Hospitals prepare for full walk-out by junior doctors

Communications TeamNews

Hospitals in East Yorkshire will be activating business continuity plans in preparation for the next wave of industrial action by junior doctors.

Between the hours of 8am and 5pm on Tuesday 26th April and Wednesday 27th April, junior doctors will stage a complete walk-out as part of an ongoing dispute with the Government over changes to their terms and conditions.

Services at both Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital in Cottingham will be affected by the action which, for the first time, will also see junior doctors withdraw cover from the Emergency Department. In light of this, members of the public will be asked to use community services for healthcare advice and treatment as far as possible, including Minor Injury Units, GP surgeries, walk-in centres, and pharmacies.

Plans are being put in place by Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust to maintain business continuity as far as possible, and ensure the continued provision of safe and effective care to patients. Work has also been taking place to cancel and reschedule some outpatient appointments and routine surgical procedures.

Kevin Phillips, Chief Medical Officer for Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust says:

“The industrial action being taken by junior doctors on 26th and 27th April will be different to that we have seen previously, insofar as they will provide no cover whatsoever between the hours of 8am and 5pm.

“We recognise the junior doctors’ right to take industrial action and, as such, we have had to plan accordingly to minimise disruption as far as possible and to ensure the services we continue to provide are safe.

“In preparation for the strike, we have been working with our partners in primary and community care to maximise the number of patients who can be safely discharged from hospital in advance, to free up capacity on our wards.

“Unfortunately, we have had to cancel a number of outpatient clinics and routine surgical procedures which were scheduled for the 26th and 27th, and we would like to apologise to anyone affected by this for the inconvenience. This has, however, freed up a number of more senior doctors to work in areas such as the Emergency Department and the Acute Medical Unit. They will be supported by others including advanced nurse practitioners, phlebotomists, and extra pharmacy staff.

“At this stage, we do not know how many junior doctors will choose to take part in the walk-out, but we are expecting the impact of the action to be greater than during previous periods of industrial action.

“Whilst we will continue to provide essential and urgent care services, including emergency surgery, we are also reliant on the public’s help in ensuring our hospitals continue to run as effectively as possible during this time. For non-urgent conditions, we would urge people to consider alternative sources of health advice and treatment as far as possible, such as Minor Injury Units, GP surgeries and walk-in centres, to reduce pressure on the Emergency Department.

“Many appointments will still go ahead as normal, however, so patients with hospital appointments scheduled for Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th April can also help by attending as normal, unless they have already been told otherwise.”

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust would like to apologise for any inconvenience, and thank patients and the public for their cooperation and understanding during the forthcoming period of industrial action.

Important information for patients:

  • Those patients who have appointments or surgical procedures scheduled to take place on Tuesday 26th April or Wednesday 27th April are asked to attend as planned, unless they have already been contacted by a member of hospital staff to cancel and reschedule.
  • Patients with specific queries around their appointments are asked to contact the hospital using the details provided on their appointment letters.
  • Picket lines are expected outside the hospitals, but they will not block access for patients or staff entering and leaving the sites.
  • The Trust will continue to provide emergency care services throughout the period of industrial action
  • In light of additional pressures anticipated during the walk-outs, members of the public are asked to use alternative, non-hospital based sources of healthcare advice and treatment, including minor injury units, walk-in centres, GP surgeries and pharmacies wherever possible. A full list of local community health services is available via

KCOM Stadium to host East Yorkshire’s biggest health event

Communications TeamNews

City of Culture’s Martin Green set to headline at 2016 Health Expo

Health organisations across East Yorkshire are set to host the biggest showcase of healthcare services and innovation even seen in the region.

The 2016 Health Expo is being organised by Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Hull Clinical Commissioning Group, East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group, Humber NHS Foundation Trust, and City Health Care Partnership.

The day-long event will incorporate a healthcare exhibition which is open to the public, along with a special guest appearance from Martin Green, Chief Executive of Hull’s 2017 City of Culture Team.

The event will also feature a recruitment fair for people who are interested in finding out more about healthcare careers, as well as a public ‘Question Time’ event where audience members will be able to put their thoughts and opinions to a panel of local health and social care leaders.

A giant game of ‘Operation’ will be one of the highlights of the Health and Well-being Zone, where people will also be able to make their own smoothies, get a quick consultation using the ‘Street Doctor’ service, and take part in a yoga taster session.

