-based learning, students will be able to tour a lunchtime careers fair, where experienced careers staff will be on hand to discuss their options and point youngsters towards the most appropriate qualifications to suit their interests and abilities. Students will also be given the chance to try their hand at Giant Operation, and take part in a CPR competition which will recognise those students showing the best, potentially life-saving CPR technique.

Simon Nearney, Director of Workforce at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust says:

“It’s really important to us to be able to train and retain young people locally who have a passion for health, whether that’s direct patient care or supporting healthcare staff in other ways to deliver great care for local people.

“Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust alone employs more than 8,500 people in over 320 different roles including apprenticeships, and all of these posts require different levels of experience and qualification, so the NHS really does offer something for everyone, not just the academically gifted. What’s important to us is that we attract, train and recruit the right people to look after our growing population, and in return, the NHS can offer a very successful and rewarding career.”

City Health Care Partnership CIC’s group chief executive Andrew Burnell said, “We are really excited to be taking part in this innovative and interactive event. It’ll give young people the chance to understand how many different roles and careers exist within the NHS and how our fantastic colleagues work together to look after people throughout their lives, so they are inspired to think about healthcare careers for themselves.”

Emma Latimer, NHS Hull CCG Chief Officer said: “There are lots of career opportunities in healthcare that many of us probably don’t even know about. ‘A Day in the Life’ is a great opportunity, not only for ourselves to promote the wide variety of careers available, but also for the next generation to learn more about what they can achieve and how they can become our future NHS team.”

Public invited to be breast aware

Communications TeamNews

More than 50,000 people are diagnosed with breast cancer in the UK every year, making it the most common type of cancer in the country. So what can be done to reduce the risk, and how are local services working to offer rapid diagnosis and treatment?

These subjects and more will be covered on Tuesday 18th October, when Castle Hill Hospital in Cottingham plays host to a special event themed on breast screening and awareness.

Carly Medlock, Health Promotion Officer for the Humberside Breast Screening Service, will deliver the presentation, which will also provide an insight into how the National Breast Screening Programme works.

Carly says:

“Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK, so most of us will have a loved one who has experienced breast cancer, or at least know someone who has.

“Self-checks and regular, high quality screening both play a vital part in reducing a person’s risk of developing breast cancer as they can help to identify changes early on, enabling health professionals to take any appropriate action at an early stage. With breast cancer, the earlier any changes are spotted, the better the outlook for that particular person.

“Being alert to changes is equally as important for men, of course, as whilst many people may think of breast cancer as only affecting women, somewhere between 350 and 400 men are also diagnosed with breast cancer every year in the UK.

“At our October event, we’ll be looking at the National Breast Screening Programme in more detail, such as who is eligible to take part and when, as well as what to do if you identify any changes or need support with issues related to breast cancer.

“One in eight women will be affected by breast cancer at some point in their lives, so we’d encourage as many people as possible to come along, find out about local service developments in relation to screening, and discover how participation in the breast screening programme really could be a life-saver.”

The Breast Screening Services presentation will take place at 2pm on Tuesday 18th October at Castle Hill Hospital in Cottingham. Places are free but must be reserved in advance by calling the Trust’s Membership Office on (01482) 675165 or emailing

NHS workers and cancer patients set to perform inspirational concert

Communications TeamNews

Two hospital choirs formed to promote positivity, good health and well-being will come together next month for an evening of song, enjoyment, and inspiration.

Local NHS choir, HEY! Let’s Sing (pictured), will join forces with Positive Note, a choir comprising hospital patients and staff from the Queen’s Centre for Oncology and Haematology in Cottingham.

Directed by Helen Garnett, who featured on ITV’s Britain’s Got Talent earlier this year, the HEY! Let’s Sing choir comprises more than 75 members of staff from Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital. Established in 2014, the choir contains NHS midwives, accountants, secretaries and radiographers to name a few, and they are now taking the city by storm, having already featured in a recent Hull City of Culture video* and performed at both Hull Pride and Hull City Hall.

