- Reference Number: HEY-851/2023
- Departments: Endoscopy, Upper GI Endoscopy
- Last Updated: 24 October 2023
When can I eat and drink?
Because your throat was sprayed with local anaesthetic you are advised to have a sip of cold water following your procedure to check that your gag reflex has returned. If normal, you may have anything cold to eat or drink. Nothing hot until informed when safe to do so.
Are there any after effects of the procedure?
You may have a sore throat for the next 24-48 hours; this is quite normal and nothing to worry about.
What if I feel unwell after the test?
If you experience any severe abdominal pain, vomiting or you pass more than an egg cup full of red blood, please seek help immediately.
The Endoscopy Unit is open Monday to Friday 8.00am – 6.00pm, our contact telephone number is (01482) 622065.
Outside of these hours please ring Ward 100 at Hull Royal Infirmary on (01482) 675100, your own doctor or Emergency Department. Please do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything you are worried about after the test.
The full results of your examination will be discussed at your next outpatient appointment or by your family doctor.
Should you require further advice on the issues contained in this leaflet, please do not hesitate to contact the Endoscopy Department on tel no: (01482) 622065