Blood Sciences

We are a team of dedicated and committed healthcare professionals providing 24 hour access to care for patients in the region with bleeding disorders.  The Consultant Haematologists are Dr David Allsup (centre Director) and Dr Jireh Ann-Batac who care for adults and Dr Simone Green who cares for children with bleeding disorders. The clinical nursing team consists of two part time clinical nurse specialists (CNS); CNS Phillipa Barnes and CNS Katie Gladstone, one full time Senior Staff Nurse Jeanette Fenwick and one part time Senior Staff Nurse Emilie Newman. We also have a specialist physiotherapist Joanne Minshall and a data manager Sam Young. A joint haematology and obstetric clinic is held monthly by Dr Ann-Batac (Haematology Consultant), Dr Yeap (Obstetrician) and a haemostasis nurse caring for pregnant patients with a variety of bleeding disorders and managing their care during pregnancy, delivery and post-delivery.

The haemophilia team regularly participates in research studies related to a variety of different bleeding disorders and all team members are trained appropriately for this. The whole team regularly attends relevant conferences and training course to ensure our clinical knowledge is up to date, effective and safe.  We have robust systems in place for assisting us in providing high quality, patient focused care, including monthly multidisciplinary meetings and Trust wide guidelines for care of patients with bleeding disorders.

The Hull haemostasis CCC service cares for both adults and children with various bleeding disorders. We provide patients with a wide range of inpatient, outpatient and community outreach care including responding to emergency episodes. The nursing team are heavily involved in delivering patient care and work between sites at Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital.  The nursing team also provide nurse led clinics, hold non-medical prescribing qualifications, support and manage patient surgery within the Trust, provide training to other staff within the trust and in the community setting.  The nursing team carry out home visits for training parents/carers and attend schools to provide educational talks for young people with bleeding disorders.  Patients on regular treatment regimens have access to home delivery which is organised through the nursing team.  Paediatric patients are seen at Hull Royal Infirmary by the same nursing team that cover adult services. This therefore helps ease the transitioning period for children when moving over to adult services at Castle Hill Hospital.  The team also cares for adults with Immune Thrombocytopenia Pupura (ITP) at Castle Hill Hospital.

Patients have access to genetic counselling, specialist physiotherapy and laboratory testing with strong links with other specialist services within HUTH.  Patients are given a haemorrhagic status card which contains the appropriate telephone numbers needed to obtain advice, support and specialist information. They have access to this advice 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Severe haemophiliacs (adults and children) have access to a dedicated clinic ensuring all their needs are met. The haemophilia physiotherapist will be present at these clinics.

The adult haemostasis clinics are every Friday morning at Castle Hill Hospital.  These are a combination of new patients, severe patients and follow up appointments, they will be either face to face or telephone.

Dr Green’s new patient paediatric clinics are on a Tuesday morning once a month with Dr Lesley Clarkson – Consultant paediatrician.  There is also a follow up clinic held once a month on a Wednesday afternoon.  Both clinics are a combination of face to face and telephone appointments.

Nurse led service: Daily clinic Monday to Friday 8 am – 6pm.  Pre-planned appointments (follow ups) and acute assessments.  Patients with acute problems are encouraged to call the contact numbers below for advice first so your care can be directed to the most appropriate clinical area.

Nurse led Telephone Clinics: Once a month Friday pm (3rd Friday pm) Paediatrics and once a month Monday pm (2nd Monday pm).

Please note: telephone appointment times are a guide you not be called at that exact time but they will ring you that morning or afternoon (depending on if it is a morning or afternoon clinic session).

Should you require an interpreter for your appointment please make sure we are aware by contacting the telephone number on your clinic letter or the number below and this can be arranged. We can also access remote interpreter services on the day of your appointment (video or telephone).

Access to other services

Referrals to physiotherapy are made through the haemostasis nursing team on the number below.   For general physiotherapy enquiries you can call the haemophilia nurses or contact the Therapies centre at Castle Hill Hospital on 01482626712.  Both can direct your enquiry to the correct physiotherapist.

Service Lead

Dr David Allsup
Consultant Haematologist and Centre Director

Key Contacts

Phillipa Barnes (RSCN/RGN) / Katie Gladstone (RGN) 
Clinical Nurse Specialists / Non-medical independent prescribers

Jeanette Fenwick (RSCN/RGN) and Emilie Newman (RGN)
Senior Staff Nurses

Travelling Abroad

If you have a bleeding disorder and are travelling abroad, it can sometimes need a little more pre-planning. Please discuss with the team prior to travelling. Travel letters for customs for carrying medication can also be provided.

It is useful to find out where the nearest place for treatment is during your travels – see WFH website for travel information and the Haemophilia Centre Locator, and always discuss with nurse specialists.

Useful Links

Opening Hours

The Haemostasis Nursing Team are available Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 6.00pm.

Contact Us

  • 01482 461403 (Nurses’ Office)
  • 01482 461296 (Secretary)

Get Advice

For advice on bleeding disorders in a non-emergency situation please e-mail the following address:
Please note this e-mail is not monitored 24 hours a day.

For urgent advice please contact the haemophilia nurses during office hours as seen above.
Or if you need advice out of office hours you can call the haematologist on-call  via the switch board ( 01482 875875 ) or attend your local accident and emergency centre.

Feedback and Complaints

Our Patient Advice and Liaison Services (PALS) allows patients to get advice, give feedback, get support and make complaints. To get in contact with PALS, please see the Compliments, Comments, Concerns or Complaints page.

Feedback forms are available in both adult and children’s clinics. We encourage you to complete these at each appointment. Comments are reviewed every month and form an important part of ensuring care provided is of a high standard.