Positive Note, also formed in 2014, is made up of patients who are undergoing cancer treatment or who have beaten cancer, along with their family and friends, and staff from the Queen’s Centre for Oncology and Haematology, some of whom will have played a part in those patients’ care and treatment.

Proceeds from the concert, which will see a range of rock and pop favourites being performed, will help to fund further workshops and performance opportunities for both choirs.

Bonnie Gough, Web Developer for Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and one of the founding members of the HEY! Let’s Sing Choir, says:

“We wanted to join together with Positive Note as we really love what they are doing for patients and families affected by cancer. Although our two choirs are aimed at two different groups of people, we share the goal of encouraging singing for health and wellbeing.

“There are numerous physical benefits to singing, including increasing the amount of oxygen that gets to your brain, and giving you a greater awareness of your body and the way it works.

“As for mental health, it requires motivation and focus to learn a song, which can act as a really good distraction from the worries that are often experienced by anyone who spends a lot of time in a hospital environment – whether we’re talking about staff, patients or relatives.

“Singing also gives a huge boost to our emotional health, often unlocking emotions we had been keeping locked inside. Singing often makes us laugh or cry! Not to mention all those endorphins it releases.”

Sarah Guest, Clinical Nurse Specialist with the Trust’s Cancer Survivorship Team, says:

“Anyone who is affected by cancer, whether that’s as a patient or as a carer, can go through an incredibly emotive and difficult journey, regardless of the outcome. Positive Note really helps to bring people who have been through similar experiences together and gives them something positive to focus on.

“Singing has proven to be incredibly therapeutic, not just for our patients but for staff as well who are often very busy and use this as a kind of release at the end of the day.

“We’re now really excited to be teaming up with HEY! Let’s Sing to showcase the benefits of singing and what we can do.

“Positive Note took its inspiration from visiting Tenovus choir in Cardiff which is another choir for cancer patients, and we had the privilege of singing with them this year. The funds we hope to raise through this concert will be used to take the choir back to Cardiff to sing again; it was just the most uplifting experience.”

The HEY! Let’s Sing / Positive Note concert kicks off at 7:45pm on Friday 4th November in the Lecture Theatre, Medical Education Centre, Hull Royal Infirmary. Tickets are priced at £10 each and are available by calling 07834 322694, emailing or by messaging HEY! Let’s Sing via Twitter @heyletssing All welcome.

See the Hull City of Culture video featuring HEY! Let’s Sing:

£14,000 donation to children’s High Dependency Unit

Communications TeamNews

Members of the Paediatric Healthcare Team at Hull Royal Infirmary have received a financial boost to help babies and children in need of special care.

The Society of MICE*, a group of Hull-based artists involved in the entertainment industry, have passed £14,000 to the Paediatric High Dependency Unit (PHDU) at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust to purchase specialist equipment including a ventilator.

The money was raised through entertainment events and afternoon teas, and the PHDU was nominated to receive the funds by Peter Briggs, King of the Society for 2015/16. Peter says:

“The Society’s members elect a new King every February, and one of their roles is to choose a charity or specialist project for the year which will benefit from the Society’s fundraising.

“In my role as King last year, I chose the Paediatric High Dependency Unit, having supported the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in my previous term as King a few years ago. During this time, I was able to speak with staff and see the good work carried out in the hospital, and as my wife is a child minder, I know that young people often need a bit of help, so this felt like a very worthwhile cause.”

Alan Brattan is the Chair of the hospital’s Family Involvement Group which sees families and hospital staff working together to deliver great care to children and their loved ones. He says:

“As part of the Family Involvement Group to the PHDU at Hull Royal Infirmary, we are very grateful indeed for this significant donation from the MICE charity.

“Their members have devoted their spare time and resources to collecting this money in order to benefit the very sick children who pass through this ward, and the donation will now help to buy equipment which will further improve the care they receive.”

Dr Hilary Klonin, Consultant Neonatologist at the Trust, says:

“This state of the art equipment will keep children comfortable and safe when they have breathing difficulties. Non-invasive ventilation helps to stabilise children and can enable them to safely remain in local care, in some cases even helping them recover from their illness faster and more fully.
“We are very grateful to the Family Involvement Group, The Society of MICE and Hayek Charitable Foundation for their support in getting the equipment to us.”