The event is designed to get people thinking not only about how they can keep themselves both mentally and physically well, but to showcase the work which local nurses, doctors, therapists and other healthcare support staff carry out 365 days a year for the benefit of local people.

The Health Expo will culminate in a special awards ceremony on the evening of 7th July, where 14 awards will be up for grabs, including the Innovative Health and Social Care Technology award, Patient Safety award, and Improving Health and Reducing Health Inequalities award. Members of the public are also being invited to nominate a special healthcare worker they know for the 2016 ‘Healthcare Hero’ award, which will recognise the most selfless, supportive and caring individuals from across local health and care services.

Myles Howell, Director of Communications for Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, says:

“The initial idea behind the Health Expo was to share and celebrate the many things which doctors, nurses, and other healthcare staff across Hull and East Yorkshire are doing right now to help improve the care and well-being of local people.

“We all use the NHS in some form or another and we all feel a sense of ownership for it, so it only feels right that we invite people to find out what’s new, see what’s happening, talk to our staff and, as the NHS is one of the region’s biggest employers, find out about current and future job opportunities in this sector.

“As well as showcasing what health and social care teams are doing to make things better, safer, and more efficient for people, we also want the event to have a feel-good factor about it, so we have some exciting things lined up for both the young and young at heart.

“Visitors can get the mind and body working with a game of Giant Jenga, hop on a smoothie bike to make a fresh and healthy drink, get on-the-spot advice from our Street Doctor, take part in a relaxing afternoon yoga session, and then write on our graffiti wall to tell us what they think of the day.

“This is the first time health and care organisations have come together on such a scale to showcase the amazing work which is carried out every day for the benefit of local people. With so much going on this year, we hope people will find some time to visit us and take part in our celebration of local NHS staff and services.”

The 2016 Health Expo will take place at the KCOM Stadium on Thursday 7th July from 9:30am to 4pm. Members  of the public will receive a warm welcome, and are invited to stay for as much of the day as they are able. There is no need to book, however guests are advised to pre-book if they wish to participate in the Question Time event.

More information, along with details of how to nominate for the Healthcare Hero award and how to submit questions for/reserve places at the Question Time session, are available at Health Expo

Scores of student nurses interviewed for local hospital jobs

Communications TeamNews

Efforts to address staffing concerns at two of East Yorkshire’s biggest hospitals appear to bearing fruit, after Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has revealed more than 50 student nurses will be interviewed this week for permanent roles.

The Trust, which provides hospital care at both Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital in Cottingham, has been working hard in recent months to revitalise its image and create a better place to work. As a result, staff are already rating the Trust above the national average for flexible working opportunities, and the Trust’s efforts to improve organisational culture have received national recognition.

On a recent visit to a Hull University recruitment fair, Trust representatives spoke to scores of second and third year student nurses about their areas of clinical interest and their plans for their future.

This investment now appears to be paying off, as 53 third year nursing students who are due to qualify this year will be interviewed this week for permanent roles with the Trust once they complete their studies.

Simon Nearney, Director of Workforce for Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust says:

“Hull is not alone in experiencing a shortage of nursing staff; this is an issue which hospitals and NHS organisations across the country are also facing.

“In the past, we have perhaps suffered a little bit from people completing their clinical training in Hull, and then wanting to move on to bigger cities like Leeds, Manchester or London, where they feel there is more going on.

“We know we have to think and act differently to attract people to the city, but perhaps more importantly, to get people who have trained in Hull to stay in the area once they qualify. The upcoming City of Culture celebrations are already making Hull a more attractive proposition, but we also need to start collectively talking ourselves up if we want to attract and retain the best nursing and medical staff.

“”It does now feel that the tide is turning and I’m delighted to say that we’ll be interviewing more than 50 student nurses this week with a view to offering permanent positions when they qualify in the summer. As well as filling existing vacancies, we have also created extra nursing posts around the Trust to enable us to provide the highest standards of care, and we are now expecting to be able to appoint to areas such as elderly care, theatres, and oncology to name a few.

“It’s so encouraging to see that people want to come and work with us, and we’ve been very impressed with the people we’ve met so far. The students have filled us with confidence and we’re sure, when they begin with us in the autumn, they will be a great asset to both the Trust and our patients.”

Local firm donates to help seriously ill babies

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Workers from Hull-based ESP Systex Group have been raising money to help support the care of seriously ill and premature babies.

