Veterans/Reservists and Dependents – How you can help

Patient Experience

  • Reference Number: HEY-888/2017
  • Departments: Trustwide - Adult
  • Last Updated: 15 May 2017


Ask the Question

Identify the Veteran, Reservist or dependent at the earliest opportunity during the initial assessment by asking the question ‘Have you served in the Armed Forces as a Regular or Reservist or are you a dependent of someone who is?’

Delivering Information

The aim of this leaflet is to provide you with contact details for a number of support networks available to Serving and Ex Armed forces communities.

Armed Forces Veterans Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Clubs are a group of veterans and serving members of the Armed Forces. There are no rules or subscriptions, they meet weekly, eat breakfast and indulge in banter.


Employment and Training Courses:


Provider of employment services and jobs to ex-military and service leavers.

Tel: 0121 236 0058


A free online service supported by the Royal British Legion to help anyone from the forces community throughout their career in civilian life. The service provides help for service personnel and their families during transition from the Armed Forces or at any time throughout your civilian career, it is also for their widows, widowers, partners and dependents

Veterans Gateway

The first point of contact for veterans seeking support

Tel: 0800 802 1212


Lifelong support for serving personnel and members of the ex-forces community, regulars and reservists.

Tel: 0845 241 7141      Website:

SSAFA Forcesline Tel: 0800 731 4880

Royal British Legion

Helps serving members of the Armed Forces, ex-service men and women and their families now and for the rest of their lives.

Tel: 0808 802 8080     Website:

Combat Stress

Provide specialist clinical treatment and welfare support to UK veterans suffering from psychological injuries.

Tel: 0800 138 1619   Website:

ABF The Soldiers Charity

They give lifetime support to serving and retired soldiers and their families and provide financial assistance when in need.

Tel: 020 7901 8900


National charity that directly supports all of our service men and women who have lost limbs, the use of limbs or the loss of eyesight

Tel: 020 8590 1124

Mental Health Support – Veterans Outreach Service

The service provides a first point of contact for people aged 18 and over and is available to anyone who has completed one day’s service or more with the British Military, is a reservist not currently deployed or is a family member of military personnel.

Big White Wall

Online mental wellbeing support 24/7. It’s safe, anonymous and has Wall guides (counsellors) available 24/7. This service is free to serving personnel, veterans and their families.

Hull 4 Heroes – helping local veterans in need.

Families Support Organisations

The Ripple Pond

Is a peer led support group for adult family members of those who have been impacted by events experienced while serving in the Armed Forces, be that due to physical injury or emotional trauma, however long ago and in whatever conflict or manner. They offer local support in small groups within a safe, confidential environment; where there is not a group local to you, we will be there for you via phone, email, text and Facebook until a group becomes available in your area.

Tel: Julia 07968 310329   Sue 07748 364675



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