£80K boost for breast screening in the Humber region

Communications TeamNews

A local charity set up just 18 months ago to fundraise for potentially life-saving equipment has achieved its target.

Thanks to the generosity of local people, businesses and community groups, the Clarity Appeal has enabled state-of-the-art equipment valued at £80,000 to be installed at Castle Hill Hospital in Cottingham.

The Clarity Appeal was set up in April 2015 in order to fundraise to install cutting edge diagnostic facilities within local Breast Screening Services.

The innovative Tomosynthesis diagnostic tool uses x-ray imaging to create a 3D image of breast tissue. Clinicians are given a more detailed and accurate view of any suspicious areas, helping to reduce the number of biopsies taken from healthy patients in order to rule out malignant diagnosis.

The technology also enables many different images to be taken at the same time, and is much quicker than traditional mammography, so women spend less time undergoing the procedure, thereby reducing any associated stress or discomfort.

Carly Medlock, Health Promotion Officer for the Humberside Breast Screening Service says:

“We’ve been overwhelmed by the response to the Clarity Appeal from the local community.

“Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK, so many people will have a loved one who has experienced this in some way, or will know someone who has. High quality screening plays a vital part in helping health professionals to identify any changes and take the appropriate action at an early stage.

“Tomosynthesis allows us to take 3D mammograms, a lot like a CT scan where it takes ‘slices’ through an object. Healthcare staff can then zoom through the tissue to look at any areas of concern. Access to Tomosynthesis has been available in Northern Lincolnshire for some time, so it’s great that we can now offer use of this state-of-the-art technology to men and women in East Yorkshire too.

“Tomosynthesis will not replace traditional mammography, but it will be used in second stage screening where health professionals need to take a closer look at breast tissue and feel the improved imaging capability it offers will be of extra value.

“On behalf of Clarity and the Humberside Breast Screening Service, I’d like to thank everyone who donated to the Tomosynthesis appeal; their generosity will make a huge difference to the experience of people in our care, both in the short and long term.”

For more information or to arrange interviews/photographs, please contact the Communications Office at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust on (01482) 674486.

National hospital first as Trust introduces Recreational Coordinators to elderly wards

Communications TeamNews

They may not be medically trained, but the latest recruits to help care for older people at Hull Royal Infirmary are a
tonic in themselves.

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has created two apprentice Recreational Coordinator posts to help
improve the experience of older people in hospital.

Thought to be the first of their kind employed by any acute hospital in the country, Recreational Coordinators
Laura Marks and Emma Smith provide a warm smile, a friendly face, and ensure their patients on wards 8 and 80, 9
and 90 have plenty to occupy their time.

Debbie Hamer, Business Manager for the Department of Medicine for the Elderly explains:

“The idea to introduce recreational posts to our wards came from Dr Kirsten Richards, Clinical Director for Medical
Elderly, who had noticed how well the Play Therapists in Paediatrics engaged with children spending time in
hospital, keeping them busy and entertained. We thought a post like this could make an equally positive difference
to the elderly patients in our care, so with the support of the Divisional Nurse Manager, Stacey Healand, we
decided to give it a go.

“Some of our patients may not have relatives or visitors, and often they might not have spoken to anyone for
weeks before coming into hospital. Older people decondition very quickly once they are admitted to hospital, so
keeping our patients physically healthy and mental well is really important, and that’s where Laura and Emma
come into their own.”

Often considered the ‘gold standard’ in care homes, the use of recreational staff in acute hospitals has been so far
unheard of, making Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust the first in the country to introduce such a role.

The Recreational Coordinators provide activities and entertainment for all older people on the wards, not just
those with dementia, to occupy their time and make them feel happy and cared for. And for Emma and Laura, now
working on the hospital’s 8th and 9th floors respectively, no two days are ever the same.

“I used to work in a care home promoting physical activity amongst residents, so I know just how important it is for
older people to stay physically active and mentally alert,” says Laura.

