- Reference Number: HEY1176/2020
- Departments: Haematology
- Last Updated: 28 October 2020
This leaflet has been produced to give you and your relatives and / or carer general information about the Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Review Clinic within the Trust.
The review clinic is for patients who have a stable myeloproliferative neoplasm (Polycythaemia Vera, essential thrombocythaemia). This type of review clinic is also to support the house bound and elderly patients.
Why am I moving to the review clinic?
Since this diagnosis we have monitored your condition by reviewing your blood test results and discussing these results with you at the hospital outpatient clinic. Now that your blood count is stable moving you to the review clinic will mean, you will be able to have your blood taken in the community at your doctor’s surgery and will mean you do not have to attend the clinic and have the long waits this involves.
Most patients only have to be reviewed every few months with a blood test, this kind of clinic will allow us to do exactly the same review but save you having to attend the hospital in person.
What will happen?
Once you have had your blood taken at your doctor’s surgery, a clinical nurse specialist, pharmacist, registrar or consultant will review your blood results in an allocated appointment slot.
They will then write to you confirming your blood results and advise if any changes to your medications are required.
What if I need to contact you?
You can always contact the Haematology Clinical Nurse Specialist Team if you have any concerns about your diagnosis or treatment, or if you experience any new problems.
The team can be contacted on (01482) 461087, if you leave a message please provide your name, telephone number and if possible NHS or HEY number
How do I get my bloods taken?
You will receive a blood test form from the hospital. You should have your blood test taken up to seven days before the allocated review clinic time slot. You can either have your blood taken at your local doctor’s practice, Queens Centre for Oncology and Haematology or at Hull Royal Infirmary.
After each review you will receive a new blood test form in the post with your clinic letter.
Will I speak with anyone?
A specialist will review your blood results, they will not call unless there is a problem with the results. They will send you a letter with your blood results and information about the medications you are taking.
If there are any problems or have any queries regarding your clinic letter you can call the Nurse Specialists office on (01482) 461087 who can help you.
We hope that this new system will be much more convenient for you whilst continuing to ensure that your condition continues to be safely monitored. However, please be assured that if you tell us you are having problems or your blood results need closer monitoring we will arrange for you to be seen by a specialist at Castle Hill Hospital.
How do I get my prescription?
Once your blood results have been reviewed your medication will be prescribed.
If this is your first time on the Review Clinic, the Boots Pharmacy at the Queens Centre will give you call informing you that your medication is ready to collect from your designated local Boots Pharmacy. After which, the medication will be sent to the agreed local Boots Pharmacy (where applicable) the week after the review date.
For your second and subsequent remote review appointments your medication will be available to collect 7 days after your appointment.
Any questions about collection please call Boots on (01482) 461228.
Concerns and queries
If you have any concerns or queries about any of the services offered by the Trust, in the first instance, please speak to the person providing your care.