Employees of the Holderness Road-based firm, which is a market leader in smartcard issuing, management and fulfilment for the transport sector*, have raised over £500 for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Hull and East Yorkshire Women and Children’s Hospital.

Gayle Binns, Group HR Director for the company, says:

“We employ 66 people in our Hull office, and even amongst that relatively small number of people, there are several of us who have known people who have had little ones spend time in NICU or have been affected personally.

“For this reason, we chose to raise money for the unit by holding events within our team, such as cake sales, daft jumper days and other similar activities.

“Knowing how hard it can be for parents to have their baby spend time in the unit, we’re pleased to be able to support the incredible work that the doctors and nurses carry out to help hundreds of local families every year.”

Kate Lamming, Acting Ward Sister on NICU, says:

“We are incredibly grateful to ESP Group for thinking of us. All donations make a huge difference, not just to us, but more importantly, to the very poorly babies we’re caring for, their parents, and families.

“Within the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, we have a rolling five year programme of equipment replacement, and so this money will go towards this and help us to fund some of the most up-to-date equipment possible to care for seriously ill or premature babies.”

Cyclists saddle up in aid of bowel cancer care

Communications TeamNews

Amount raised for local good causes over 20 years tops £100,000

A group of cyclists from East Yorkshire have raised £5,000 to support the care of local people with bowel cancer.

Gary Kemp, who works at Willerby Holiday Homes, is one of around 60 people to have taken part in a recent 50 mile cycle ride from Hull to Scarborough.

Members of the group have been making the two-wheeled trek annually for the past 20 years, and Gary has been one of those organising the ride out, along with his colleague Steve Moore, for the past 14 years.

Every year the group has chosen to raise money for a different charity in Hull and/or the East Riding, and their latest ride bagged them a cool £5,000 in sponsorship and support. But if that wasn’t impressive enough on its own, their collective fundraising for local good causes has now topped £100,000.

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust’s oncology service, based at Castle Hill Hospital in Cottingham, is the latest to benefit from the group’s generosity.

Gary explains:

“Our annual fundraiser is a great opportunity to get together with work colleagues, family and friends, to take in some fresh air, and to raise money for some really good local causes.

“Several members of our group have had family or friends affected by bowel cancer and spend time in hospital receiving care or treatment for it, and so that’s specifically where we’ll be donating the money this time.

“Senior staff and directors at Willerby Holiday Homes always support us with our fundraising, as do many of the company’s suppliers. And whilst the ride can be tough in parts, especially the hills on the route between Bridlington and Scarborough, we all support each other and we make sure we have a good rest and plenty to eat when we get there!”

Professor Anthony Maraveyas, Consultant Oncologist at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust says:

“Hull has been at the forefront of studying novel imaging and radiotherapy planning technologies in cancer. We are working to improve radiotherapy outcomes both in terms of efficacy and reducing toxicity for patients with rectal cancer, and this fantastic donation will go towards bolstering this research.

“The support of our research, as seen through the successful Daisy Appeal but also through the individual generosity of patients and their families to particular causes, such as colorectal cancer, has been heart-warming and is always much appreciated.”


Important advice for patients ahead of strike action

Communications TeamNews

Patients with hospital appointments scheduled for Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th April are being urged to attend as normal unless they have already been told otherwise.

Junior doctors are, once again, preparing for a 48hr period of industrial action, during which they will provide emergency cover only at both Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital in Cottingham. The action is being taken as part of a national, ongoing dispute with the Government over changes to terms and conditions.

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust will be implementing business continuity plans between 8am on Wednesday 6 April and 8am on Friday 8 April to ensure the organisation can continue to provide safe and effective care to patients.

Mr Kevin Phillips, Chief Medical Officer at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust says:

“We recognise the junior doctors’ right to take industrial action, so we will be implementing business continuity plans in an attempt to minimise disruption for patients and ensure our services can continue to run safely.

“Extra support will be provided in those areas we expect to come under additional pressure, including more pharmacy support for our wards to help with prescribing issues and patient discharge arrangements.

“In a limited number of areas where it would not prove safe or possible to continue to see patients, it has been necessary to cancel and reschedule some appointments and procedures. All patients affected have now been contacted and we would like to apologise for the inconvenience.

“The vast majority of appointments and procedures scheduled for 6th and 7th April will still go ahead, however, so patients who are due to attend hospital on these dates can help us by turning up as planned, unless they have been told otherwise.”