“Since I started at Hull Royal Infirmary, I’ve been doing all sorts of things, from nail painting and hand massage to
helping out at mealtimes and even recreating the seaside on the 8th floor, complete with a sandy beach! It’s all
about giving people a good experience whilst they are in hospital so they have a positive mindset, which can really
help when it then comes to their physical recovery.

“Being a Recreational Coordinator is such a rewarding job, and we have a lot of flexibility to be able to choose what
we want to do for our patients on any given day. Some patients are happy enough to just sit with a puzzle book,
but others will prefer a bit of company and enjoy having someone there who has time to sit and have a chat.

“It’s no secret how busy our nurses and doctors are these days, so by spending time one-to-one or in groups with
our patients, it not only makes them feel cared for, it also means our clinical staff can get on with what they do
best too.”

At the same time as working on Hull Royal Infirmary’s medical elderly wards, Laura and Emma are also studying
towards NVQ Level 2 in Health and Support Services with the support of Hull-based HYA Training. They are two of
almost 90 apprentices taken on by the Trust since 2014 in a bid to improve patient care and help grow its
workforce of the future.

Emma says:

“Spending time in hospital can be quite boring for anyone, so our role is to provide activities and opportunities for
older people to socialise with each other and stay both mentally and physically active whilst they’re here.

“No one would want to think of a relative of theirs just sitting and staring out of the window all day, so as well as
spending time one-on-one, we also help to provide group events which encourage patients to get to know each
other, such as afternoon sing-alongs and gentle exercise sessions.

“Small gestures such as a smile or a five minute chat can mean so much to people who might otherwise feel
isolated or alone on the wards, so it’s a really rewarding job and one where you can really see you’re making a

Scores of new nurses swell hospitals’ ranks

Communications TeamNews

Almost 120 newly qualified registered nurses are set to swell the ranks of two East Yorkshire hospitals.

A total of 109 new nurses will take on permanent positions with Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust next week after completing their undergraduate nursing studies at the University of Hull over the last three years. They will be joined by a further 10 nurses who have trained elsewhere in the country, such as in York, Leeds and Nottingham. All will shortly begin working at either Castle Hill Hospital or Hull Royal Infirmary in areas such as intensive care, the Emergency Department, and elderly medicine.

Mike Wright, Chief Nurse for Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust says:

“I am delighted to welcome all of these newly registered nurses to work at the Trust and congratulate them on becoming registered nurses.  It is fantastic that they have chosen to work in our local hospitals and the senior nurses and I look forward to supporting their career progression and development.

“It is important for us to try and retain as many of those talented individuals as possible who have trained locally, so that we can continue to provide great care to our patients and service users, both now and in years to come.

“Nurse recruitment is a key element of our business continuity planning, ensuring that, as those reaching retirement age leave the Trust, we have the right staffing levels and, more importantly, the right people to continue caring safely for the people who need us.

“The majority of newly qualified nursing staff joining us will begin work in their chosen departments or areas of interest, and we’re really looking forward to welcoming them to the team.  I wish them all every success and look forward to working with them and supporting them.  We all need to look after our nurses as we are all likely to need them at some point in our lives.

“Nurses are the lifeblood of the NHS and I am very proud that they have chosen to come and work with us.”

The success is attributed not least in part to the Trust’s efforts to create a better place to work under the ‘Remarkable People, Extraordinary Place’ banner.  Staff are already rating the Trust above the national average for flexible working and opportunities to show initiative in their roles, and the Trust’s efforts to improve organisational culture have also received national recognition.

Simon Nearney, Director of Workforce at the Trust says:

“Hull is not alone in experiencing a shortage of nursing staff; hospitals and NHS Trusts across the country are also facing this problem and so competition for nursing staff is growing between organisations.

“Using our Remarkable People, Extraordinary Place campaign, we’ve been working hard in recent months to promote Hull and East Yorkshire as great places to live and work, and to offer staff coming into the organisation the chance to create and build an exciting career.

“We’re really proud to have been chosen by these newly qualified nurses as the place to begin their careers, and we’re sure they will be a great asset to both the Trust and our patients.”