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust would like to apologise for any inconvenience, and thank patients and the public for their cooperation and understanding during the forthcoming period of industrial action.

Important information for patients:

  • Whilst some disruption as a result of the strike action is inevitable, the vast majority of services and clinics at Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital are expected to run as normal.
  • Those patients who have appointments or surgical procedures scheduled to take place on Wednesday 6 April or Thursday 7 April are asked to attend as planned, unless they have already been contacted by a member of hospital staff to cancel and reschedule.
  • Patients with specific queries around their appointments are asked to contact the hospital using the details provided on their appointment letters.
  • Picket lines are expected outside the hospitals, but they will not block access for patients or staff entering and leaving the sites.
  • Emergency care services will continue to run as normal.
  • In light of additional pressures anticipated on the day, members of the public are asked to familiarise themselves with alternative, non-hospital based sources of healthcare advice and treatment, including minor injury units, walk-in centres, GP surgeries and pharmacies. A full list of local community health services is available via

Apprenticeship awards celebrate local hospitals’ rising stars

Communications TeamNews

Staff at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust are celebrating after receiving five award nominations for work to develop local apprenticeships.

Alex Bampton, a business admin apprentice working within Hull Royal Infirmary’s Intensive Care Unit, has been shortlisted for the title of ‘Intermediate Non Clinical Apprentice of the Year’ at the forthcoming Health Education Yorkshire and the Humber ‘Talent for Care’ Awards on Friday 18th March.

Jaimee Lee Lister, Estates Apprentice who was shortlisted last year for the Young Builder of the Year UK Award and subsequently attended a special event at the House of Commons, has been recognised again for her work with a nomination for ‘Advanced Non Clinical Apprentice of the Year’.

Neurophysiology Healthcare Scientist, Jo Smith, is one of two people competing for the title of Ambassador/Mentor of the Year, having been put forward on the strength of her support for the development of apprentices within her particular area.  Meanwhile, Robert Dyer, one of the first apprentices to be taken on by the Trust in 2014, is expected to finish his apprenticeship with a nationally recognised finance qualification, and is in the running to be named ‘Higher Non Clinical Apprentice of the Year’.

Finally, Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Trust Education Team and its local partner in delivering hospital-based apprenticeships, HYA Training, have also been shortlisted for the title of ‘Partnership of the Year’ based on work to deliver flexible and bespoke apprenticeships to meet the needs of the Trust and the individual apprentices.

Anne Burdis and Debbie Elton, Education and Development Advisors at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, have been working with Trust managers and supervisors over the last three years to develop these opportunities.  Anne says:

“Since 2013, we have created more than 70 apprenticeship opportunities within our local hospitals. This would not have been possible without the amazing work of our departments who have embraced apprenticeships, along with the fantastic education support from our providers, HYA Training, Hull Training, Kaplan Financial, and HETA.

“The enthusiasm and commitment for apprenticeships from our colleagues has enabled the Trust to develop diverse opportunities including Pharmacy, IT, Administration, Accountancy, and Estates, along with support roles within Neurophysiology, Medical Elderly, and new opportunities within Dietetics and Academic Research. This broad range not only helps to give learning and employment opportunities to local people, but will help us grow our future workforce.

“Our apprentices are really doing us proud here at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Trust, and they deserve to be recognised at this regional awards ceremony.”

The award ceremony itself is the culmination of National Apprenticeship Week, which the Trust is celebrating this year by inviting 60 pre-apprenticeship students to the hospital to find out more about the organisation and the opportunities available.

The Trust’s award nominees will find out whether they have been successful at the Health Education Yorkshire and the Humber ‘Talent for Care’ Apprenticeship Awards, which take place on the evening of Friday 18th March at the Rose Bowl, Leeds Beckett University.

National Apprenticeship Week: Hull mortuary worker to be recognised at Ministerial event in London

Communications TeamNews

A young hospital worker from Hull will be recognised by Ministers later this month as part of forthcoming National Apprentice Week celebrations.

Jordan Burn, a Trainee Anatomical Pathology Technologist (ATP) with Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, was the country’s first Mortuary Apprentice, and is one of just a handful of people to be invited to London to attend the special event.

23-year-old Jordan began his apprenticeship in the Public Mortuary at Hull Royal Infirmary in October 2014. Prior to finishing his formal studies, Jordan freely admits that he had never considered such a career, but within a year of starting his apprenticeship at the hospital, he had already earned the title of ‘Intermediate Clinical Apprentice of the Year’ at the Yorkshire & Humber NHS Talent for Care Awards 2015.

Now, having completed his apprenticeship and gone on to secure a permanent job with the Trust, Jordan is working towards further professional qualifications and is serving as a role model for scores of other aspiring apprentices up and down the country.

It is for these reasons that Jordan has been chosen to represent the Yorkshire and Humber region at the Ministerial Event on Tuesday 15th March, which will see him rubbing shoulders with a host of MPs and other big names, including Minister for Care Quality, Ben Gummer MP.

Jordan says:

“I’m really pleased to be able to represent Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Trust and the Mortuary and Bereavement Services Team at this upcoming event. I’m hoping to make more people aware of what we do as a department, and what I and other Trainee APTs up and down the country do to contribute towards the service.”

Jordan was chosen to represent the region by a panel of health education professionals from across Yorkshire and the Humber, based on both his personal attributes and his professional dedication.

Michael Holgate, Lifelong Learning Manager with Health Education Yorkshire and the Humber, says:

“At last year’s regional Talent for Care Awards, Jordan really stood out from his peers. He was praised for his maturity, compassion, and sensitivity; qualities which are so important when you are working with people who are coming to terms with the loss of a loved one.

“Jordan is a great example of how apprenticeships can lead to really exciting and rewarding careers, and his success is just the kind of story we’re looking to share during National Apprenticeship Week.”

Jordan is one of 73 apprentices taken on by Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust since May 2013, and they form a key part of the Trust’s workforce development plans for the years ahead.

Anne Burdis, Education and Development Advisor for the Trust says:

“Lots of young people don’t know what they want to do when they finish their studies. Many of them like the idea of working for the NHS but often aren’t aware of the variety of opportunities that we can offer.

“We have been working since 2013 to create a broad-range of work-based apprenticeship opportunities for people. Roles have included office-based positions such as finance, IT, and administration, and practical opportunities within our estates department. We have also developed opportunities within areas such as pharmacy, neurophysiology, and medical elderly care. We are also in the process of developing new roles within dietetics and academic research, all of which make a daily, direct contribution to the care we provide for patients.”

She adds:

“Jordan has been exceptional throughout his apprenticeship; he’s been keen to learn, motivated, and ultimately he cares about people and about the role that he plays within the hospital. To see him achieve and progress onto further study is a credit to him and to Bereavement Services for investing their time and energies into apprenticeships.”

Jordan will travel to London on Tuesday 15th March to attend the event and receive special recognition for his rapid progression through the apprenticeship route.

Public invited to learn more about organ donation

Communications TeamNews

Members of the public are being invited to find out more about organ and tissue donation through an educational event later this week.

Earlier this year, Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust launched its life-saving campaign, ‘Be A Hero’, in a bid to raise awareness of the number of people waiting for transplants in the region and to encourage more people to sign the organ donor register.

At present there are currently 26 people in Hull and East Yorkshire on the waiting list and 800 people across Yorkshire waiting for a life-saving transplant.

In the last year, 12 people in our region donated an organ after their death, and whilst not everyone has the opportunity to donate organs, most can donate tissue.

The open event taking place this Friday, 18 March, will see local experts in the field share information around the importance of being an organ donor and what it actually means to have signed the register. It will also give attendees the opportunity to ask any questions they may have about becoming an organ donor.

Dr Mike Felgate, Consultant in Clinical Care, Medicine and Anaesthesia at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, says:

“We launched the ‘Be A Hero’ campaign back in January to not only raise awareness of donation in the region, but to also educate people on what being an organ and tissue donor actually entails. The message behind the campaign is very simple; you don’t need to be a superhero to save a life.

“We’d really like to see as many people as possible at our event so we can show how much potential there is in organ donation. We are looking to inspire as many people as possible to sign the donor register and help to ensure that, in time, everybody who needs an organ in Hull and East Yorkshire gets one in time.

“By holding this event we hope to not only educate people on the importance of organ and tissue donation, we also want to answer any questions they may have, as we understand becoming a donor can be a big decision.”

Everyone is welcome to attend the event, which takes place at 9:30am this Friday 18 March at Castle Hill Hospital in Cottingham. If you would like to attend, please contact our membership team to register your interest and for further details  – tel 01482 675165 or email;

All eyes on Hull as ophthalmic unit is judged number one by its patients, and international charity agrees

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Shown at Hull Eye Hospital is consultant Mr Craig Burnett and the Hull and East Riding Glaucoma Group. The group nominated the hospital for this top opthalmic award and Dr Burnett and Dr Sudipto Bhatta were grateful to receive it. Left to right Dr Sudipto Bhatta, Kay Slingsby, Liz Thrustle-Webster, Dr Craig Burnett.

An international award has arrived in Hull after local people under the care of Hull and East Yorkshire Eye Hospital showed their support for the service.

The International Glaucoma Association (IGA) launched its search for the ‘ophthalmic unit most appreciated by patients for quality of service’ back in late 2015. Members of the Hull and East Riding Glaucoma Group responded by nominating Hull Royal Infirmary’s Ophthalmic Unit for the IGA ‘Ophthalmic Unit of the Year 2015/16’ award.

The unit has been recognised not only for its clinical skill and expertise, but also for the all-round support it offers to patients who are vulnerable to sight loss or impairments. Over the past decade, the unit has increased its capacity and has been leading the way in terms of treatment, by using some of the latest surgical and laser techniques. A new technique has even been named after the city, and the unit now boasts a dedicated team of staff who, in the words of one patient, “don’t just go the extra mile, they run a marathon”.

Kay Slingsby, Joint Chair and Secretary of the Hull and East Riding Glaucoma Group, was amongst those supporting the nomination. She says:

“As someone who has been under the care of the unit, and Mr Burnett in particular, for a number of years, I’ve always been so impressed by the professional, conscientious and caring way in which he and his staff carry out their duties. Without his care and attention, I would possibly have lost my sight eight years ago, but thanks to their work, my condition is stable, my vision is good, and I no longer need medication for it.

“The team gives patients like me the feeling of being cradled in a safety net of support, answering questions, providing information, and offering advice. Mr Burnett and other staff members are always willing to give their time and professional knowledge to our local support group when approached, and this helps us to achieve our aim of increasing people’s knowledge and understanding of glaucoma.

“Their commitment to patient care is outstanding, but above all, the staff treat patients as individuals, not the next person on the list, or a statistic, and I’m so pleased that the IGA has chosen to recognise our local unit in this way.”

At the end of last week, Mr Craig Burnett, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Sudipto Bhatta, Consultant Ophthalmologist, and Pat Savage, Glaucoma Nurse Practitioner, travelled to London to collect the award.

Mr Burnett says:

“We are extremely grateful to receive this award and genuinely touched to hear such kind words from our patients. We are also very pleased with the success of the local patient support group, the Hull and East Riding Glaucoma Group. We always strive to achieve the best possible results and this acknowledgment, from our patients & the International Glaucoma Association, makes all the hard work worthwhile.

“Over the past decade, our Department has seen huge improvements. The Glaucoma Service has implemented the most modern techniques to treat the condition and we have expanded to address the increasing demand on the service. However, we will not rest on our laurels as we are aware that further improvements are needed.

“Recently, we have received investment for the introduction of special monitoring clinics (‘virtual clinics’) whereby results are reviewed electronically. For the future, we hope to continue to improve our service and the care of our patients in Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire.”

Russell Young, CEO with the International Glaucoma Association, says:

“We are delighted to recognise the Hull and East Yorkshire Eye Hospital for our “Outstanding Support for Patients Award” for 2016. The unit was nominated by IGA members who recommended it for its excellent service and praised the dedication and commitment of the staff who run an active patient support group for people with glaucoma.

“Each year the IGA encourages patients to recommend a unit that they believe provides quality patient care and support for people with glaucoma. Mr Craig Burnett, consultant ophthalmologist and his team clearly put people with glaucoma at the centre of the care they provide.”

Mr Bhatta adds:

“The glaucoma service and the entire Ophthalmology team in Hull are delighted to receive the IGA 2016 award and we are extremely grateful to our local Glaucoma Group who believed in us and have deemed us appropriate for the nomination.

“We are in exciting times with evolving newer technologies. We have recently expanded the glaucoma service by establishing new clinic pathways with electronic reporting systems for patients to be reviewed in a timely manner; started the new Laser Trabeculoplasty service; and are rolling out new micro-invasive glaucoma surgery in the region. This has all been possible due to the hard work of the team and additional support from Colin Vize, our consultant colleague & Medical Director at the Trust.

“We will strive for the very best in glaucoma care for our patients in the years ahead.”